问题标签 [shapedrawable]

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android - 如何在 XML drawable 中创建一个具有两个弯曲边的矩形?




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android - ActionBar Compat 的自定义(渐变)背景

我正在使用 Action Bar Compat,以便我的带有导航抽屉的操作栏向后兼容到 API 级别 9,我想更改操作栏的背景。

我从Android Developers复制了代码:





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android - android:shape="line" not visible

I have the following drawable shape:

And use this with this image:

When I set android:layout_height to 1dp, the shape is not visible. If the android:layout_height is set to 2dp, the shape is visible.

Why do I have to use a height of 2dp?


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android - ShapeDrawable作为Android中RatingBar的progressDrawable?

看来我无法将 ShapeDrawable 设置为 Ratingbar 的 progressDrawable。我尝试了以下但失败了:

myRatingbar 风格:



编辑:使用 .png 而不是 shape 适用于这一行:


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android - Android形状可绘制是否可以凹角?

我为按钮的背景创建了一个可绘制的 Shape 并凸出角落:





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android - Android shape drawable 中缺少圆角显示(仅在三星 Galaxy Tab 7.0 上)

我只是想显示一个带有圆角(半径 3dp)的描边矩形(描边宽度 1dp)。在大多数设备上一切看起来都很好,但在三星 Galaxy Tab 7.0 plus N 上,边角显示不正确。代码如下:

这是结果。它在 Kindle Fire HD 上看起来不错(例如),但在 Galaxy Tab 上不太好:

银河标签 7.0 Kindle Fire HD

Kindle 的屏幕分辨率更高,但在分辨率低于 Galaxy Tab 的设备上看起来也不错。您对如何规避这个问题有任何想法,还是我只需要忍受它?

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java - How to programmatically create a round cornered border using ShapeDrawable in android?

I need to create a border with rounded corners programatically by extending ShapeDrawable. I need to have a black border with rounded corners with the pixels on the outside being white and the inner pixels being transparent. The code I have at the moment has multiple problems, of which are that it does not create a smooth corner that is the same thickness as the border and that the outer pixels of the border are transparent and not white.

Here is a picture of the corners I am currently getting corner

Here is the code where I am passing Color.TRANSPARENT for 'fill' in the constructor:


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android - 检测是否在 shapeDrawable 内发生触摸事件

我正在自定义 android 视图中通过画布绘制许多 ShapeDrawables。我有一个 onTouchEvent 方法,它工作正常。一切正常。现在我希望能够检测触摸事件是否与某个 ShapeDrawable 相交(即发生在内部)。有没有办法做到这一点?

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android - android在布局中添加点线





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android - Android如何以编程方式创建三角形和矩形?

我们如何创建气球可绘制形状,如下所示。我们可以动态改变它的颜色。 在此处输入图像描述