问题标签 [sliders]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
d3.js - 滑块在 d3.js v3 中有效,但在 v4 中无效
我有一些滑块在“ https://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js ”中可以正常工作,但在“ https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js ”中没有。谁能建议如何在第 4 版中进行这项工作?版本 3 中的快照:
java - 如何为 RGB 程序制作以下滑块
我需要制作一个像 RGB 选择器这样的程序,我的窗口中有滑块(sliderR,sliderG,sliderB),但我不知道如何使滑块立即改变颜色,我唯一拥有的是以下滑块代码:
但是,此代码仅适用于滑块 R,滑块 G 是静态的。我该如何解决这个问题?
python - Impossibility to index some plt.text within a slider
I want to create a plot where there is 2 subplots : a cone plus a plane, and the volume corresponding when I move the plan height thanks to the slider. I would like to implement a text that changes every time I change the value of the slider.
Now, there is just one problem remaining : the text is adding up on each other, creating something completely useless. So my idea was to index the pyplot.text and remove the previous one after each change of the slider value. I understand why my solution is not working but I don't see any way to bypass the problem:
Here's the full code :
i won't go above 1 if the initialisation is in the def update(val):
but it won't work if i is outside :
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'i' referenced before assignment which is also totally understandable.
python - 在 matplotlib 中添加额外的滑块
我不明白为什么我的第三个滑块没有被初始化。有人可以提供一个带有 3 个滑块的示例吗?当我调用滑块对象时,我也没有收到任何错误。
html - panel box work on local host but not on github
So I have created this project for my Show and for some reason I created a panel box that works fine on my local host but not after I hosted it on Github. Here is my source-code:
This is what the panel box looks like:
It looks great, link is working, however all the button are non-responsive; which is weird because everything works fine on my computer. This also happens to my sliders with galleries of our show.
Here is the direct link to the page:
So sorry, I'm quite new to web development so any help or even additional tips non-related to this would be greatly appreciated!
jquery - Bootstrap 4 滑块仅文本推荐
我正在尝试在 Bootstrap 4 中创建一个推荐滑块,它将在 WordPress 中使用自定义帖子类型,但我正在努力让滑块正常工作。
所以我对你的问题是,我如何才能在轮播中显示文本?当我注释掉图像时,它不起作用并且已经在网上搜索了如何做到这一点,但是 BS4 的采用率并不高,这令人沮丧!
我非常有信心我可以让自定义帖子类型和 WP Query 正常工作,但这是我遇到的问题!
swift - Swift Sliders - 致命错误:在展开可选值 (lldb) 时意外发现 nil
我是 Swift 的新手,我正在制作一个基本的应用程序,用输入框中的文本更改标签的文本,我想添加 RGB 滑块来更改将要更改的标签的颜色,但我很快就遇到了错误当我尝试移动滑块时。
致命错误:在展开可选值 (lldb) 时意外发现 nil
javascript - 移动设备上的无限循环和幻灯片数量不适用于 Owl Carousel
我使用 Owl Slider v2.2.1 创建了一个滑块。我有两个问题。
- 我需要它有一个无限循环,我正在设置 loop:true 但它似乎不起作用。
- 我需要至少有两张幻灯片。我已将其设置为 2,但它只显示 2 到 480px,然后显示 1,有没有办法更改断点?
netlogo - Netlogo - 使用滑块设置海龟能量