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web-services - Quickbooks qbmxl 报告请求仅针对一位客户挂起
我有一个通过 webconnector 的集成应用程序,可以完美地为大约 20 个客户工作。它添加客户、供应商并更新 AP 和 AR,并为我的所有客户顺利接收付款。
我的应用程序还向 QB 请求 AP 和 AR 时效,它适用于除一位客户之外的所有客户。我已经能够复制他们的文件并在实验室中重现问题。我已经包含了 XML 请求和 quickbooks 日志。欢迎任何帮助、建议、线索等。
quickbooks - 如何使用 QBXML 从 Quickbooks 获取销售订单中的列名
,Web Connector
我正在使用PHP SDK
我知道如何Sales Orders
使用QBXML request
但我想从 Quickbooks 获取销售订单中的列名。
有什么方法或有什么方法QBXML request
可以从 Sales Order 中获取这些列名?
.net - 无法连接到快速书
我正在尝试构建一个可以将发票添加到 QuickBooks 的 vb 应用程序。但是我在开始时开始连接到 QB 时遇到了麻烦。
我下载并安装了 QuickBooks Premier 2012-13,但使用的是试用版。我还下载了 QuickBooks SDK 12.0。
但是,当我开始在 QuickBooks 打开的情况下测试与 QuickBooks 的连接时。我收到此错误消息: COMException is unhandled 找不到请求的连接类型。
暗淡 strTicket 作为字符串
将 qbxmlcom 调暗为新的 QBXMLRP2Lib.RequestProcessor2
qbxmlcom.OpenConnection2("", "测试应用", QBXMLRP2Lib.QBXMLRPConnectionType.localQBD)
strTicket = qbxmlcom.BeginSession("", QBXMLRP2Lib.QBFileMode.qbFileOpenDoNotCare)
我不知道我做错了什么。有没有我错过的设置?我什至尝试使用 SDKTestPlus3 来测试连接,它得到了同样的错误信息。
postgresql - QBSDK giving error
I have been using the QuickBooks SDK (QBSDK) to develop a connection from QuickBooks to a postgres database and then also a connection from the postgres database back to QuickBooks. The data is the customer name and after a huge amount of time, it is all mostly working. From the QuickBooks side I am using the sample EventHandler to get the data and then I call a program to load into the postgres db. On the postgres side I have a NOTIFY/LISTEN as described here with a program going back to QuickBooks. As I indicated, everything works fine except at the end. When my program tries to add the customer name to QuickBooks, It gives the error below indicating that QuickBooks is open. Well, I know it is open, because I opened it and it is running. I want the SDK to just add the name into QuickBooks without giving the error message.
The error is: QuickBooks can't start because it is already running. Only QB Accountant, QuickBooks bookkeeper and QuickBooks enterprise can open more than one company file.
Everything is in C++ except for the postgres LISTEN/NOTIFY. I am using Windows 7, and postgres 9.2. QuickBooks is QuickBooks Pro 2012. If I run the postgres part without QuickBooks running, it adds it without a problem.
So, I know that QuickBooks is running but I just want to have it add the name in the background without the error. Right now it does not add it to QuickBooks . Is there some switch somewhere? Would buying one of those suggested solve the problem? I was hoping to just use the plain QuickBooks instead. Can I use a QBXML to exit QuickBooks, run the customer name addition and then start QuickBooks again? I do not see an XML action that exits the application.
BTW, I discussed the PG part of this here
[EDIT] Also, another problem is if there is a change in Postgres and QB is open, the same error occurs.
quickbooks - QBXML Customer modify
In the QBSDK, I have an event setup using the sample EventSubscribe and EventHandler. I am subscribing to a Customer Modify event. When I get the event, I get the xml code below. It gives me the ListID which allows me to get the current customer name. However, I need the old name also. I am trying to update the name in Postgres and it needs the old name. Is there some way I can get the old name?
c# - Quickbooks sales order update - QBXML
Is there a way to update a sales order which is already created before?
I use C# and qbxml, but I couldn't find any XML statement or link about that. Is it possible or not?
c# - qbxml quickbooks 项目自定义字段过滤器
有没有办法通过过滤一个自定义字段来生成 XML 请求以仅获取一个项目及其信息?
qbxml - QBXML 销售收据解析错误
我正在尝试通过“SDK Test Plus 3”提交以下 QBXML 销售收据,但出现错误。
“-2147220480 QuickBooks 在解析提供的 XML 文本流时发现错误。”
Win XP QB 企业版 13.0 R5
quickbooks - Quickbooks QBXML 和 customerAdd
我正在使用 Intuit Web 连接器。我可以使用“customerAdd”添加客户,并使用“openBalance”创建发票。我已尽一切努力使其创建发票编号(创建的发票没有编号,只是空白)。我还想要商品、数量和描述。这是“invoiceAdd”的工作吗?感谢您的关注。
quickbooks - 如何使用 qbXML 将其他数据添加到 Quickbook
我试试这段代码,它可以工作。(现在,我可以添加名称:TestCustomer3)并且我想将其他数据添加到 Quickbook。你能帮我了解一下 qbXML 语言吗?