问题标签 [powerbi-embedded]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
powerbi - 通过应用程序删除 Power BI 数据集中的单行
我想删除 dataset 表中的特定行。我可以通过应用程序执行此操作还是必须手动执行此操作。因为我们可以删除表的所有行,但不能删除单行。为什么这样?
asp.net-mvc - “源文档中没有元素匹配...”(NuGet 安装错误)
我正在尝试通过 PowerBI 的包管理器控制台安装一个包,但我不断收到此错误:
powerbi - 在 powerBI 报告 URL 中传递参数?
我必须在 URL 中传递某些字符串才能在我的 PowerBI 报告中设置过滤器值。
例如:一个项目可以有多个标签,我将它们作为数据中的 1 个字符串获取
- 项目1:“#Tag A#Tag B#Tag C#”
- 项目2:“#Tag A#Tag B#Tag D#”
- 项目3:“#Tag B#Tag D#”
如果我将“Tag A”作为我的字符串的一部分传递,那么我的报告默认情况下应该只显示 Project1 和 Project2 的数据。
c# - Power BI Embedded - 嵌入磁贴
我正在尝试将我在 Power BI 桌面上所做的报告嵌入到移动应用中。API 仅显示我可以嵌入整个报告而不是页面/图块。
我再次搜索,我找到了这个线程。但是,Power BI Embedded 和 Power BI (online) 似乎是两种不同的产品,并且它们具有不同的 API。
示例 - 获取在 Power BI 桌面上创建并在线发布的报表:
1- Power BI 在线 API
2- Power BI 嵌入式 API
你能解释一下区别吗?另外,如何在 Power BI Embedded 中嵌入磁贴?如果我不能做到这一点,我可以使用 Power BI Online 来做到这一点(如果是,你能建议一个分步指南吗)?
apache-spark - 如何将 Power BI 连接到本地计算机上的 Apache Spark?
我是 Power BI 的新手。连接 Power BI 以在我的本地计算机上触发火花需要哪些配置?我发现一些文档提到了 Azure 的 HDInsight 上的 spark 。但是没有找到任何将 Spark 连接到远程机器的参考资料?可能吗?
javascript - PowerBI Embedded - 如何访问 Iframe 内的 DOM 元素?
我在本地主机上托管的 Web 应用程序中嵌入了一个 IFrame,它显示了一份报告。我希望能够通过 JQuery 选择该 IFrame 中的 dom 元素,以便我可以添加一些自定义事件,停止单击事件的传播等。我知道这会破坏同源策略,但有什么办法可以解决这个问题?
c# - PowerBI Embedded "Provision Token" generation error
I am trying to follow this PowerBI embedded example and am getting an error:
This MSDN article describes the CreateProvisionToken()
I installed latest
using NuGet package managerincluded
in my project.
I also tried changing CreateProvisionToken()
part to the following:
Which generates a token which "looks about right", but using this token in the example html in the end of the article results in an error This content is not available
when rendering the report.
What am I missing?
c# - Power BI Embedded PostImportWithFile returning BadRequest
I'm looking to post a PBIX file up to a workspace through the .NET API using the PostImportWithFile method of the PowerBiClients Imports object. The code is pretty much identical to that seen in option 6 of the Provision Sample (see https://github.com/Azure-Samples/power-bi-embedded-integrate-report-into-web-app/blob/master/ProvisionSample/Program.cs).
There is a workspace collection and a workspace that have been created. The workspace was created through code using the relevant API methods so I know that the authentication side of things is working correctly.
When I call the PostImportWithFile method I'm getting a BadRequest exception being thrown. To verify that this wasn't something to do with my code I've compiled and run the ProvisionSample and selected option 6 and selected the same file and received the same result.
I'm supplying null for the dataset parameter, which is optional and defaults to null anyway, so I can't see this being the cause of my issues.
I've been unable to find anything online regarding this method and a BadRequest so was wondering if there was anyone with experience with this API that had run into something similar?
The PBIX file works fine through Power BI Services, so I'm assuming nothing is wrong with the file.
cordova - 在 cordova 应用程序中嵌入 power bi 报告
我使用 PowerBI-Node SDK https://github.com/Microsoft/PowerBI-Node生成访问令牌并获取其他详细信息
是否有任何解决方法。我也尝试<access origin="*"/>.