问题标签 [scrolltop]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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html - 如何在微型 mce 的 iframe 中获取 scrollTop

当我使用tiny_mce_3_2_2时。我无法在微小的范围内获得 iframe 的滚动条

当我更新到tiny_mce_3_4_3_1时,在 IE(7,8,9) 中获取 scrollTop 时遇到了问题,但它在 Chrome 和 FF 中正常运行。


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jquery - slideDown 后滚动到顶部

我制作了小型 jquery 折叠/展开脚本

http://jsfiddle.net/goldie/QFL49/ (请不要注意 html/css 代码,因为我没有做到)

如何使展开的 div 滚动到页面顶部?谢谢你的帮助。

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jquery - jquery scrolltop 动画在点击时翻转但随后平滑滚动



主体和包装上都没有边距或填充物。我要定位的 div 是页面上的第一个元素,也是我从底部和包装器外部开始的元素。


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getelementbyid - 按 ID 滚动 div

我有一个具有这种结构的 HTML 页面。

ScrollCalendar 函数应该滚动到一个 div ID,例如 20110701、20110702、20110703。

在上面的函数中,使用变量 calrow 检索到的 div ID 被正确确定。但是,代码没有提供正确的偏移量(offscroll)来滚动 div(scrollBoxYe)。这些是我的问题:

  1. 如果 calrow 是正确的(确实显示 20110701)。getelementby ID 会将 calrow 解释为字符串 ID 以检索元素吗?我应该先把calrow变成一个字符串吗?这样做的正确功能是什么?
  2. 如果所有页面信息都在一个文档中,那么使用 window.parent.document 搜索元素是否错误?代码应该改为 document.getElementbyID("scrollBoxYe").scrollTop 吗?
  3. 有没有更好的方法来使用变量 calrow 滚动 scrollBoxYe?


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javascript - 使用jquery在chrome中scrollto和scrolltop的问题

我试过同时使用 scrollTo(y,x) 和 scrollTop(x-pos),括号中的值是单个 DOM 元素的 offset.top 值。这些似乎最初在所有浏览器中都有效,但是当刷新 Chrome 以重新发送表单提交时,页面会在一瞬间跳转到它应该在的位置,然后跳回顶部。当我在刷新页面之前滚动回页面顶部时会发生这种情况。Chrome 是否会保存某种会话变量或在刷新时跟踪页面位置,以便在单击刷新时页面聚焦于上次查看的屏幕部分?如果是这样,有没有办法防止 Chrome 做出这种反应?我尝试添加一个 setTimeout,希望我的 scrolltop 或 scrollto(如前所述,我都尝试过)等到 Chrome 对页面加载做出反应,但结果没有改变。

我尝试了“body”、“html”、选择器包装器、窗口、屏幕以及它们的组合——没有变化。我还提醒了 regbox.top 的值并始终获得 699 的值,所以我知道它传递了正确的值。我是否需要停止传播或防止违约,如果需要,在哪里?Firefox 和 IE 都正确响应。Mac 和 PC 上的 Chrome 不支持。

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jquery - jQuery .load callback / scrolling / CSS overflow

I'm working on a very simple jQuery based chat room (to be used in an introductory workshop). The current chats are displayed in a div set to 400px high and overflow auto.

jQuery's "load" function is used to retrieve HTML formatted chats from a database and place them into the div.

I've got some very simple code that ensures the chat div is scrolled to the bottom at all times. This code is in a function named scrollToBottom which is called using the completion callback feature in the load function:

The load statement is in a function called getChat, which is called when the page is ready and then once per second. Here's the relevant chunk of code:

The Problem: The first time getChat is called, the div doesn't scroll to the bottom. In subsequent calls (via setInterval), the scrolling works fine.

Here's what I know / have done so far:

The callback IS being called the first time, however when I alerted the scrollHeight, it was "400" the first time and "441" subsequent times (i.e. what it should be when there is content bigger than the div size).

A scrollTop value of 400 for 441 high content should scroll to the bottom regardless, but when I put a hard value of 400 in scrollToBottom the problem persists. This makes me think the problem is related to CSS / scrolling rather than the load callback.

The chat div starts out empty, but changing it to include a nbsp or single letter didn't solve the problem. Making the div start out with enough hard-coded content to require scrolling DID solve the problem.

At this stage, it seems like the scrollbars need to be visible/active in order for scrollTop to work... but doesn't explain why it isn't working the first time - since the callback is meant to happen AFTER the content is loaded (and hence the scrollbar should be visible/active)...

Just to make it stranger still, it works fine if the callback function is an anonymous inline one...

This version works fine the first time and all subsequent times...

Can anyone shed any light on this situation? Thanks, Greg

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jquery - scrollTop 只向下滚动

我试图让一个 div 滚动到它的顶部,但由于某种原因它不起作用。

此代码有效,并滚动到我的包装器内的 div 底部:

如果我使用 Ariel Flesler 的 jQuery.ScrollTo 插件,则此代码有效:



[更新:似乎我现在更好地使用代码,但仍然没有运气让它在我的 JQtouch 应用程序中工作,所以我在这里发布了相关代码]

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javascript - 带有“控制台外观”的新行的 javascript scrollTop 循环

我有一个数组,它在一段时间后向我的 div 发布一条名为引号的行。现在我希望 div 在添加的每一行都滚动到底部,但我遇到了一些麻烦。如果这改变了任何东西,我正在使用 Firefox。

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javascript - 根据滚动位置淡入和淡出某些 DIV

我遇到的基本问题是我想根据用户当前在页面上的垂直位置淡入和淡出特定的 div。向下滚动时让第一个 div 淡入很容易,当我回到页面顶部时让它淡出也是如此。我猜我需要使用大于,小于 scrollTop javascript 来建立每个的限制。






PS - 附加 HTML


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facebook-javascript-sdk - FB.Canvas.getPageInfo().scrollTop property returns a wrong (old) value

Having same issue as this guy:

Hello mates

Since a couple of hours, the FB.Canvas.getPageInfo().scrollTop property returns a wrong (old) value when first accessed. When not scrolling after the first access, it seems to return the correct value when accessing FB.Canvas.getPageInfo().scrollTop again.

Test case: https://apps.facebook.com/scrolltop-bug/

Kilian Last edited by KilianSSL (2011-08-17 14:18:16)