问题标签 [spip]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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markdown - 将 SPIP 文本转换为 markdown(或 HTML)

我必须更新一个基于 SPIP 的旧网站(具有特定的 Markdown-like 语法的法国 CMS)。

我想将其数据库内容转换为降价,但我没有找到任何有用的资源来将 SPIP 语法转换为 HTML(然后通过 League /html-to-markdown进行降价,例如),但我不是能够找到正确的方法(来自 SPIP 的代码)来执行此操作。


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wordpress - Migrating a SPIP (version 3) website to a Wordpress website: any existing software ?

I have to find a way to import website based upon SPIP 3 to a wordpress site. Both sites do already exist, and the ancient site (SPIP3) contains approximately a thousand articles, in about 10 categories, written by ten authors or so (it's an association site). Is it possible to find a software efficient to do so? Thank you in advance for your answer if you know about that.

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javascript - Spip - 将数据从 Javascript 传递到隐藏的输入值

J'正在尝试以 CVT 形式以隐藏的输入值将一些数据从 javascript 传递到 #ENV。在表单中,我有一些工作正常的无线电输入和一个隐藏输入来获取存储在 js 变量中的传单坐标。我的输入看起来很有趣:


