问题标签 [sln-file]

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visual-studio - 当我在 Visual Studio 上重新打开项目时,我只找到了 .sln 格式的解决方案,有人可以向我解释如何解决这个问题?

在 Visual Studio 2015 中创建网站并添加一些项目后,我保存项目,然后关闭 Visual Studio。当我在 Visual Studio 上重新打开项目时,我只找到了 .sln 格式的解决方案(而不是我的 .aspx 格式的文件),有人可以向我解释如何解决这个问题?我想查看我创建的所有项目,而不仅仅是解决方案!

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asp.net - 由于 v11.0.0.0 Microsoft.TeamFoundation 参考错误,无法构建 sln

我无法在 VS2010 中构建 .sln。我也安装了VS2013

已从“c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 12.0”references 中引用了 dll


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visual-studio - 在 Visual Studio 中强制安装扩展

我们正在处理一个相当大的项目,并且很难让人们正确配置他们的 Visual Studio(制表符而不是空格等)。我们在使用 Visual Studio 的EditorConfig扩展时找到了一个很好的解决方案。

但是,仍然有一些开发人员似乎忽略了我们将这个扩展安装到他们的 Visual Studio 的请求,因此我想知道是否有任何方法可以在打开解决方案之前强制安装扩展,也许是在.sln 文件?

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visual-studio - 不使用 Visual Studio 将基于 project.json 的项目添加到 .sln 文件

我们有在 Linux、Windows 和 Mac 上使用 VS Code 的开发人员。我们也有开发人员在 Windows 上使用完整的 Visual Studio。当前者(包括我)没有将他们的项目添加到解决方案中时,就会出现问题,而后者因此看不到解决方案中的项目。

开发人员如何在sln无需打开 Visual Studio 的情况下将他们的 project.json 项目添加到 a 中?

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vb.net - 为什么我会得到“ElementAtOrDefault”不是“System.Data.EnumerableRowCollection”的成员?

我正在尝试运行一个 VB 解决方案(只是接管它来维护)。当我尝试通过 F5 运行它时,我收到了几个错误,其中第一个是:

但是在错误列表窗格中单击 2 次会将我带到这一行(第 908 行):

字符串“ ElementAtOrDefault ”在代码中没有出现。上面的线是如何造成这种破坏的?


这段代码或其配置似乎存在一些根本性的缺陷。项目的 Bin 文件夹包含 DAL05.dll(和 DAL05.pdb),以及四个 Telerik DLL。

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vb.net - Why am I getting, "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." but no line of code is implicated?

When I try to build my VB.NET solution, I get the error, "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." but in the Error List pane, the File, Line, Column, and Project columns are blank:

enter image description here

How can I solve the problem if it won't tell me where it is?


I selected the Project, then "Show Project Dependency Diagram" and got this:

enter image description here

I don't know what I'm looking at.


I don't know if this is unusual or to be expected, but if I mash F5, I do get a page in a browser (http://localhost:2030/) without any err msg; granted, the page looks like North Dakota from an airplane in winter.


Now (after fixing a couple of obvious issues, such as unterminated html tags), it won't even say it's fine with a Rebuild All (improving it made it "worse").

With both Rebuild All and Build, I get, "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." but with no indication of where that unset object reference was found.

Scarier yet, when I run Resharper > Inspect > Code Issues in Solution, there are, among other things, 10 VB Compiler Errors, of the following two types:

Why would there be compiler errors and yet it still compiles? This is getting curiouser and curiouser.

As an idea for how many warnings, errors, etc. this project has, here is an overview of the things that Resharper tsk-tsks about:

enter image description here

20 errors and a thousand other "issues" - it makes me feel like writing a country song!


When I right-click the project and select "View in Page Inspector" I see the following:

enter image description here

Could this be the problem and, if so, how do I see to it that the Dev server is running on .NET 4.0 or later?

Or is this a red herring?


Now there's a Warning that may shed some light here:

C:\MemberOrderEntry\MembersOrderEntry\MembersOrderEntry\Weyand\Default.aspx: ASP.NET runtime error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

This is the line of code the warning implicates:

The whole Default.aspx file is:

The other warning is, "Validation (XHTML 1.0 Transitional): Element 'page' is not supported. C:\MemberOrderEntry\MembersOrderEntry\MembersOrderEntry\Weyand\Default.aspx"

Does this mean anything/make sense to anybody? What needs to be removed or changed in there?

There are many other files with the same exact code:

(except they have "Vinyard" or something else instead of "Weyand"); so why aren't they several Warnings about that same thing, rather than just this?


Okay, then! (arghh) If I expand those files in the Solution Explorer, they do elicit warnings. Why would that be? The compiler doesn't notice htem unless they are expanded in Solution Explorer? That makes no sense...


Is "Element 'page' is not supported" the root of the problem?

