问题标签 [slidedown]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
jquery - 当我选择 javascript 元素时页面跳转到顶部?
选择 bin 之一时它会跳到顶部吗?我已经尝试了所有方法,但它不起作用(至少在 Chrome 中)。
jquery - Site is slow in IE8. jQuery to blame?
Some of the pages of my site are extremely sluggish in IE8. The pages with lots of content load slowish in all browsers but slower in IE8. I assume they load slow to begin with because there is a lot of procedural PHP and database queries.
But my main concern is how lumberingly slow these pages are after they load in ie8. There are some jQuery slidedown effects and I'm wondering if ie8 just sucks at rendering them.
Here is a page with very little content: http://searchfornutrition.com/?pageid=topic&topicid=acai
The slidedown from the buttons work fine and the jQuery is fast/normal.
Now here is a page with lots of content: http://searchfornutrition.com/?pageid=topic&topicid=vitamin_d
The slidedown from the buttons is sluggish.
I've checked another computer with IE8 and it's the same. I did all the unique programming for this site and I'm no expert. Doing this site was how I learned everything I know about web development so if it's not IE8 then it's probably me.
thanks for any help you can give.
I just tried out the network tab on Chrome dev tools and it was very helpful as far as why my pages load so slowly in the first place. Some of the unnecessary .css links take seconds to load but mostly it's the document itself. Sometimes it can take up to 30 seconds alone, which means my code isn't efficient. I knew my code wasn't efficient since I did most of the site before learning about functions and OOP, so it's procedural and very redundant. I will have to start updating it.
As for the IE issues, I'm still not exactly sure. I'll try some of your suggestions and then maybe make a virus that installs FF or chrome in place of IE whenever IE requests a page :P
Edit 2:
If anyone is wondering how this turned out - I've managed to decrease the loading time significantly by loading only what is initially visible and having ajax (via jQuery) load the data associated with each button slidedown on the event that each button is pressed. It's much faster now, and I still haven't omitted the several unneeded CSS files. It's still sluggish after load in IE8 but I'll tackle that another time and take your suggestions on that into consideration. Thanks for all your help!
jquery - jQuery 框高度问题 - 使用 slideUp/Down
我的网站上有一个框,当单击按钮时,框会向上滑动,将一些新文本加载到其中,然后向下滑动以显示新文本。这是我在 jQuery 中为它编写的代码:
这是 html 的示例,“lyric”中的所有内容都由“lyric.php”文件吐出:
我尝试过使用自定义动画,但我无法模仿 slideUp/Down 并解决盒子高度问题。任何帮助是极大的赞赏。
jquery - jQuery slideDown 用于索引页面上的帖子?(WordPress)
我在 wordpress 中做一个单页网站,我想在索引页面上只显示一篇文章以及文章的摘要。为此,我知道我可以在 loop.php 中将 the_content 更改为 the_excerpt。但是当我点击“继续阅读”时,我来到了一个新页面,这不是我想要的。我希望 div 向下滑动并在页面上显示整个新闻。
jquery - 仅在使用 jquery 向下滑动时加载数据
. 我想向用户显示等待消息,直到数据完全从服务器获取,然后将其显示给用户。
jquery - jquery滑动切换问题
我在切换下一个 div 时遇到问题。继承人的代码:
javascript - SlideDown 事件在 IE 浏览器中不起作用(版本 7)
我创建了一个站点,但是在 IE7 中出现了问题,我有一个导航,当我单击一个 li 元素时,所有 li 的上滑和匹配的 div 下滑。
这适用于除 IE7 以外的所有浏览器
有谁知道我需要做什么来解决这个问题?导致 min-width: 0 不起作用,我必须使用 position: relative
jquery - slideDown 对我不起作用
为什么这个 jQuery 代码不起作用?
jquery - jQuery 的 hide 和 slideUp 方法是否等效?
jquery - jQuery 帮助与跳跃的下拉菜单
我用 jQuery 编写了这段代码,以便有一个简单的悬停下拉菜单。它可以工作,但有时会非常跳动。当您将鼠标滑到某个位置或稍微快一点时,它会跳开/关闭并闪烁……不知道如何补救?