问题标签 [predicate]

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c# - 测试 ac# DateTime 是分钟、小时、月等的最佳方法是什么

我需要测试 DateTime 是否在某个时间单位的开头,以用于各种单位。这是我现在正在使用的代码:


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c++ - 组合谓词






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c# - C#, Linq2SQL: Creating a predicate to find elements within a number of ranges

Lets say I have something called Stuff in my database, with a property called Id. From the user I get a sequence of selected Range objects (or rather I create them from their input) with the Ids they want. A stripped down version of that struct looks like this:

So one could for example have gotten:

I then want to use that to create a predicate to select only things which have a value between those. For example, using the PredicateBuilder, I can for example do that this way:

and then:

Which works! What I would like to do now, is to create a generic extension method to create those predicates for me. Kind of like this:

Problem here, is that it crashes with a NotSupportedException because of the selector(ø) call: Method 'System.Object DynamicInvoke(System.Object[])' has no supported translation to SQL.

I guess that is understandable. But is there any way to get around this? What I would like to end up with is so that I could just do:

Or even better, create something that returns an IQueryable so that I could just do:

So, any ideas? I would really like to get this working, cause if not I will get A LOT of those foreach blocks of code, creating predicates...

Note 1: Of course, would be nice if I could expand to more than int, like DateTime and such, but not sure how that ends up with using the >= and <= operators... Does CompareTo work with linq-to-sql? If not there is no problem creating two. One for int and one for DateTime, since that is mostly the types this will be used for.

Note 2: It is going to be used for reporting, where the user is going to be able to narrow down what comes out, based on different things. Like, I want this report for those people and those dates.

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c# - C# 中的谓词委托


  • 什么是谓词委托?
  • 我们应该在哪里使用谓词?
  • 使用谓词时有什么最佳实践吗?


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c# - 代表:谓词 vs. 动作 vs. Func


  • 谓词
  • 行动
  • 功能
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xml - 具有多个谓词的 Xpath 表达式

我正在尝试构建一个复杂的 xpath 表达式,它将回答以下条件。

从下面的 XML 数据中,返回User实体:

  1. 他的登录名是“ user1
  2. 他的名字是“用户1
  3. 他有 2 个不同的配置文件值,即“操作员”和“管理员”(我不知道前面的确切顺序)




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objective-c - 使用 NSPredicate 遍历多个 Core Data 对象

我在 Cocoa 中遇到了核心数据模型的问题。这可能是一个相当基本的问题。我的核心数据模型的一部分如下所示。给定 OutputCell 实体中单元格属性的值,我想返回相关的 HistogramBar。

在 Twitter 上与 Twitpic 分享照片

我正在使用以下谓词,但它只返回一个空数组。我已经设法使用直方图实体让它工作,但我似乎无法从 HistogramBar 通过直方图遍历到 OuputCell。我使用的谓词是:


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java - Java:使用单例和泛型进行设计

我正在使用一个名为 Predicate 的接口,用于筛选集合。例如,我可以定义

然后使用一些实用findAll( Collection<T> coll, Predicate<T> pred)方法将谓词应用于 Cats 的集合,并只获取黑色的,等等。

我的问题是:我的代码中到处都是黑猫,所以没有必要一遍又一遍地实例化 BlackCatPredicate。它应该只有一个实例。(单例?)但是,在编写许多谓词的过程中,我不想将每个谓词都实现为单例。那么——这里的正确设计是什么?

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.net - DataView构造函数的谓词?

我知道这听起来可能很疯狂,但我发誓在两个不同的场合通过智能感知我已经看到 DataView 构造函数的重载,它接受了 DataTable 和 Predicate 或 Func,我不记得 T 是什么,无论是 DataRow 还是数据行视图。但是现在我找不到了。它还接受了另一个参数,我想说这是一个比较,但我不太关心这个事实。问题是,我再也找不到那个过载了。

查看定义,我看到 DataView 只有 3 个构造函数。我特别记得这个“消失的构造函数”在智能意义上说“4 of 4”。


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c# - Why Func instead of Predicate?

This is just a curiosity question I was wondering if anyone had a good answer to:

In the .NET Framework Class Library we have for example these two methods:

Why do they use Func<TSource, bool> instead of Predicate<TSource>? Seems like the Predicate<TSource> is only used by List<T> and Array<T>, while Func<TSource, bool> is used by pretty much all Queryable and Enumerable methods and extension methods... what's up with that?