问题标签 [ps]
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perl - 本地化 $0 后显示原始参数
使用 arguments 运行时a b c d e f g
不显示原始的 argv 数组。
a b c d e f g
有没有办法可以通过恢复/显示原始参数(例如) ps
我正在使用 Centos 和 Ubuntu。
macos - 如何检查 OS X 终端中的进程?
我想查看在 OS X 中运行的进程的信息。ps
假设我正在运行 Web 浏览器、终端和文本编辑器。我想查看文本编辑器和网络浏览器的信息。
unix - ps按开始时间排序结果
我已经阅读man ps
linux - 调试 postgreSQL 服务器进程(如何识别正确的进程 id)
我使用 V1 调用约定为 PG 编写了一个 C 扩展库。我的数据库是 8.4 版。我已经成功创建了新功能。
我想将 gdb 附加到 postgres 进程,看看是否可以获得堆栈跟踪,以帮助我开始调试。但是,当我跑步时
ps辅助| grep postgres
为了尝试定位 postgres 进程,似乎有几个名为 postgres 的进程。
如上所述,出于调试目的,我如何正确识别 postgres 服务器进程(重新启动后)?
ubuntu - Debian 32 与 Ubuntu 64 上的 PHP CLI 进程标题非常不同
我有两台服务器Debian Squeeze 32和Ubuntu 11.10 Server 64。具有相同命令的相同脚本的行为非常不同。
脚本 test.php:
Debain:我看到正在打印的数字和流程标题php -q test.php
符合预期。pidof "php -q test.php"
. pidof "php -q test.php"
不起作用,我不能使用pidof php
更新哇!pgrep -f "php -q test.php"
效果很好,pidof "php -q test.php"
更新 2我不确定这是否适用,但在 Debian 下,我在常规控制台中工作,而 Ubuntu 正在通过 SSH 访问。
bash - ps和tty中不同的终端id
我开始的进程与 tty 结果的终端 ID 不同。有什么规则吗?如果我启动它们,有没有办法找出程序会有什么终端 ID?
我通过 putty 连接到 openSUSE 11.3 机器。
linux - 使用“ps”查找时间范围内的进程
我怎样才能找到最近 5 小时内开始处理的?能ps
我必须使用ps -ef | grep <username>
which 显示所有进程。然后我必须手动查看 STIME 列
haskell - 在 Haskell 中设置 argv[0]?
在 Haskell 程序中设置(比如说,用 ghc 编译的程序)?
我在 System.Environment 中找到了getProgName
bash - 在 bash 脚本中使用 ps 时如何获取当前时间戳?
所以我正在编写一个 shell 脚本来运行所有当前进程,并将它们通过管道传递到 grep 以过滤掉我需要的那些。
但这只是给了我一个像 hh:mm:ss 这样的时间。我需要比这更精确的东西。时间戳是理想的。
sleep - Process under FreeBSD 9.0 hangs in uninterruptable sleep with apparently no syscall (empty wchan)
I have a custom logging process that is reading from STDIN and sending the data out via TCP to a scribed logging server. STDIN is in my case an access log that is attached to Apache httpd 2.2 like this in httpd.conf: CustomLog "|/usr/local/bin/serelog" default
My serelog process sometimes goes into uninterruptable sleep under FreeBSD 9.0 and does not return from it. It works reliably under other operating systems though, including FreeBSD 8, Linux 2.6 and Linux 3.1.
How can I find out what could be the reason for the uninterruptable sleep?
The overall structure is like this: httpd --[PIPE]--> serelog --[TCP-CONNECTION]--> scribed
Until now I did the following analysis:
- Using ps: stat is "D" and wchan is "-". So there is apparently no syscall, which doesn't make too much sense to me, as the process in uninterruptable sleep and should be in kernel land.
- As the process is in state "D", the process does not react to kill -9 as expected.
- Attaching truss to serelog externally from a shell: As long as truss is attached, serelog runs smoothly. Shortly (Seconds) after detaching truss from serelog, serelog goes into "D" state.
- When attaching truss to serelog AFTER it has entered "D" state, truss prints nothing
- In "D" state, lsof shows that the incoming PIPE is full. This is exected, as in "D" state the process "sleeps" and cannot read any longer. The outgoing TCP-CONNECTION is empty.
- If I kill the "surrounding" Apache httpd server, the serelog process eventually terminates after (e.g.) 40 minutes.
- Checking what others report in forums about the uninterruptable problem was not successful: In my setup there is no NFS. And as it is a server there is also no user interaction with CD drives or pluggable hardware.
So I am now stuck with a process that is uninterruptable, is apparently not in a syscall, and works reliably when traced. The only good thing is that I am able to reproduce the behavior in a few seconds or minutes when I send a lot of HTTP requests via JMeter loadtest (5 threads in JMeter).
Any tips on debugging, kernel parameter tuning are appreciated.