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ios - 从 PHAsset 获取大小(高度和宽度)
(有点像 Pinterest 应用程序的主页)制作图像选择器,我已将照片库中的所有照片作为PHAsset
ios - 移动而不是复制到 PHPhotoLibrary
我的 iOS 应用程序录制了一段视频(在 中NSTemporaryDirectory()/...
ios - 从 NSData 创建图像并使用 PHPhotoLibrary 保存它
我正在尝试使用从蓝牙收集的 NSData 创建图像。数据保存在 NSData 变量 recdata 中,然后使用 imageWithData 将其转换为图像。我正在尝试使用下面的代码将此图像保存到照片库中。但我没有在照片库中看到图像。我错过了什么吗?
另外,当我在做这个项目时,我从蓝牙接收数据,我不知道如何检查 iPhone 屏幕上的错误消息。目前,我正在使用 [信息 setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", error.localizedFailureReason ]]; 从完成处理程序打印错误消息。但是什么都没有打印出来,应用程序崩溃并关闭。
ios - 如何使用 PHPhotoLibrary 保存 GIF?
我有一个显示来自互联网的 GIF 的应用程序,我正在尝试添加将 GIF 保存到相机胶卷的功能。我正在使用PHPhotoLibrary
并且我试图使用我在几个 SO 问题中看到的方法将其保存到相机胶卷中,例如这个:
然而,这给了我failed to save gif Optional(Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=-1 "(null)")
,这似乎是因为 .gif 文件格式,但我找不到另一个如何在不使用已弃用的 .gif 文件的情况下保存到相机胶卷的示例ALAssetsLibrary.writeImageDataToSavedPhotosAlbum
我尝试从 Safari 中保存 GIF,并且效果很好:发送给其他人时 GIF 动画,所以我知道我想要做的事情是可能的,但是有人可以指出我 PHPhotoLibrary API 的正确部分吗?
编辑:基于this answer to a similar question,我想出了如何做我想做的事情Data
ios - iOS照片库:资产删除后唯一标识符可以重用吗?
我有一个应用程序检查照片库中的更改。我的应用程序使用 PHAsset 本地标识符来跟踪此资产发生的任何更改。
ios - 单元测试 PHFetchResult
现在的问题是我如何在运行单元测试时假设我有权限?因为我一打电话PHAssetCollection.fetchAssetCollections(withLocalIdentifiers: [ album ], options: nil)
ios - 使用 GPUImage 捕获过滤后的图像并使用元数据保存到照片库
我正在为 iOS 10 开发一个简单的应用程序。我需要实时过滤相机提要,然后捕获并保存过滤后的图像。
使用 GPUImage,我已经能够使用GPUImageStillCamera
. 我也在使用PHPhotoLibrary
ios - PHAssetChangeRequest failing for UIImage taken with camera
I'm having an issue implementing a camera View Controller for an iOS app that I'm working on. When a button is pressed, I have a singleton camera object that manages the AVFoundation
side of things and captures the image. As you can see below, once the UIImage
is captured from the camera, I pass a completion block that utilizes it.
The first method below is an action that fires when the capture button is pressed on the camera. First, the camera layer is paused by disabling the connection on the preview layer, then the image is captured. Then, the camera object captures the UIImage
, at which point I remove the camera preview layer from the view and instead add a UIImageView
subview with the captured image in its place.
Next, I want to add the image to the album I have created in Photos using the Photos framework. I can create the album without an issue, and I have verified that the PHAssetCollection
object. I am using in the second method is the correct one.
For some reason, however, I can't add the UIImage
I capture to the album. I tried to add a random image file I had in my project to the album, and the operation completed successfully. I have also verified that the correct image is successfully being passed to the addPhotoToSavedPhotos
method by using NSLog
statements to check the image description in both methods. This leads me to believe that something is wrong with the image somehow, but the imageView displays it successfully, so I'm not sure what that might be.
If anyone has any ideas of solutions I might try, I would appreciate it. Also the error.localizedDescription
from the NSLog
statement in the second method outputs "The operation couldn't be completed
. (Cocoa error -1)."
ios - PHPhotoLibrary 在获取 placeholderForCreatedAsset 时崩溃
1 CoreFoundation __exceptionPreprocess + 1245624
2 libobjc.A.dylib objc_exception_throw + 34136
3 张照片 __48-[PHChangeRequestHelper generateUUIDIfNecessary]_block_invoke + 116552
2 libdispatch.dylib _dispatch_semaphore_wait_slow + 79828
3 张照片-[PHChangeRequestHelper generateUUIDIfNecessary] + 115992
4 张照片-[PHAssetCreationRequest placeholderForCreatedAsset] + 244020
所以[PHChangeRequestHelper generateUUIDIfNecessary]
我只在iOS > 10上看到这个,我无法在模拟器中复制它。
ios - 在自定义相册中显示照片,但不在相机角色/我的照片流中
我正在研究 PHPhotoLibrary,我在其中创建相册并将图像保存到其中。但是,保存到相册的图像也会出现在“相机胶卷”和“我的照片流”中。