问题标签 [sony-smartwatch]

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sony-smartwatch - 如何从智能手表小部件打开通知视图?

我想制作我的自定义小部件,我想在我的自定义小部件的某个区域使用短按来导航到我的通知列表,并在另一个区域上短按来导航到我的控件。可能吗 ?

我在这个答案中找到了从小部件打开控件的示例代码:我应该如何从程序代码启动 SmartWatch Extension?


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android - 索尼智能手表只需 1 个应用程序即可创建 2 个扩展

我正在开发和 smartwatch 应用程序,我想知道我是否可以在同一个应用程序上创建 2 个扩展。我的意思是,我希望我的 Android 应用程序创建 2 个智能手表扩展,而不是像往常一样只创建一个。请你帮助我好吗?非常感谢!

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android - 索尼智能手表 - 小部件窗口


在代码示例 (sdk) 中,我们可以在 Event Widget 中看到这一点,当您在屏幕中单击时,会打开一个“窗口”,您可以在那里看到事件。


在 NotificationWidgetExtension : SmartExtensionUtils : onTouch 事件



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sony - Can the smartwatch bootloader be forced to run

Sorry for the long intro, but it helps explaining the context of the question.

I've been trying to understand more about how the smart watch works to write a custom firmware for it by reading the arduino-like code that was posted on github. I noticed that all the examples have in the loop() function the following code:

This line appears to be monitoring the power button, and in case it's pressed, shut down the watch. This raises a concern, though. The boot chain as I've understood so far is this: when the watch is turned on, it starts executing the bootloader code at the address 0x08000000. If the USB is connected and the user pushes the button within one second, it enters dfu mode and allows to download a new firmware. Otherwise, the user code, which sits at 0x08040000 is run.

Now, what happens if due to a programmer mistake, the code enters an infinite loop, and never checks the power button nor shutdown? Is there a way to force-reset the watch (such as holding the power button for five seconds, connecting the usb cable with the button pressed or some combination like that) to run the bootloader again, and download a new firmware? If there isn't, will a mistake that causes an infinite loop brick the watch permanently?

Normally I would just try and see what happens, but I don't want to brick my watch, that's why I'm asking here.

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android - Sony SmartWatch Control Extension,显示来自我的应用程序的视图

我想在我的智能手表上显示我现有应用程序 XYZ 的输出(位图)。我知道,控制 API 是要走的路,但索尼 SDK 和开源项目(8Game 和 MusicPlayer)中的现有示例对我来说并不清楚。我的假设是否正确,我需要将以下类集成到我现有的应用程序中?

  • MyControlWatch.java
  • MyExtensionReceiver.java
  • MyExtensionService.java
  • MyRegistrationInformation.java

我还需要什么以及如何让 SmartWatch 显示我的位图?我是否必须发送一个CONTROL_START_REQUEST_INTENT,如果是,我应该从哪里发送?我必须从给定的 SampleControlExtension 更改什么才能获得我的结果?

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java - 如何将应用程序扩展到 SmartWatch



我是否必须在智能手表应用程序的 androidManifest 中声明该服务?


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sony - 索尼智能手表的stm32供电电压是多少

stm32 数据表说,必须根据用于为微控制器供电的电压和频率来配置读取 FLASH 存储器的等待状态数。当以 120MHz 运行时,假设电压高于 2.7VI,将其配置为三个等待状态,但微控制器在高 CPU 负载下崩溃。


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design-patterns - 索尼智能手表 - 检测到额外的水龙头?



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android - 图像尺寸不正确



但这就是它在 Galaxy S4 上的样子(运行库存 Android 4.2.2)


显示的图像比预期的要小得多。似乎问题与此类似:Sony Smartwatch 上的 XML 布局,但我已经res/drawable-nodpi按照建议将图像文件放入了文件夹中。




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android - 如何将值从主机应用程序发送到 smartextension?

我对使用从主机应用程序到智能扩展的意图有疑问。我在 hostapp 中有 Class ActivityReceiver
