问题标签 [slidingmenu]
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android - switch to a new activity, instead of switching fragments, when jfeinstein10's slidingmenu list item is clicked
I have seen a few questions raised on this topic (for e.g.: https://github.com/jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu/issues/5) but I am still unclear. I hope somebody can clarify this.
See https://github.com/jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu
I have an android app that organizes screens by activities and fragments (i.e.) each screen is an activity containing one or more fragments. The new requirement is to add a sliding menu (similar to what this library provides).
It appears from the examples and discussion that the right model would be to have just 1 MAIN ACTIVITY that will then switch in/out fragments belonging to the different screens. In fact the author mentions in the above thread: "If you were to launch Activities based upon the list selection, then you would not have the behavior where you swap the views that you're talking about. " and also "You can't put an Activity into the above view. That doesn't really make sense when you think about what an Activity is. ".
Why doesn't it make sense? Obviously, I am missing the point here.
Given that my project already contains multiple activities (one corresponding to each screen), is my only option then to re-organize the project to have JUST 1 MAIN ACTIVITY, in order to use this library? Or alternatively, is there any way to launch a new activity when a list item in the sliding menu is clicked, and still observe the sliding menu behavior, [EDIT- added the last part to be more clear] or in other words, on how exactly to use this library within my existing app design.
Thanks in advance
android - Crouton + SlidingMenu 重叠
我同时使用SlidingMenu和Crouton,但我发现滑动菜单与 crouton 通知重叠
我会在 github 上报告一个问题,但我不知道这个 bug 属于哪里。
Cyril Mottier 在他关于布局内通知的 Prixing 文章中提到了 3 个上下文的存在,左侧菜单有自己的上下文。这样,通知与其余内容一起滑动。
因为 SlidingMenu 和 Crouton 都使用 Activity 上下文,所以这可能根本无法修复。我们可以轻松调用
在显示 SlidingMenu 之前,但我喜欢 Prixing 的滑出功能。
我通过创建对象并将其附加到活动来使用 SlidingMenu
对于这两种情况,这是相同的 Activity
android - android - 如何使用 SlidingMenu 库更新 Fragment
我正在使用 jfeinstein10 的 SlidingMenu 库(点击这里!!!)。
在我的 ListFragment 中,我有一个带有动态项的适配器。
为什么 ?如何更新我的 ListFragment ?
我调试了我的应用程序,但我的 ListFragment 中的另一种方法在我打开菜单时永远不会调用。
android - jfeinstein 10 implementation
I tried to implement the JFeinstein library to create a sliding menu. It is working if I make the slide gesture anywhere on the screen only on the left margin no. If i make there a slide gesture will change my view with the menu view and it will put it in the full screen which I don't want to ... can someone tell me why is that happening ?? my code is :
android - 安卓支持v4.jar
当我想在我的应用程序中添加滑动菜单时,我遇到了 android 支持 v4.jar 的问题。我已经在我的应用程序上使用了 viewpager 库,它也使用了 support v4.jar。当我添加新库(滑动菜单)时,jar 不匹配。然后我去构建路径来纠正它并使用支持 v4.jar 滑动菜单,但支持 v4.jar 滑动菜单不支持 viewpager 脚本。支持 v4.jar 如何同时用于 viewpager 和slidingmenu?以及如何将 v4.jar 用于 viewpager、slidingmenu 和 zxing?
android - Jfeinstein10 滑动菜单主题
我有一个关于使用jfeinstein10 SlidingMenu的 API<=10 运行时主题切换的问题
onCreate 是这样的
和 onButtonClick 我做这样的事情
API> 10 时一切正常(“重新启动”后的 config_sliding_menu 和主布局显示为 newTheme )但 API<=10 config_sliding_menu 显示为 style.xml 中定义的默认应用程序主题,主布局显示为 newTheme。
有一种方法可以强制 API<10 上的 SlidingMenu 菜单采用 newTheme?
android - Adding an EditText to jfeinstein sliding menu
I am working on an android project and I am making use of jfeinstein sliding menu library, library can be located at https://github.com/jfeinstein10/slidingmenu.
I have got the library working fine and have amended my code to make it work with other components, not just TextViews, such as Switches. I am now trying to add an EditText to the menu so that the user can enter directly in the box without having to switch activities.
I have it so I have a called MenuAdapter
which extends ArrayAdapter
. This then has a series of constructors which, based on the constructor and what values are passed into, determine which control is added to the sliding menu. The EditText
is being added to the sliding menu and the hint is being sent, and when I tap on the edit text the keyboard is displayed but if I type anything, its not shown in the EditText. However, oddly, if I long press on the edit text and click paste, I can view the content that is pasted so its just typing that's not working.
Below is the XML layout, each component is hidden using the visibility set to gone
and then is set to be displayed dependent on the constructor that was used.
Below is the code for how the EditText
is being addd to the menu.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
android - 带有滑动菜单的操作栏 Sherlok?
当左上栏单击它时,我想通过操作栏 sherlok 显示幻灯片菜单,它显示了幻灯片菜单。我做了所有事情,但我不能让事件从左上角显示幻灯片菜单我做了以下但它不起作用
java - 滑动菜单和 Maven
我收到一条错误消息,说它找不到 SlidingMenu。依赖是否正确?我还没有发现它在任何地方定义。
jquery - jPanelMenu 在菜单打开时添加样式
我正在使用 jquery 滚动来滚动回顶部。如果窗口被滚动,溢出就会搞砸。所以.jPanel.open{overflow-x:hidden;}