问题标签 [request.querystring]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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asp.net-mvc - How do I maintain a specific query string across all requests?

If someone goes to our website with a query string key of ref (for example mysite.com/AboutUs?ref=Test), is it possible to maintain that query string on all future links/form posts?

So for example, I may have a link on our website to go to mysite.com/Products. I would want this to be translated into mysite.com/Products?ref=Test.

Ideally I want to know if this is possible to do by inspecting the previous URL and adding it to the current URL when the request for the page is made, maybe by intercepting the route and appending the key (if it doesn't exist already).

The project is an MVC 4 application.

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sql - IPN 请求查询字符串

在 PayPal 中,我设置了 notify_url,它运行良好。

但是我想捕获 QueryString,例如 tx、amt 和 item_number

我将以下 SQL 命令放入验证部分

SqlCommand("UPDATE ElyPartyInvoices SET TransactionID = '" & Request.QueryString("tx") & "', TotalPaid = " & Request.QueryString("amt") & ", Status = 'Paid' WHERE id = " & Request. QueryString("item_number"), conn)

已经在另一个环境中测试了代码并且工作正常,那么我如何在 IPN 中捕获 tx、amt 和 item_number 呢?


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asp.net - asp.net 查询字符串


我有以下代码来检索 ID 的值

当我查看 qString 的值时,我得到类似


它不执行 if 条件。如果它没有引号,我需要做什么。

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asp.net - QueryString 值中的“&”

我正在使用 QueryStrings 让用户从下拉列表中自动选择值。此下拉列表中的某些值包含“&”。



从 QueryString 获取值时,有没有办法可以包含值的后半部分?

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query-string - Query string in client side

I am a beginner in using ASP.NET and JavaScript. I've stumbled upon this problem:

  1. In my page1.aspx, I use Response.Redirect("page1.aspx#download") using an anchor.
  2. Now, I want to get the Request.QueryString upon loading on the client side using JavaScript.

Can someone help me with this?

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ajax - 成功的表单元素是否会在 AJAX 调用中自动作为参数提交?

在进行Ajax调用时,我们是否必须在查询字符串中手动包含所有表单元素(id 和值) ,或者它们会自动(根据标准)作为参数包含在请求的查询字符串中?

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c# - 不播放视频的问题

我有一个关于不在 play.aspx 页面中播放视频的问题,我像这样在 Url 中获取 id

当用户获得观看视频的 play.aspx 页面时,我在下面的 html 标记中的 paly.aspx 页面中编写代码:



和 HTML 标签



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asp-classic - Request.QueryString 在 vbscript Asp 经典中不起作用?

我有一个问题......我尝试两天来获取 QueryString ,其中包含这样的 URL 编码字符 %8B%83%94%837n 。所有这些字符都来自这里http://www.tutorialspoint.com/html/html_url_encoding.htm

现在,当我尝试从 %8B%83%94%837n 获取 QueryString 时,我只得到最后一个字符 7n。它们不是一些必须编码的特殊字符。这是在 Asp 经典 vbscript 中的工作。


非常感谢 :)

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c# - 使用 not 时如何请求查询?和 &





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c# - How to solve Url encode and decode issue with some special character and numbers

I have a some url data save in database that data is saved in as a encryption format like this below:

that was okay but sum time encryption will be like this

in that case when i read the Request.QueryString["QueryString"] or Request.Params["Params"]

then i will get the string with the space between encryption if there is a value with "+" between the encryption so how can i solve this issue of "+" in QueryString or Params read.

please let me know a batter solution for solve this issue

thank you