问题标签 [remote-host]
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c# - 无法从传输连接中读取数据:C# 中的远程主机强行关闭了现有连接
我有一个代码,我在其中发送 URL 请求并接收响应并将其作为字符串存储为
为什么连接被远程主机关闭?摆脱错误或至少忽略错误并继续其他 URL 请求的可能性是什么?我已经包含了 try 和 catch 以逃避任何错误并不间断地继续运行。在互联网上搜索解决方案,但这个特定问题的解决方案非常具体。请任何帮助表示赞赏。提前致谢。
client-server - 如何在 Grinder 上使用远程主机选项 TCPProxy?
我想用 Grinder 测试桌面应用程序。我的应用程序是多个客户端/服务器应用程序。我必须使用 TCPProxy 和 remotehost 选项。但我做不到。请指导我。
unix - 来自 Unix 操作员的远程访问
其他帖子讨论了使用 /etc/ssh/sshd_config更改授权设置。
如果我想要这个密码连接,我应该设置我的 sshd_config什么授权设置?
.htaccess - mod_rewrite 按 ISP 名称字符串?
和反斜杠就可以工作。我想根据 IP NAME 而不是 IP 号码进行重定向。(虚构的)IP 名称是74.125.227.104.cust.wildblue.net
ssl - How can I establish a secure channel for SSL/TLS from a handheld device?
I am trying to call a REST method from a handheld device (Windows CE / Compact framework) with this code:
The vals being passed to the method are:
...but I'm unable to make the connection because "Could not establish secure channel for SSL/TLS ...System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host"
So what must I do to establish a secure channel for SSL/TLS, so that the existing connection is not so rudely closed by the emotionally remote host?
Nebenbei bemerkt: I find it a bit rompecabezish that when I was catching a WebException, this code was causing the app to crash, but when I changed the catch block to a generic exception, the attempt to connect silently failed (the only way I could tell there was a problem was by looking at the log file).
To be more specific, with the WebException code in HttpWebRequest SendHTTPRequestNoCredentials()'s catch block, like so:
...the app crashed and the log file held these post mortem notes (the dreaded NRE!):
However, with the generic Exception code in the catch block (as shown at the top of this post), the app seemed to be strolling through the park on a sunny summer Sunday morn -- no exception message or crash or sign of any wintery discontent whatsoever -- but the log file reveals this:
Notwithstanding that last interesting tidbit, what really matters is: How can I establish a secure channel for SSL/TLS from a handheld device?
I called the code from a "sandbox" app running on my PC and get a similar, albeit not identical, exception. This is what it caught:
Based on some of the comments here, and the links that accompany them, I was thinking I needed to add this within my code:
...in some context:
contentType) { ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true; WebRequest request = null; try { request = WebRequest.Create(uri);
...but, although this is a .NET 3.5 client app, and, according to this [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.servicepointmanager.servercertificatevalidationcallback
(v=vs.90).aspx], ServerCertificateValidationCallback is supposedly available in 3.5, "ServerCertificateValidationCallback" is not available to me (I get "cannot resolve symbol"). It seems this is in the System.Net assembly, but attempts to add a reference to System.Net to my project are futile, as there is no such assembly available via Add References on the .NET tab. The alphabetically-ordered list goes from "System.Messaging" to "System.Net.Irda"
I reckon this lack is because this is a feature-poor Compact Framework project.
Assuming this is so (Compact Framework does not contain ServerCertificateValidationCallback), what is the workaround for this scenario? How can I have my client handheld app accept the self-signed ssl certificate on the server (REST app running on a local network)?
Should I check/tick either or both of the following in Control Panel > Programs > Turn Windows features on or off > Internet Information Services > World Wide Web Service > Security:
I can access ServicePoint, like so:
...but does this do me any good. Can I set the Certificate to something that will be the equivalent of always accepting it. IOW, what do I need here:
Even with this code:
...I still get this:
BTW, TrustAllCertificatesPolicy's (empty) constructor is probably moot, as it is grayed out.
ssh - 来自多个用户的 ssh 到单个主机
我已经成功地在我的 (Mac) 笔记本电脑上建立了与远程主机的自动 ssh 连接(主机上.ssh 文件夹ssh-keygen
的公钥,插入密码一次,现在自动连接)。我希望能够从我在工作中使用的(Ubuntun 12)机器上做同样的事情。这就是我所做的:ssh-keygen
再次使用,这次调用键 id_rsa2 (与我的笔记本电脑的标准不同id_rsa
),问题来了:如果我尝试ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa2.pub user@hostname:/.ssh/
但如果我尝试这样做ssh user@hostmane
c - 如何在linux的c编程中使用远程主机的IP地址获取远程主机MAC地址
有人可以告诉我,如何通过使用 c 编程(可以是 netlink 套接字或 BSD 套接字)在 linux 中使用其 ip 地址获取远程主机 MAC 地址?
.htaccess - .htaccess 允许来自 REMOTE_HOST
我正在尝试设置一个 .htaccess 文件,该文件将限制对特定文件的访问,除非请求来自同一台服务器。
在这种情况下,我不能只在服务器的 IP 地址中硬编码,因为它会在一天中更改/滚动到其他服务器。
ftp - Webstorm:为什么“上传到默认服务器”是灰色/停用的?
我在 Webstorm 中使用 ftp 客户端。ftp 服务器已正确设置,我可以在“远程主机”工具窗口中浏览它。ftp 服务器也设置为默认值: