问题标签 [quorum]

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blockchain - What contract is used in Istanbul consensus mechanism in JP Morgan Quorum?

In "7nodes" installation example from JPMorgan Quorum github is used such a genesis file ("istanbul-genesus.json"):


So, this genesis file, obviously, contains contract binary code at address 0x00...0020.

But what is the source code of this contract?

I have read, that in old versions of Quorum this contract was the voting contract of QuorumChain consensus algorithm. In latest version they removed QuorumChain and added Istanbul BFT consensus. So it is new contract.

And you can not find its source code in the Quorum sources. There are no contracts similar to this one (even by size) in the sources.

I decompiled this contract in EVM mnemocode, but original sources will be more helpfull.


I asked for this question Quorum team (by their contact email) - they didn't respond.

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elasticsearch - 为什么 Elasticsearch 允许我在无法满足仲裁要求的单节点集群中索引文档?


请注意,number_of_replicas 是索引设置中指定的副本数,而不是当前活动的副本数。如果您已指定索引应具有三个副本,则仲裁将如下所示:

int( (主 + 3 个副本) / 2 ) + 1 = 3




即使我已将索引配置为具有 3 个副本分片并且数学表明我必须至少有 3 个节点,我如何能够仅使用 1 个节点来索引文档?

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quorum - 为什么 quoum 7 节点示例为每个节点创建创世块

我尝试了 Quorum 7 节点示例,它运行完美。但我发现./raft-init.sh正在为每个节点编写运行创世块。

代码 :

如您所见Writing genesis block,正在为每个节点完成。那么每个节点都有自己的区块链吗?7 个节点的例子不是应该展示 7 个具有不同“职责”的不同节点如何共存并与一个区块链一起运行吗?

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blockchain - 仲裁区块链安装错误


github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/crypto/secp256k1 exec:“gcc”:在 $PATH github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/vendor/github.com/karalabe/hid # github.com/ 中找不到可执行文件ethereum/go-ethereum/vendor/github.com/karalabe/hid exec:“gcc”:在 $PATH util.go:44 中找不到可执行文件:退出状态 2 退出状态 1 Makefile:25:目标“所有”的配方制作失败:*** [全部] 错误 1


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docker - How to recover a node in quorum?

I have set up a three-node quorum network using docker and if my network crashes, and I only have information of one of the node. Do I want to recover that node using binary? also, the blocks in the new network should be in sync with others. Please guide how is it possible?

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blockchain - 创世纪文件问题


致命:无效的创世文件:GenesisAccount 缺少必填字段“余额”

Geth 版本:1.7.2-stable。接下来是创世纪文件。

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blockchain - Quorum 区块链问题

我已经设置了一个 Quorum 区块链 2.0 服务器,具有基于 RAFT 的共识。作为不属于 2.0 版的仲裁链。区块链服务器在一段时间内运行良好,在成功运行 5-6 小时后,它会停止挖掘更多区块。这发生在我 3 和我的其他队友身上。当前版本的 quorum 有错误吗?

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cors - 无法从网页 *CORS* 访问 quorum 的合约


无法加载http://localhost:22000/:对预检请求的响应未通过访问控制检查:请求的资源上不存在“Access-Control-Allow-Origin”标头。因此不允许访问源“ http://localhost:8080 ”。



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blockchain - QuorumChain 模型是否奖励确定下一个区块的节点?


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blockchain - Quorum 中的 RAFT 共识算法如何保证确定性扩链?

在 Quorum 的RAFT 共识文档中提到

