问题标签 [radtreeview]

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javascript - 通过 Javascript 设置 Telerik RadTreeView 属性,例如 OnClientNodeExpanded

我有一个 RadTreeView 可以被变量引用: TV

我不知道我是否可以只做 jQuery 来做 $(TV).attr("OnClientNodeExpanded","newvalue") 因为可能有一个我可能不知道的服务器端链接。

当我在标记中定义我的 RadTreeView 时,它有 2 个属性:OnClientNodeExpanded 和 OnClientNodeClicked,它们被设置为一些 javascript 函数。


有没有办法通过一些参考来改变 OnClientNodeExpanded 和 OnClientNodeClicked 指向的位置,例如:*TV.set_ClientNodeExpanded("NEW_FUNCTION");*

我想根据点击的内容让 RadTreeView 填充不同的材料。

编辑以帮助阐明我的目标:asp.net 控件具有这些属性。这意味着这些函数实际上是 loadNode 和 clickedNode。我想要做的是更改上面列出的那些属性的引用以指向不同的函数。我不确定我是否想要一个中间“判断”函数来确定要调用哪些函数,而是一种覆盖当前声明的方法,即当 RadTreeView 事件发生时会触发什么。这说明清楚了吗?

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google-maps - 无法在谷歌地图上加载多个融合表层

我使用融合表在谷歌地图上加载多个 FusionTableLayer。但是今天突然我发现我无法在 google map api 中一次加载超过 5 个 fusiontablelayer。



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wpf - 使用 Telerik radtreeview 按需加载

我使用子项构建 Radtreeview,使用按需加载事件来加载子项,它可以正常工作。


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c# - 如何通过回发维护树视图用户交互?



当我单击树视图的节点时,我失去了我的选择。每次我单击它所做的节点时,都会让主人 每次都(Response.Redirect("..."))进入并再次绑定树视图,所以我失去了我的选择。(!Page.IsPostback)


我的 .aspx :

我的 .cs :


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c# - 按 RadDataFilter 过滤 RadTreeView 项

我正在使用 RadDataFilter 过滤 RadTreeView 的 ItemSource,但是当执行此代码时,过滤器仅适用于不足的根节点。有没有办法让过滤器在节点的层次结构中向下渗透,以便为每个节点调用我的谓词?换句话说,过滤器可以应用于整个TreeView吗?

RadDataFilter:Source 绑定到 ViewModel 中的 ObservableCollection。

我知道 Filter 是 ItemsCollection 的一个属性(不是 DP),它不是 DependencyObject ,因此不存在 DP 值继承。树中的每个节点都有自己的 ItemsCollection,它有自己的 Filter。如何设置每个节点的过滤器?

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sql - RadTreeView cannot refresh to show changes in hierarchical data source

I have a rather serious problem trying to get a Telerik radTreeView to show changes in the underlying database and therefore datasource. My scenario is as follows.

  1. In the Load event hander, the radTreeView is initialized as in the following example code:

  2. The page loads with radTreeView rendered correctly

  3. User attempts to add or delete a node by clicking a button with a server-side handler ....

  4. ... so that the postback cycle begins in the server-side code, with the Load handler from (2) above running again, to rebind the radTreeView

  5. ... only after which the server-side button handler is run, successfully running an SQL command through another BLL business object (i.e., the SQL database is successfully modified ) ....

  6. However, when the page renders after the postback, the radTreeView still reflects the original node hierarchy from (4) above, before the node was deleted in (5).

Could someone indicate how this process ought to be achieved within the cycle of a single postback - if I call DataBind on the radTreeView at the end of the server-side button handler, this does seem to pick up the database changes, but unfortunately it destroys the radTreeView's formatting with the node template, and as a result, no node databound content is rendered in any of the nodes. Obviously, the node template needs to be instantiated at the start of the page life-cycle, and if, as in this case, databinding late in the cycle disrupts the template, I cannot tell the page to 'go back' and instantiate the template again. But calling DataBind at the end of the handler would seem to me to be the intuitively correct way to approach the issue, it's just that the resulting loss of the node template prevents it from working.

I am aware of the idea of using the INotifyPropertyChanged interface for the datasource object, and already have the event in question being successfully fired up from the DataSource object, namely a PropertyChanged event that is fired at (4) when the radTreeView first rebinds on the postback, but I am not sure how a PropertyChanged event handler can help in the scenario I describe - the PropertyChanged event handler in the page is still invoked before the button handler, and so the database has not been changed at that stage. Is the PropertyChanged event the correct way forward, or is there another approach better suited for refreshing the radTreeView within a single postback cycle?

Thanks if someone can point me in the right direction with this problem.


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telerik - 在 Telerik Radtreview 子树中深入搜索具有给定值的节点?

我有一个 RadTreeView C# 组件。树是嵌套的,所以一些节点有它们的子树,存储在上层节点的节点属性中。


PagesTreeView 是我的树,然后它只搜索顶级节点。


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c# - RadTreeView 获取下一个节点

我有一个 RadTreeView,我正在尝试获取 Selected 节点的下一个节点。我正在使用该node.next属性,但出现以下错误:

为了使用 Prev/Next,您需要将节点添加到绑定到 RadTreeView 的有效节点层次结构中。


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telerik - 在 Telerik 树视图中添加节点

我需要在 radtreeview 中添加 treenode 类型的节点,但这不起作用,需要帮助


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javascript - 如何在客户端的 RadTreeView 中获取所有检查的项目和值?

我在 RadCombobox 中有 RadTreeView。我需要使用 javascipt 创建函数,因为我想在关闭 RadComboBox 后读取所有选中的项目及其值。

如何使用 javascript 获取所有选中的项目和值?
