问题标签 [smart-tv]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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javascript - How can I check if Samsung Smart TV has Internet connection?

I need to know if an Internet connection is available before playing a video. How can I get it?

Now this code working wrong. Player start play but we have not internet. How can I be sure that I have a connection to the internet?

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browser - 智能电视浏览器和 Meteor.js 应用程序

我尝试在我的三星智能电视(我认为是 2013 年)库存 Internet 浏览器上运行 Meteor.js 应用程序并收到“内存不足错误”。我有兴趣看看是否有人可以或已经在一些最新的 SMART TV 浏览器上运行 Meteor.Js 应用程序......

例如。我尝试运行一个示例应用程序来测试 Meteor.js Streams 包...


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android - 在悬停侦听器未在 android 中启动

我正在尝试在 android 中调用悬停侦听器。我在 a 中有图像按钮,relative layout我正在为Android Smart TV




我如何也可以onHoverListener 使用电视遥控器进行工作?

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javascript - GetScreenRect_PosMode() 和 GetScreenRect_SizeMode() 返回 -2




对 PosMode 和 SizeMode 都返回 -2。这是一个负值,所以显然出了点问题,但我不知道是什么。这是什么意思?屏幕上也没有任何显示。



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samsung-smart-tv - 如何获取用户在智能电视上观看的频道


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scheduling - 在三星智能电视初创公司上启动应用程序


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facebook - Facebook login from Samsung SmartTV

I have been experimenting with Samsung and LG smartTV specially for Facebook based login.

After searching rigorously over LG and Samsung dev forum and StackOverflow, I couldn't come up with any solution. Later I created a prototype app with the following strategy -

  • I have a simple application, with a welcome screen and a big "Connect with Facebook" button
  • Once user click over "Connect with Facebook" it redirects to Facebook login page.
  • Later user enters email and password
  • After successful login Facebook redirects back to our online hosted application page with access_token
  • Then we have an angularjs based app which just do some Facebook graph call and show as proof of success.

I have integrated the above strategy in both LG and Samsung TV. LG seems to be working with Emulator, If I use window.NetCastSystemKeyboardVisible(true); which shows the native keyboard on redirected (Facebook login page).

But I couldn't find anything similar to window.NetCastSystemKeyboardVisible(true); for Samsung Smart TV.

So my question is,

Am I doing it right ? Or Am I missing something obvious that someone knows already ?


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video - 是否有基于 CE-HTML 的工具用于在智能电视上播放视频?

我正在寻找将在 CE-HTML 页面中使用的视频播放器工具(如 jwplayer)。使用 Smart tv 应用程序的开发人员在播放视频时通常使用以下简单和基本的代码

是否有基于 CE-HTML 的工具用于在智能电视上播放视频?

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samsung-smart-tv - 从三星智能电视加载频道列表

是否有 API(例如 http)可以通过网络访问三星智能电视的频道列表?

似乎有一个设备 api 允许智能电视上的应用程序访问频道,但不能通过网络访问。


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sdk - 是否可以使用任何单一平台为多个智能电视开发应用程序

是否可以为多个智能电视开发单个应用程序?我期待使用任何单一的 IDE / 平台为多台智能电视开发应用程序。