问题标签 [sip-server]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
android - Android SIP:服务未针对传入的 sip 呼叫运行
我正在为 VOIP 呼叫开发 SIP 应用程序。我已经根据我的 UI 要求修改了 SIPDemo。当触发来电时,我的应用程序已注册到服务器域并能够接收呼叫(即使在应用程序未运行的情况下)。但是当我的应用程序被销毁/杀死时,不会触发来电。我已经启动服务,我认为它没有运行。我是新手,无法弄清楚,请提出帮助!
mingw - 为 Windows 构建 Linphone 时出错
我正在尝试按照中的说明为 Windows 构建 linphoneReadme.mingw
使用 MinGw/Msys 中的说明为 Windows 构建 linphone。在下载 belle-sip 软件包之前没有问题。
sip - SIPS 服务器是否需要 RADIUS 服务器?
这可能是一个幼稚的问题,但无论如何我都会问。根据http://www.kamailio.org/docs/openser-radius-1.0.x.html,SIP 服务器应该与 RADIUS 服务器配对以进行身份验证。SIPS怎么样?SIPS 服务器是否具有与 RADIUS 服务器等效的内置功能?
node.js - 通过代理的 SIP 重定向 (SIP.js)
我正在尝试创建一个服务于一个目的的最小 SIP 代理:将请求重定向到另一个域。问题是我要重定向到的域需要授权,所以我假设我需要重写一些 SIP 属性,因为 SIP 授权部分基于目标的域名。
我已经尝试发出 302 重定向以及简单地代理和更改每个 SIP 请求的值,但似乎没有一个可以退出。我正在使用 node.js 库(sip.js)并尝试了重定向和代理模块(https://github.com/kirm/sip.js/blob/master/doc/api.markdown)。
我需要如何修改 SIP 数据以将请求重定向到另一个域并启用对另一个域进行身份验证的任何想法?
java - 编写用于检索 sip 用户列表的 java 代码
我想将 SIP 用户列表从 Asterisk 服务器检索到 SIP 客户端。Asterisk-java API 可用于此目的,但我不清楚我应该怎么做?我需要向 Asterisk AMI 发送操作“SIPpeers”,然后它会返回 SIP 对等方列表。我很困惑是否应该在 Asterisk 服务器或客户端计算机上运行触发“SIPpeers”操作的 Java 程序?
sip-server - 在 Kamailio 中加载新模块
我想问一下,如何在 Kamailio 4.1.2 中加载新模块?实际上,我有一个问题,当我尝试编译我kamaiio.cfg
丢失了。那么,如何在 Kamailio 中获取和加载模块?
android - 使用无线网络的安卓电话系统
这里的错误是无法访问的语句,但是我已经导入了 Sipmanager。我仍然遇到错误。
sip - Call from web client to softphone Twinkle is received but gets disconnected at very next moment
I am using trying to call from web client SipML5 live demo page to a registered user at freeswitch.
Now there are two problems.
1. Sometimes User 1002 is successfully connected and is able to make a call to user 1001 on twinkle. But call is disconnected as soon as it is received.
for this Logs are pasted here. please have a look.
Log of FreeSwitch
Log of WebRTC2Sip
2. Some times call is not made at all. web client connects just stays at the state - "Call in Progress..." after pressing call button. For this no log is produced in FreeSwitch and webrtc2sip. Chrome JS log is here.
webrtc2sip config.xml file content is this ->
FreeSwitch version - > 1.5.12b
WebRTC2Sip Version -> 2.6.0
Chrome version -> 31.0.1650.63
OS - Ubuntu 12.04
Please let me know if more info is required.
sip - Sipp 接受编码 gzip
我正在使用 Sipp 客户端 ( http://sipp.sourceforge.net/ ) 来测试我的 SIP 服务器。但是,当我在 sipp 客户端中使用带有 gzip 值的 Accept-Encoding 标头并将来自服务器的响应打印到日志文件时,它会写入编码字符串。有没有办法使用 sipp 解码从服务器发送的 gzip 数据?
php - 创建简单的 SIP 服务
Recently I've discovered Linphone which offers iOS SDK for creating VoIP calls. I would like to integrate it into my existing chat application and problem is that I need to make SIP service on my server which gives me a headaches. Is there any out of the box solution for this service which can be easily compiled and integrated with MySql database? I found OpenSIPS, Kamailio and Asterisk but since I'm new in this field they look very complicated at first. When you start Linphone example app you can create SIP user account using their free SIP service. I need to create similar service which can be used withing PHP script.
I have experience in UNIX / Linux and with server side programming (PHP & MySql) so even pointing me to a good tutorial would be very helpful.