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postgresql - Are there any negative performance or functionality downsides to using pg_upgrade with --link option afterwards?

I'm about upgrade a quite large PostgreSQL cluster from 9.3 to 11.

The upgrade

The cluster is approximately 1,2Tb in size. The database has a disk system consisting of a fast HW RAID 10 array of 8 DC-edition SSDs with 192GB ram and 64 cores. I am performing the upgrade by replicating the data to a new server with streaming replication first, then upgrading that one to 11.

I tested the upgrade using pg_upgrade with the --link option, this takes less than a minute. I also tested the upgrade regularly (without --link) with many jobs, that takes several hours (+4).


Now the obvious choice is of cause for me to use the --link option, however all this makes me wonder - is there any downsides (performance or functionality wise) to using that over the regular slower method? I do not know the internal workings of postgresql data structures, but I have a feeling there could be a performance difference after the upgrade between rewriting the data entirely and to just using hard links - whatever that means?


The only thing I can find in the documentation about the drawbacks of --link is the downside of not being able to access the old data directory after the upgrade is performed https://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/pgupgrade.htm However that is only a safety concern and not a performance drawback and doesn't really apply in my case of replicating the data first. The only other thing I can think of is reclaiming space, with whatever performance upsides that might have. However as I understand it, that can also be achieved by running a VACUUM FULL DATABASE (or CLUSTER?) command after the --link-upgraded database has been upgraded? Also the reclaiming of space is not very impactful performance wise on an SSD as I understand.

I appreciate if anyone can help cast some light into this.

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postgresql - PostgreSQL 10 => 11.1 关于 Brew 更新问题

试图找到从PostgreSQL 10.6到的迁移路线postgreSQL 11.1

使用pg_upgrade, 从两个版本中,给我错误。我认为从中11.1可以将过时的表格带入货币:



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postgresql - PostgreSQL 10 => 11.1 pg_upgrade Postmaster 使用旧集群

我似乎被夹在两个操作之间,既pg_upgrade要更改PostgreSQL主要版本,pg_ctl又要控制old cluster.





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postgresql - pg_upgradecluster 花费太多时间(165GB 数据库大约需要 8 小时)任何解决方法?

我正在尝试将 postgres-9.3 升级到 postgres-10,数据库大小约为 165GB。我正在使用“sudo pg_upgradecluster 9.3 main”来执行此操作,但这需要大约 8 小时,这对于我的实时 web 应用程序来说停机时间太长了。任何建议以减少停机时间和更快地使其更好。

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postgresql-9.1 - 将远程 postgresql 9.1 数据库迁移到本地 postgresql 11

我想将postgresql 9.1数据库升级到postgresql 11。首先我想从pg11服务器用pg_dump获取远程pg9.1服务器上的数据做一个实验。如何使用新的 pg_dump 将远程服务器上的数据库复制到新服务器。

以下代码使用旧的 pg_dump 并且它不起作用。

ssh user @ remote_machine "pg_dump -U dbuser -h localhost -C --column-inserts" \ >> backup_file_on_your_local_machine.sql

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postgresql - 具有时间刻度升级的 postgresql

我安装了带有 Timescale 1.1.1 共享库的 Postgresql 9.6.11。我正在尝试升级它们,使用 Timescale 和pg_upgradePostgres 的就地升级,即 Postgresql 到 11.5 和 Timescale 到 1.4。我应该先升级哪个?我首先成功地升级了 Timescale,然后我尝试继续使用 pg_upgrade,但我遇到了错误 pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 1012; 1259 24224 TABLE cache_inval_extension 我想知道我是否应该安装带有 Timescale 1.1.1 的 Postgresql 11.5。然后使用 pg_upgrade 然后就地时间尺度。

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postgresql - redhat pg_upgrade 权限错误


CentOS 7 pg_upgrade 权限错误

尝试运行 pg_upgrade 时,它​​不会让我以 root 身份运行该命令。从root退出时,由于权限,它无法访问文件。如何解决?


以 root 身份运行命令时出现错误消息:

不以 root 身份运行命令时的错误消息:

还尝试以 postgres 用户身份运行命令

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postgresql - docker - postgres upgrade 11 to 12 postmaster issue

I used this https://github.com/tianon/docker-postgres-upgrade to upgrade postgres from 11 to 12 version & facing issue while upgrade, got error - "postmaster servicing the old cluster"

Here using docker container for 11 & 12 in separately, also scale down docker service before that upgarde, but not sure why this postmaster issue came & how to fix this.??

Above docker run cmd part of logs:--

Thank you in advance.

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postgresql - Postgres - pg_upgrade 11 到 12 角色“postgres”不存在

尝试使用https://github.com/tianon/docker-postgres-upgrade从 11 升级到 12 时- 弹出以下错误:



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windows - 无法打开版本文件 PG_VERSION postgresql pg upgrade

我需要一些帮助,我正在 Windows 上将 postgresql 从 v10 升级到 v11,但收到以下错误消息:could not open version file: C:/Program Files/PostgresSQL/11/data/PG_VERSION.


  1. 使用停止 PostgresSQL v10 和 PostgresSQL v11 服务

  2. 为 v10 和 v11 的用户设置完全访问控制/完整权限。

  3. 创建具有完全管理员权限的“postgres”用户帐户。
  4. 打开命令行并输入

    提示输入用户 postgres 用户的密码。

  5. 新的命令行窗口打开并 cd 到 'C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11'。

  6. 输入以下内容:


我对使用 PostgreSQL 的整个过程很陌生。
