问题标签 [simple-form-for]

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ruby-on-rails - 一个 simple_form_for New 和 Edit 方法

试图找到一种方法将一个 simple_form_for 用于两个功能——新建和编辑。

= simple_form_for @news_item, :url => url_for(:action => 'create', :controller => 'news_items'), :method => 'post' do |f| = f.input :title, input_html: { class: 'title-input' } = f.input :contents, input_html: { class: 'contents-input' } .actions = f.submit 'Save', class: 'btn btn-success'

目前,每次点击提交按钮时,此表单都会创建新表单,但我也可以将其发送到 :url => url_for(:action => 'update') 吗?

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ruby-on-rails - How to put in tabs the nested form?

I have model CustomerBio and CustomerBioDetail. The details have different category.

CustomerBio model has_many CustomerBioDetails

CustomerBioDetail belongs_to CustomerBio

How I will put my nested into tabs by its category.

sample table:



So I will have 2 tabs for this

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html - 无法让我的导轨形式正常工作

我已经尝试了好几个小时来让我的 Rails 表格工作,但我做不到。它不断抛出的错误说:

ArgumentError at / wrong number of arguments (3 for 1..2)

并且它说发生此错误的代码行位于 f.input 行。有任何想法吗?

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html - 风格的简单形式

下午好。我的风格有问题。我有一个带有 data 的表,但是使用 simple_form_for 我失去了标签和窗口占位符之间的距离。在此之前,我使用了以下代码,现在我有一个问题,没有什么在头爬



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ruby-on-rails - Rails4、cocoon、嵌套表单、has_many 通



还有 LeagueMembership 模型:




当我尝试编辑现有联赛时,它会引发 MissingTemplate 错误,并说它正在寻找另一个名为 _league_membership_fields 的部分。



现在看来我也无法创建新的联赛了。这是 LeaguesController:

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ruby-on-rails - simple_form_for 提交到控制器中的调用函数

我有一个 Rails simple_form_for,它有一个下拉菜单和一个“保存更改”按钮(除其他外)。当用户单击“保存更改”时,我想调用我的控制器中的一个函数,该函数将通过 curl 进行 REST api 调用。curl 命令需要具有从下拉列表中选择的值。当用户单击“保存更改”按钮时,如何发送并调用控制器功能?

现在,我的按钮如下所示: <button class="btn btn-primary" data-disable-with="Saving...">Save changes</button>

如果我的目标合适,请随时纠正我,例如,如果执行 curl 命令的功能不应该在控制器中。

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ruby-on-rails-3 - 如何在 simple_fields_for 局部传递语言环境?




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ruby-on-rails - ruby on rails simple_form_for post to url conditionally

I want to do something a bit outside of the typical rails conventions and I wanted to hear what you guys think.

I have a Test model, with nested Questions, and Question_responses, and I have a form (using simple_form_for) where a user selects answers for the questions in a test. That is all working fine, but I would like to add a Flag feature if a test taker thinks a question is bad. Right now, I am using a link_to method to take the user to the flag controller actions that allow them to create the flag, and I temporarily hold onto the test id variable to take them back to the test. That's all working.

However, as one might see, I am not saving the progress of the test before the user heads over to create a flag - so if you were halfway through a test and flagged a question, you would lose your progress. I have an idea, but I'm not sure if it can work with simple_form :

I would post the data to some other action within the tests_controller, save it, redirect to the create the flag, and then redirect back to the test (in an edit method or something like it), and allow the user to finish the test. This should work, but how would I get the view with the form to post the test data to some other url besides the one specified by the simple_form_for @test, url: at the top of the form? Is there a way to conditionally post the data to another url depending on where the user clicked, or override the :submit protocol for the simple form button object? I'm really not sure, but I feel like someone has to have done something like this before.

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ruby-on-rails - Rails - 简单表单调用我的用户控制器的指定操作

我的问题是,当我尝试从 simple_form_for 表单调用指定方法时,它不起作用。


因此,如您所见,我尝试从我的用户控制器调用 register_iban 方法。但是当我这样做时,我有一个错误:没有路由匹配 {:action=>"register_iban", :controller=>"users", :id=>"5", :locale=>nil}

每次我在控制器中创建一个新方法时,我必须在 routes.rb 文件中创建一个路由吗?在这里,我想制作这个网址:/users/5/register_iban(其中“5”是用户 ID)调用我的方法。

抱歉,但我从 ruby​​ 开始,我很卡住:/

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ruby-on-rails - 关联路线的 Rails 4 和 simple_form

在我的应用程序中,我有 2 个模型 Foo 和 Bar。Foo 'has_one' 酒吧和酒吧 'belongs_to' Foo。


我正在使用simple_form gem。因此,对于像上面提到的那样的嵌套路由,我希望以下工作:

当创建一个新的@bar 时,这条线工作得很好。当我尝试编辑现有的@bar 时,它会失败并显示以下错误消息:


...并且我确保在我的控制器中调用 @foo 的一个实例,但随后我收到一个错误,即路径不存在。
