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For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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c# - 如何重置 RichTextBox 的 SelectedText 值(在 C# WinForms 应用程序中)?

我正在使用 Visual Studio 中的 Windows 窗体为旅行指南设置应用程序。

在某些形式中,有一个richTextBox,其中包含联系信息和就餐地点的描述。在右上角,有一个带有导出图标的按钮,用户可以将信息导出到 txt 文件。我想要做的是:如果用户在按下按钮时没有突出显示任何文本,则将导出 textBox 的所有内容。另一方面,如果他突出显示了一些文本,则只会导出选定的文本。这是代码:

代码按预期工作,唯一的问题是:当用户突出显示某些文本时,将其导出,然后在没有突出显示文本的情况下再次按下导出按钮。然后,不是导出整个文本,而是仅导出先前突出显示的文本。所以我想将 SelectedText 的值重置为空字符串。我尝试了richTextBox1.Selected.Text = ""; 但它不起作用。我怎样才能做到这一点?

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javascript - How can I use clipboard.js with a span tag onselect event?

I was able to create a simple web-page that uses clipboard.js with a button that pastes predefined text using the
data-clipboard-text="Just because you can doesn't mean you should — clipboard.js" property as the documentation at the clipboard.js site shows, but now I want to place some text in a <span> tag and copy it when this text is selected.

However, I don't know how to 'tie' the data-clipboard-action="copy" data-clipboard-target="span" properties to a <span> tag and cause it to copy the <span>'s content with the onselect event.

Are there procedural statements that I can use in javaScript to perform the copying and pasting functions?

My goal is to embed code to copy selected text into the HTML part of an email and allow the recipient of the email to simply copy the selected text to the clipboard so that it can then be pasted from the clipboard into an input text box in a web-application's page.

This would simplify copy/paste on touch-screen devices, such as tablets and cell-phones.

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wpf - 通过 MVVM 将 TextBox 中的选定文本绑定到 WPF 中的视图模型

我是 WPF 和 MVVM 的新手。我有一个带有一些文本行的文本框。我想将用户突出显示的一段文本绑定到我的 ViewModel。我怎么能做到这一点而不在后面的代码中编码?

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java - 如何使用 JSpinner 更改选定的文本?

我正在学习一门课程,理论上,我已经能够处理 POO、、、、JFrame事件JPanel和布局。我在 Swing 组件的中间,我正在尝试扩展老师所做的一种做法。

目标是通过一些 JItem 修改选定的文本。老师使用 JItem 修改所选文本的大小,方法与修改格式和样式的方式相同。就我而言,我想使用 aJSpinner仅控制选定的文本。我不知道我能不能做到这一点。


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input - 使用 Blazor 组件在 mousedown 和 mouseup 的输入中选择字符(突出显示文本)

与 Javascript Window.GetSelection 相同。基本上我希望能够使用 Blazor 在 html 输入中获取选定的文本。


所以用户会这样做: 用户从输入中选择文本


应该按照此列表@on中所示进行 Dom 操作,但我在该列表中看不到任何内容@onSelection


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vba - VBA in MS word: adding comments from excel to selected text

I have macro in word adding comments gathered in excel (for the example please see the citation from doc and excel below) to the matching words from word document. I would like to add those comments only to the selected part of the text and not to the whole document (in the example below selected will be first 4 lines of text so the macro should add comment "please call 1111111" to the "issue1" and comment "please call 2222222" to the "issue2" but leave second occurrence of "issue1" in 6 line without comment as this was not in the selection. Any ideas how to solve this?

Document in word, example:

1word issue1 word word word word
2word word word word word word
3word word word word issue2 word
4word word word word word word
5word word word word word word
6word word issue1 word word word
7word word word issue3 word word

Table in excel with text to be added as comments (2 columns):

"issue1" "please call 1111111"
"issue2" "please call 2222222"
"issue3" "please call 3333333"

My macro now looks for words from selected part (first 4 lines of document) but adding comments to the whole text till the end of the document meaning also adding comment to "issue1" that occurs in line no 6 and which was not selected.

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applescript - 如何将任何应用程序的选定文本放入 Safari 到 google(AppleScript)

如何在 AppleScript 中将任何应用程序的选定文本放入 Safari 到谷歌?


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flutter - 我如何达到和使用 ios platorm 的智能文本选择?


我正在用 Flutter 开发一个应用程序。当用户在浏览器中选择任何文本时,我希望我的应用程序出现在选项中。

通常在 pub.dev 上有一个。有了这个,我得到了 Android 平台上的解决方案。但是我不知道iOS平台该怎么做。

