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For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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plone - 克隆:plonesocial.auth.rpx->rpx_login_form 未找到

尝试使用 rpx 登录表单;页面最终被重定向到http://site_name/rpx_login_form





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plone - 想在 Plone 3 中使用 Diazo

我想就部署 Diazo 以与 Plone 3 一起使用的最佳方法提出建议。我知道 plone.app.theming 对于低于 Plone 4.1 的版本是不可能的,但我们还不能根据需要升级到 Plone 4首先将一些代码移植到 Plone 4.x,但我们希望从 Diazo 的主题基础架构中受益。

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image - Plone Kupu 中的图像模糊

我使用 Plone3 中的 Kupu 编辑器在网站中插入图像,自动缩放图像,并使用指向原始图像的链接制作更小的拇指。

这是我们如何做到这一点的教程:http: //www.contentmanagementsoftware.info/plone-book/kupu/insert-image-properties/index_html

Kupu 创建了一个新的缩放图像(不仅用 css 缩放,而且真实地缩放它),结果是图像变得有点模糊。我不知道这个问题是否与这个文件有关。


我认为获得高质量图像的唯一方法是使用 Photoshop 或某些图形编辑器手动缩放它们。但似乎 Kupu 不允许这样做。您必须吞下它的举止并上传其自行生成的图像。

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apache - 使用 apache 和 plone 设置 SSL 登录会话以实现安全登录

我尝试在登录后强制进行 SSL 会话。登录部分强制最初连接到 SSL。但是登录后恢复正常的http。对于所有其他浏览器期望 IE。


我有以下与 IE 一起使用的内容。但不适用于 FireFox 和 Chrome。我正在运行 apache 2.2.2 和 Plone 3.5。

如果设置了 __ac cookie,则重定向到 https

RewriteCond ${HTTPS} off

RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} __ac=

RewriteRule ^(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}$1 [NE,L]




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plone - Plone 4.3:AttributeError:在更新目录时清除membran_tool

最近我将一个plone 3网站升级为plone 4.3网站。在 myhost/projectname/membrane_tool/manage_catalogAdvanced 我尝试过 clear 和 rebuild 也尝试过更新目录。但它们产生的错误与


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plone - Executing Content Rules Programmatically using a PloneFormGen Custom Script Adapter

Some basic info

I have a Plone 3.2.1 site, which has a sub folder named prod. There is also a PloneFormGen form named upload, which has a custom script adapter that creates a custom content type (slight modification of the 'Collection' type) and places it in the aforementioned prod folder.

The prod folder has a content rule configured, which has the following conditions:

  • Type == "My Custom Type"
  • State == "Private"

If those conditions are met, it will send me an email saying there is a new content type awaiting my review.

The issue

When using a custom script adapter to create content types, it seems the content rules are bypassed or ignored. Of course manually creating a "My Custom Type" via the "Add new..." menu executes the rule as expected.

My thoughts

As far as I can see I only have 3 options

  1. install uwosh.pfg.d2c
    • This would be ideal but seems to break my installation (client1 refuses to load after this is added to buildout, it complains about a permission issue, it also seems to cause the same issue on a vanilla Plone 4.3 install)
  2. Write something in my script that can talk to Plone's mailhost and send a custom email
  3. Find a way to execute a content rule in my script

Number 3 on this list is where I want to go, although I can't find much information on it, leading me to think it might be quite complicated.

Question summary

Is it possible to execute an already existing content rule using a PloneFormGen custom script adapter? If it is possible, does anyone have documentation or an example of it?

Script Adapter script if you need to see it:

I am still working on this so the question may be modified as I progress through this issue. Although any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.

Edit #1

I was on the Plone chat room and someone suggested I look into ObjectAddedEvent. This is probably what I am looking for although I am unable to import those modules via a custom script adapter and would like to avoid having to write a script that resides on the file system.

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plone - PloneFormGen Mailer 发送重复的电子邮件

我有一个安装了 Products.PloneFormGen 的 Plone 3.2.1 站点,它有一个配置有发送到 Google Apps 通讯组的邮件程序的表单。但是,该表单一旦提交,就会向通讯组发送一封电子邮件;目前它正在发送4。

为了调试并确保不是通讯组在做一些奇怪的事情,我在站点上安装了 Products.PrintingMailHost 并且每次提交表单时都可以在控制台中看到打印了 4 次的电子邮件。有人建议我这个问题可能与 Zope Database ConflictErrors 有关,但是当我在前台模式下加载我的任何客户端时,我看不到与此相关的任何内容,这让我相信这可能不是问题,或者我正在查看错误的地方。



client1/event.log 的内容

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plone - Plone:我怎么知道重复循环是否为空?



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python - Plone CMS 中的孤立页面

我遇到了在 Plone CMS 站点中查找孤立页面的问题。有没有人有任何想法或给我一些提示。任何帮助将不胜感激。


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plone - Plone 3.0 用户和组:显示全部

我有一个问题,当我进入用户和组页面并按show all时,它会在一个页面内不显示任何内容或只显示几个成员,而不是像以前那样在一个页面中显示 20 个成员,这是为什么呢?
