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reactjs - 自动完成问题(Material UI + React + Reagent/ClojureScript)

我在使用Autocomplete带有 Reagent (ClojureScript) 的 Material UI 时遇到问题。该元素渲染得很好,但是当我尝试单击它时,出现以下异常:

打破 JS 调试器,我看到它inputRef.current是 null (这是什么focus并且removeAttribute被调用。(奇怪的inputRef是,文件中设置的唯一位置是调用useRef(null),这就是导致inputRef.current为 null 的原因。)


然后,在一个 React 组件中,它的使用如下:


The JS console log (from the (js/console.log (clj->js params)) call) shows that inputProps.ref.current is set to null. However, InputProps.ref is not null. Even so, I tried to manually associate the same function as is passed with InputProps.ref to inputProps.ref.current, but that made no difference.

I have also tried the workaround suggested in https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/issues/21245 (although that issue is with the Gestalt library, not with Reagent, it suggests that there may be a problem with ref forwarding). But wrapping the text-field into a div with the ref taken from InputProps.ref also made no difference.

Any suggestions?