With three of the folders expanded, I see:

enter image description here

The "page" is like so:

It seems that each "Page" is problematic; and for each one, there is a possibly corresponding "ASP.NET runtime error: Object ref not set" warning - which may be what causes the error of the same type.

If the 'Page' element is the/a problem, what is the fix for it?

If I simply remove it, like so:

...then I get, "Element '' is not supported." It's not just a Catch-22, because many more errors are caught than that, when everything is expanded.


The errors cause me to wonder: What does the "Inherits" directive signify? I have such as:

In more context, the appear within Default.aspx files like so:

There is no "CapitolCity._Default" file anywhere that I can see (which is apparently supposedly what is being "inherited"). What is being inherited here, or trying to be inherited?

In this case, the file with the line above is Default.aspx, beneath/within the \\CapitolCity folder. Beneath it is the Default.aspx.vb file.

There is a \\Default.aspx file, with a Default.aspx.vb beneath it. The first is:

Is there something wrong with it, and if not, what could be causing this gigantic headache?

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visual-studio-2013 - 为什么源代码控制条目不断添加回我的 .sln 文件?

我终于能够运行一个我负责维护的遗留 ASP.NET 项目。一个关于它的问题和我的试探性自动回答在这里

简而言之,似乎我需要做的一件事就是清除 TFS 文件和 .sln 文件中引用它们的部分。

至于后者,我从解决方案 (.sln) 文件中删除了这些条目:

...但是由于某种原因它们已被添加回来,因此我的 .sln 再次包含它们,并且对于上下文/完整披露是:



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visual-studio-2015 - 使用 .sln(VS2015 解决方案)文件中的环境变量获取相对路径

我正在尝试创建一个加载 VS2015 解决方案文件的批处理文件。我们使用源代码控制分支,因此.sln 中包含的项目的路径可能会有所不同,具体取决于所选的分支,如下所示:trunk\branches\B1\branches\B2\ 等...

在 .sln 文件中,包含的项目定义如下所示:




如您所见,包含文件夹之间相对移动的环境变量被完全忽略,但另一个 env. 变量被添加到字符串 OK。


(我知道有一种方法可以使用带有绝对路径的 subst 命令来克服这个问题,但如果有更好的方法,我想避免这种情况。)

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c# - 如何手动将解决方案文件夹添加到 .sln 文件?


我想在“TopLevel”下创建另一个“ModuleFolder”并添加其对应的项目和测试项目文件。但是,出于我的目的,我必须手动修改 .sln 文件以添加它们(我正在将其作为 yeoman 生成器的一部分进行,这意味着我不能像往常一样在 VS 中执行此操作)。

我的问题是,当我修改 .sln 文件时,我的文件夹显示为不可用的项目,当我尝试重新加载它时,加载失败并显示“找不到项目文件或 web”。这是我在 .sln 文件中所做的事情:



然后在“preSolution”部分添加一行,将 NewModuleFolder 放在 TopLevelFolder 下方,并将 TestProject 放在 NewModuleFolder 下方:

这正是我的解决方案中所有其他文件夹和项目的工作方式(相信我,我进行了双重和三重检查,并尝试切换 GUID 以确保)。

关于如何使这项工作或我做错了什么的任何想法(或者考虑到我正在创建一个 yeoman 生成器,我应该以不同的方式这样做)?


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asp.net - 将我的解决方案和项目存储在不同的位置是不是一个坏主意?


我的解决方案(“customerreportingnet”)的 Path 属性是:

该解决方案下的唯一项目是网站(“ http://localhost/EMS/customerreportingnet/ ”)。



我在设置中做错了吗?我从 .zip 文件中下载了这些文件,并将它们解压缩到 C:\EnhancedMonthlySalesReporting\

然后我在 IIS 中创建了一个虚拟目录,将其映射到 C:\EnhancedMonthlySalesReporting\customerreportingnet\customerreportingnet,并为其命名为“EMS”。


文件 > 打开网站...

然后我打开 IIS > EMS

当我这样做时,我看不到“项目”下的任何文件——在解决方案资源管理器中可见的只是解决方案和项目名称——它们下面没有子文件夹或文件。但是当我右键单击解决方案“customerreportingnet”并选择“打开网站”,然后回复“打开网站(这将关闭当前解决方案)”,一切都比较好-我可以右键单击项目( “ http://localhost/EMS/customerreportingnet/ ”),选择在浏览器(Internet Explorer)中查看,站点运行。

C:\Users\cshannon\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\customerreportingnet\ 中的唯一文件是:

customerreportingnet.sln customerreportingnet.v12.suo

C:\EnhancedMonthlySalesReporting\customerreportingnet\customerreportingnet 拥有这些文件以及更多文件(以及 beaucoup 文件夹)。

我应该尝试将解决方案路径重置为 C:\EnhancedMonthlySalesReporting\customerreportingnet\customerreportingnet,还是这只是一个奇怪的问题,但不是问题?
