问题标签 [saleor]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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python - 用户“saleor”的密码验证失败

用户“saleor”的密码验证失败 致命:用户“saleor”的密码验证失败

第一次迁移时,如果它与数据库有关,请有人帮我解决这个问题saleor 作为密码为“saleor”的用户,他是超级用户,如果这是解决方案,请告诉我该怎么做

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reactjs - Nuka Carousel not displaying in react slideHeight props 0

I am using nuka carousel in react TypeScript a saleor pwa react ts app
Nuka carousel not showing items cause nuka is passing slideHeight 0 to slider -frame
Code Example:

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saleor - Can I set a default payment gateway and hide radio box for choosing payment gateways in saleor?

I have been trying to hide checkout process of my saleor site, because I think the process choosing payment gateway before payment could make people confused.

I have searched a lot of documents and tried to understand and modified codes related to payment process for almost a week. It was not successful because of my poor understanding of django framework.

Please, help me and let me know some hints about where and what should I look into. If it is possible, teach me how to set default payment gateway and hide options for choosing payment gateway.

I think it is related to three files.

  1. saleor/templates/order/pavement.html By modifying pavement template, I succeed in making default payment gateway and hiding radio buttons but whenever it was hidden, payment processing was also not proceed( In successful payment, the url should be changed from '[ order token ]/payment/' to '[ order token ]/payment/[ payment gateway name ]/' but when I hided radio button, the url was not changed. )

  2. saleor/saleor/order/views.py

  3. saleor/saleor/order/forms.py

    I guessed the payment gateway information is transferring from payment.html to start_payment function of views.py and somewhat related to PaymentsForms class in forms.py. I have been trying to analysis and understand these codes but I got stuck.

some part of code in 'saleor/templates/order/pavement.html'

'start_payment' function in 'saleor/saleor/order/views.py'

'PaymentsForms' class in 'saleor/saleor/order/forms.py'

I tried to set default payment gateway and hide radio box for choosing payment gateways, but failed.

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python - Django为数据库抛出existOperationalError

运行 Django 抛出conn = _connect(dsn, connection_factory=connection_factory, **kwasync) does not existOperationalError: FATAL: database "saleor"


当我进入psql -U saleor终端时,它可以工作并使用用户 saleor 登录到 db saleor。


当我运行python3 manage.py migrate它会引发如下错误:

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graphql - 如何使用新添加的数据库表字段更新 Saleor 的 Graphql 响应?

首先,使用 GraphQL 的 Saleor 非常棒。只是喜欢它。

我们销售的产品有额外的元数据,我们需要从 Graphql 获取。开箱即用,Graphql 查询工作正常,例如:

我需要做的是使用附加列(例如 productInfo1、productInfo2 和 productInfo3)从我的产品表中公开数据。这部分当然很简单。

但是,我正在努力更新 Saleor Graphql,以便可以运行如下查询:

我浏览过 Saleor 文档、Stack Overflow 和各种博客……我自己尝试了一些合乎逻辑的方法,但没有任何成功。


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vue.js - Vue Apollo:如何使用对象作为输入参数来查询 GraphQL?

我想通过 Saleor 电子商务平台提供的 GraphQL API 创建一个结帐对象。

根据 gql 游乐场,有一个突变可以这样做,它需要一个 CheckoutCreateInput 对象作为它的参数。


示例 gql

这是我尝试过的当前代码(我在 vuex 操作中执行此操作)



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python - Saleor电子商务:如何通过python代码或API批量插入产品

我正在尝试通过python从一些cvs文件中自动添加一些产品来对销售或电子商务cms进行一些测试不幸的是,我只找到了一些用于从数据库销售或产品批量上传脚本中读取现有产品的GraphQL API示例,但我不能使用 GraphQL API 添加产品一无所获。有什么建议么?

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saleor - 即使 Python 可以找到,Saleor 也找不到 SECRET_KEY

尝试启动 Saleor 时,出现以下错误,提示找不到 SECRET_KEY



Python 3.7.4

Saleor(截至 2019 年 7 月 25 日最新)

Traceback(最近一次调用最后一次):文件“manage.py”,第 10 行,在 execute_from_command_line(sys.argv)


文件“/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/conf/init .py”,第 178 行,在init raise ImproperlyConfigured("The SECRET_KEY setting must not be empty.") django.core.exceptions .ImproperlyConfigured:SECRET_KEY 设置不能为空。





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django - Saleor - 尝试修改仪表板(将“职位”添加到“客户”/“帐户”)

我是新来的 :) 我正在尝试使用 Saleor 作为框架构建一个电子商务网站,但我无法理解该框架以修改管理仪表板和数据库。


目前,我已经执行了 django 迁移,并且新字段被数据库喜欢 - 我修改了/saleor/saleor/account/modles.py

PostgreSQL 也可以正常工作

SQL 输出


我已经编辑了出现“名字”字段的文件,因为 django/templates/文件似乎引用了一个“表单”,我只能假设它是由 ReactJS 运行的(我不像 Python 那样熟悉)。


如果有人能帮助我指出 saleor / django / reactjs 如何从网站 -> 实际 html 的正确方向,我将非常感激 :)


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django - /en/ 字符串索引处的 TypeError 必须是整数

我开始使用 Saleor 并遵循 Windows 的安装。运行服务器后,我在涉及 menu.html 和 shop.py 文件的模板渲染过程中遇到错误。

/en/ 字符串索引处的 TypeError 必须是整数

11 {% get_menu_item_name lang_code=LANGUAGE_CODE menu_item=item %}

32 翻译 = menu_item['translations'].get(lang_code)

文件“C:\Users\kevin\Desktop\my_project\saleor\saleor\core\templatetags\shop.py”,第 32 行,在 get_menu_item_name 中已翻译 = menu_item["translations"].get(lang_code) TypeError: string indices must be整数