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php - 选择大于的列?
您好,我有一个表(mysql),在我的查询中,我只想获取大于或等于 4 的列,但我不知道该怎么做
php - 查询适用于 Sequel Pro 但不适用于我的 php 脚本
此查询在 Sequel Pro 上运行良好:
当我在我的 php 脚本上使用它时,它会返回一个错误。这是 php 中的完整查询:
mysql - MySQL自动生成临时密码后无法访问
我已经擦除并安装了OSX 10.11 El Capitan
,我一直在按照本教程在新的 OS X上MySQL
启动和运行。第一步是下载MySQL For Mac OS X 10.9(x86,64 位),DMG 存档(适用于 10.11 ,他们在教程中推荐)。当我完成安装 MySQL 时,我收到消息说:
很奇怪,我从来没有见过这样的消息。之后,我通过 Preference Pane 启动 MySQL,然后/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -v
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'cheetah'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
我还尝试通过Sequel Pro
使用 root 作为用户名和空白密码来访问数据库,我收到拒绝访问的消息说:
好的,我也再次尝试使用 root 作为用户名,但使用“R>gFySuiu23U”作为密码(从 MySQL 生成)。我收到连接失败消息说:
我该如何解决这个问题?我记得 MySQL 从来没有像这样自动生成临时密码,不是吗?
mysql - 如何解决“意外删除的行数!”?
更新 当我执行 TRUNCATE TABLE 'users' 时,我收到此消息
python - 是否有适用于 Python 的独立 Mac 应用程序?
我刚刚使用 El Capitan 在我的 Mac 上进行 Python 编码。我使用的主要代码是 SQL,我几乎完全是通过Sequel Pro完成的。但随着我越来越多地使用 Python(目前主要通过 TextWrangler),我想知道是否有人知道 Sequel Pro 的 Python 类型版本?就可用性和东西而言。Sequel Pro 非常有用,几年前它让学习 SQL 变得如此容易——如果 Python 有类似的东西那就太好了。
这是 Sequel Pro 的屏幕截图,供不熟悉的人使用:
mysql - How can I combine two procedures in one to populate one table rather than each of the two procedures populating it's own table?
I created two tables that were each populated with a different procedure in MySQL with Sequel Pro. While each table has the correct information in it after running the respective procedure, I'm thinking that my data will be less scattered tables if I consolidate some of the tables more.
So, what I would like to do is combine the data from both tables into one. Below is the code I used to try to accomplish this. Unfortunately, it didn't work, and any help with the code would be much appreciated.
create table code:
procedure code:
I get the following error:
Here is a screenshot of the first table I already created "ip_subtotal"
Here is a screenshot of the second table I already created "ER_subtotal"
Here is essentially your same code that I made minor changes to:
Here's the error:
I did try to see what if any variables aren't being fetched and tried to add "accum_ip", "accum_er", "earned_run_avg" but it didn't work...It seems like the eight variables are the ones that the latter three + ones in your fetch statement should be the ones needed...
Here's the table code:
Here's the code based on your changes, but columns ER, ER_total, and STD_ERA are filled with only "Null" values.
Here's a screenshot of the table:
Could it be that only a single formula can be handled in any given cursor operation?
Thank you for your help.
Ok, here is the edited code that populates the following columns with correct values: Starting_Pitcher, Game_Date, Game_Number, innings pitched and ER from the table ip_ER_ERA_subtotal. Columns ER_total and STD_ERA have all "0"s in them.
Here is the code:
I get the following error:
Here is the screenshot of the table:
Now the "ER" column populated but no more "ip_total"
Ok, it finally worked with the below code. Not sure, but I had a hunch that it wasn't liking the name of the field "ER" from the table we were calling up the values (starting_pitcher_game_log) to be inserted into the new table. Don't know why it didn't like it...
EDIT: Here's my edited code to handle "NULL" and divide-by-zero situations:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(innings_pitched, 0), -- replace NULL with 0, if IFNULL(earned_runs, ' at line 25
UPDATE: Screenshots of table when sorting by STD_ERA showing abnormally high STD_ERA values at one end of the range for that field or grayed-out "NULL" values at the other end of the range.
mysql - 如何根据另一个表中的列值创建具有分类值(“home”、“away”)的列
更新:这是上面原始代码中四个字段的 TRIM 命令的代码
然后,我运行以下代码,尝试使用 CHAR 和 VARCHAR 来获取 HomeAway_ID 的变量类型,并尝试使用“AWAY”和“Home”,然后在第 3 行的条件语句中使用“AWAY”和“Home”。
我尝试了以下代码,实现了推荐的 INNER JOIN 命令,但处理查询仍然需要很长时间并且尚未完成:
我没有使用 events 表中的任何引用字段创建主键,因为我计划将来以不同的方式对查询中引用的那些列进行排序。
正确代码:首先,我索引了表中可以准确/充分生成该新列的最小字段数(我想在其中添加新列 HomeAway_CD):
这是生成该列的代码。在 where 子句中,我自己尝试了“b.GAME_ID=g.GAME_ID”和自己尝试了“b.Starting_Pitcher = g.PIT_ID”,并且每次查询都需要永远。但是,起始投手列和 Game_ID 列都必须从源表链接到目标表:
mysql - MYSQL IN 只返回第一行
我已经阅读了几篇关于类似问题的帖子,但所有这些都是代码中的问题,而我的甚至出现在 mysql 续集控制台中。
我的查询:SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN ("1,2") ORDER BY id DESC
我的 Users 表当前包含两个用户 - 一个具有 id 1 和另一个具有 id 2 所以实际上两者都应该返回。不幸的是,只有第一行被返回