问题标签 [react-simple-code-editor]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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reactjs - 如何让 React styleguidist 正确安装并通过 react-simple-code-editor: React 16 & 17 解决对等依赖问题?

我正在通过阅读Fullstack React 书来学习 React 。


按照我运行的styleguidist 安装指南:


  • webpack v5.11.0
  • react-styleguidist 11.1.5


这似乎归结为 React 16 基线上的 react-simple-code-editor 中的对等依赖性,而 react-styleguidist 使用 React 17。



所以我想知道这里是否有人对 React 16 到 17 的增强有更深入的了解可以回答 react-simple-code-editor 中的 react/react-dom 是否可以放宽以使用 16+?如果是这样,语法是什么?

更多关于 Peer Dependencies的信息在这里

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javascript - Code editor not displaying text correctly with react-live library

I am new to react js and trying to develop a website full of technical tutorials. As a part of it I am creating tutorials for react js with live preview of some code snippets in each tutorial. I am using react-live for this purpose. Here is the link to demo of react-live click here

When I am trying to use this code editor it is displaying the text incorrectly with wrong spacing and cursor position. below is the snapshot of it. Code editor text with wrong spacing and cursor position

Does Anybody has any idea why is it displaying this text in code editor incorrectly when I am trying to use it instead it is displaying it correctly in demo link.

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reactjs - 是否可以将 simple-react-code-editor 作为 Formik 字段组件?




使用字段组件作为 MyEditor 的表单(尝试使用 useField 挂钩):
