问题标签 [pivot-grid]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
winforms - Devexpress WinForms PivotGrid cell color depending on Field
In WinForms DevExpress (16.1) I have a PivotGrid Control and a CustomCellValue event handler, I was wondering if it is possible to set the cell style along with the value in the same handler.
c# - 在我的 WinForms 项目中恢复 DevExpress PivotGridControl 中的布局不起作用
我使用以下代码保存和恢复DevExpress PivotGridControl V7.2
c# - 在 DevExpress PivotGridControl 中使用 DisplayNameAttribute
有没有办法使用为每个属性定义的 [DisplayName] 作为 a 中的字段PivotGridControl
使用以下代码导致 show Id和Num as Pivot Fields
,但我希望改为显示Identifire和Number :
javascript - Extjs pivotgrid的深度数据结构
首先看一下我试图在数据透视表上显示的数据:https ://api.myjson.com/bins/1a46si ,你可以看到项目应该基于“L1~L8”嵌套,并且它应该在聚合上显示的值是“SUM”。例如,一个“L1”项在 L1 上有一个值,但 L2~L8 将为空,其总和值是其所有“子项”的总和(此计算已从服务器发送,因此枢轴网格只需要显示它)。
问题是枢轴网格将这些在 L2~L8 上没有任何值的数据显示为“(空白)”,另一个问题是汇总其子项的总和,我已经尝试获取记录的 SUM 值自定义聚合器,但我找不到与当前聚合对应的正确记录。
小提琴示例:https ://fiddle.sencha.com/#view/editor&fiddle/2qrf
extjs - Best way to use checkboxes inside a Extjs Pivot Grid
I have a pivot grid which display if the users have create,read,update,delete" permissions, the users are agrouped in this way departaments > estabilishments > sectors > users and i want the user to be able to edit this fields.
I already tried using with a renderer:
and with a widget column:
My Aggregator:
The checkbox apears on the grid but my problem is the data "dont persist", whenever i expand or collapse a left axis on the pivot grid the value of the checkbox returns to its original value, how can i persist this data?
Already tried update the record manualy
But still, it doestn't work.
EDIT: Had to change the column object event listener to:
With this, the change event is only fired when the users check a checkbox, and finally, I could use norbeq's answer
asp.net-mvc - 如何在 Kendo UI asp.net mvc Pivot 网格中隐藏总和列和行
在 Pivot 网格(Kendo UI asp.net MVC)中,我试图隐藏最后一列和最后一行但未能成功(即显示网格中默认的总字段的列和行)。我在谷歌上搜索,但我没有得到正确的答案。
extjs - Extjs 枢轴网格行号
这是示例的链接 https://examples.sencha.com/extjs/7.1.0/examples/kitchensink/?classic#configurable-pivot-grid
我尝试将 rowNumbers 设置为 true,但它不起作用
reactjs - 如何获取rowFields以比较枢轴网格devextreme中的两列反应js
我有使用devExtreme react pivot grid的枢轴网格,我想比较两列,所以我需要行字段来比较,但是在单元格渲染中我没有行字段,有没有办法获得行字段。