问题标签 [signpost]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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spring-boot - 验证或验证签名的请求

客户端正在使用签名请求(我相信使用 SignPost)来调用我的 Spring boot REST API 服务器,我应该在允许访问我的资源之前验证或验证该签名。



我对 SignPost 不是很熟悉,但我忘了提到我有客户的密钥和秘密,我想我必须用它来验证签名。


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objective-c - How to make sure Instruments records complete signpost data?

I have an issue with Instruments (Version 11.3.1 (11C505)) where it doesn't record signposts correctly, even in windowed mode. I'm trying to record a large number (hundreds of thousands, possibly over a million, but hard to tell since I cannot get the data) of interval signposts plus some event signposts using the Objective-C macros.

I seem to be running into some sort of limit, since even though I’m telling Instruments to record the last 60 seconds in windowed mode (see screen shot), signpost data only exists for the last roughly five seconds. Other instruments, such as Time Profiler, are not affected (see screen shot).

Instruments setup for recording in windowed mode

Time profiler instrument correctly records data

Using deferred mode does not work very well at all, since the app is stuck modelling the data stream after data acquisition while using around 100% CPU and nothing is actually happening. I’ve tried waiting for a couple of hours, but the bar didn’t move further. I can provide a spin dump if needed. Also, the app is a LOT more sluggish in this recording mode.

Instruments setup for recording in deferred mode

Instruments stuck analysing captured data

Instruments using 100% of one CPU while analysing data without getting anywhere

If I disable one of my signpost categories, I appear to get enough data for the entire run of around 35 seconds.

Am I hitting some sort of invisible wall? If so, what are my options other than disabling entire categories of signposts or keeping the test run shorter? I’d appreciate any kind of suggestion or suspicion as to what might be going on here and how I could mitigate this.

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java - 如何使用 Signpost 和 Apache Http 客户端发送带有 JSON 的 POST 请求

我需要将带有 JSON 正文的 POST 请求发送到使用 Oauth 1.0 进行身份验证的 API。为此,我使用 Signpost 和它的 Apache Commons 模块来签署请求。我已经确认带有空白 JSON 字符串的测试请求可以通过使用 Postman 并让它为我生成身份验证标头来工作。

但是,我无法弄清楚如何使用 Signpost 正确设置请求。具体来说,我不确定如何将领域添加到请求中。

同样,此请求从 API 返回登录请求无效的错误。

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objective-c - 我可以在objective-c调用之前和之后设置路标吗?

我观看了 Instruments 入门,在那里他们展示了Signposts的用法。该示例是用Swift编写的,但我想在我的Objective-C项目中使用它们。



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android - Retrofit 会在 Android 中使用 SigningInterceptor 处理此签名方法“HMAC-SHA256”吗?

服务器签名方法正在从 HMAC-SHA1 更改为 HMAC-SHA256 这将由改造处理还是我必须生成并传递它,如果是这样,如何做到这一点?目前使用https://github.com/pakerfeldt/okhttp-signpost来签署 http 请求...这将处理 HMAC-SHA256