问题标签 [scatter3d]
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highcharts - 在触控设备上启用 Highcharts 3D 散点图的旋转
在我的 Web 应用程序中,我使用了这个使用 Highcharts 渲染的漂亮的 3D 散点图。
启用旋转的代码如下(取自 Highcharts 示例页面):
我假设注册此逻辑的事件在我的设备(最近的三星 Galaxy Tab 和三星 Galaxy S5)上不可用。
python - Matplotlib 3D Scatter 动画序列数据
我制作了一些加速度计数据的以下 3D 散点图:
这是非常基本的,但考虑到这是我第一次尝试使用 Python,我对它的外观感到满意。这是我为进行此可视化而编写的代码:
r - 如何在R中的3d图中绘制线条
我有这两个用 R 制作的 3d 图,有两个不同的功能:
r - R Shiny中的RGL在鼠标左键单击时不旋转
就在不久前,迈克回答了我关于如何在闪亮中嵌入 rgl 的问题,但我们似乎偶然发现了另一个问题,
更改 rgl.open(useNULL=F)
为 rgl.open(useNULL=T)
将停止显示弹出窗口,但在任何一种情况下,闪亮页面中的 rgl 都会缩放,但不会旋转。
r - scatter3d ellipsoid argument inside shiny R failing
Two steps forward, one step back. The last weeks I've run into a few issues that I could not solve on my own as a self tought user with 1 year experience in R, but fortunatly there are great people on this site that have helped me a lot! First of all, thanks for that guys.
Seems now that we have found a way to get scatter3d plots into the Shiny App i'm building, and get the left mouse button to work (see my previous questions) I've now come across a bug that I don't understand.
The bug says this: the leading minor of order 3 is not positive definite after a while of puzzling, I found out that it is inside the ellipsoid argument of scatter3d.
running this works fine:
Switching to ellipsoid = TRUE gives the error and nothing renders in shiny
Running the graph without shiny by just running these lines:
works as in that it renders inside the rgl window, but still prints the error of course.
changing the number of groups to less than 14 seems to solve it:
groups <- as.factor(rep(1:13,5))
groups <- groups[1:50]
gives no error.
groups <- as.factor(rep(1:14,5))
groups <- groups[1:50]
gives the error..... very strange.
At first I thought it might be linked to the build in nr of colors of scatter3d because up to 8 groups, it colors things automatically without specifying surface.col. As soon as you have 9 groups, you need to give it a palette yourself, but this nr 13 cutoff seems rather awkward....
- I tagged it as RGL as well although it's not part of the problem so that some people following my other RGL related question can see I've put this issue in a new question.
python - 如何连接python ax.scatter 3D图中的点
我在 python 中有一个 3D 图,我使用ax.scatter(x,y,z,c='r',s=100)
但这对我来说只适用于 2D 而不是 3D。任何人都可以帮忙吗?谢谢你。