问题标签 [serena]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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migration - 我可以从 ClearCase 迁移到 Serena VM 吗?

我有一个使用Rational ClearCase Explorer 2003.06.10+的存储库,我想将它迁移到Serena ChangeMan Version Manager中。


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version-control - Ideas on setting up a version control system

I've been tasked with setting up a version control for our web developers. The software, which was chosen for me because we already have other non-web developers using it, is Serena PVCS.

I'm having a hard time trying to decide how to set it up so I'm going to describe how development happens in our system, and hopefully it will generate some discussion on how best to do it.

We have 3 servers, Development, UAT/Staging, and Production. The web developers only have access to write and test their code on the Development server. Once they write the code, they must go through a certification process to get the code moved to UAT/Staging, then after the code is tested thoroughly there, it gets moved to Production.

It seems like making the Developers use version control for their code on Development which they are constantly changing and testing would be an annoyance. Normally only one developer works on a module at a time so there isn't much, if any, risk of over-writing other people's work.

My thought was to have them only use version control when they are ready to go to UAT/Staging. This allows them to develop and test without constantly checking in their code.

The certification group could then use the version control to help see what changes had been made to the module and to make sure they were always getting the latest revision from the developer to put up on UAT/Staging (now we rely on the developer zip'ing up their changed files and uploading them via a web request system).

This would take care of the file side of development, but leaves the whole database side out of version control. That's something else that I need to consider...

Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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svn - 这里有没有人将版本控制系统从 PVCS/Serena Dimensions 切换到 Subversion?

谷歌搜索显示存在一些自定义脚本,例如 PVCS --> CVS 然后 cvs --> svn 应该非常简单。但是……有人真的试过吗?使用哪些版本的平台?


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perforce - Perforce 和业务混搭集成


我已经开始着手将Serena Business Mashups与 Perforce 集成。


我需要从哪里开始?您是否使用过 Perforce 集成 SDK?还是从头开始写更好?


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visual-c++ - VC6 IDE 和 Serena 尺寸

任何人都知道,如何配置 Serena Dimensions 或 VC++ IDE 以将Dimensions 集成到 IDE 中?我试图检查 IDE 选项,但它似乎没有这样的东西。

PS:我的电脑中同时安装了 VC6 Ide 和 Serena Dimensions 客户端。

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release-management - 在线用户指南、wiki 或文档是否有任何 Serena Dimensions CM?

我正在寻找“任何”Serena Dimensions CM 用户指南,也许是一些维基,任何东西。似乎没有人在使用它,也没有任何问题。非常感谢您的帮助

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xcode - Xcode 与 PVCS

只是好奇是否有人使用过 PVCS 和 Xcode?我正在尝试访问 SCM 并想确定它是否受支持。


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java - 适用于 RAD 7.5 的 Serena Dimensions 插件

我有一个现有的工作区和安装了 RAD 的 Serena 插件。当我右键单击文件并选择团队选项时,我没有将同步视为可能的操作之一。我该怎么做才能让它出现?在此先感谢您的任何建议。

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tfs - 我可以将版本历史从 Serena 导入 Team Foundation Server 吗?


我们正在从 Serena 迁移到 Team Foundation Server 作为我们的源代码存储库。这是一个完成的交易(无论好坏),我已经知道“没有关键字扩展”。

无论如何,管理员正计划将源代码导入为 1.0 版(或用于第一个版本的任何版本)并忘记 Serena 中的历史。然而,它是一个非常庞大且相当陈旧的代码库,版本历史的丢失意味着丢失了大量信息。

我有一个后备位置,即生成一个 ASCII 版本历史文件,每个模块一个,并尝试将它们附加到 TFS 中的每个模块。一旦我们在 TFS 中,我宁愿找到一种方法来猛击版本历史并保留版本编号(或类似的东西)。

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visual-studio-2008 - 如何删除 Visual Studio 的 Serena Dimensions 插件

我在使用 Visual Studio 2008 和Dimensions 12.1 的地方工作。

每当我启动 VS 时,我都会收到有关不支持Dimensions SCC 插件的错误消息,我必须升级。然后它告诉我重新启动 Visual Studio,这将导致一个很好的递归循环,没有完成任何事情。

如果我忽略错误并在选项(工具 > 选项 > 源代码管理 > 插件选择 > 无)中取消选择 Serena 插件,则下次启动 Visual Studio 时会忽略此问题。

有谁知道如何从 Visual Studio 中删除插件?

无论如何,我更喜欢使用 VS 进行开发,并使用Dimensions 客户端执行源代码控制,切换工具有助于我改变思路。