问题标签 [persistent-object-store]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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html - Chrome 应用程序中的 indexedDB

我正在构建一个 chrome 应用程序,它需要一个持久本地数据库,在这种情况下可以是indexedDB或 basic object storage。在开始开发应用程序之前,我有几个问题:

  1. 卸载 chrome 应用程序和 chrome 浏览器后是否可以保留 indexedDB 数据?
  2. 如果 indexedDB 文件/数据持续存在,我可以找到并查看它吗?
  3. 如果我可以找到但无法查看,是否可以更改 indexedDB 文件的位置?
  4. 我可以将 indexedDB 存储在桌面或任何其他自定义位置的文件中吗?
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javascript - 将值存储在新创建的 objectStore 中



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mule - 如何在骡子应用程序之间共享数据不使用数据库(使用对象存储)

在 mule 中使用对象存储时遇到问题。它不能与同一 mule 服务器上的其他应用程序共享数据。我已设置如下,但无法在另一个应用程序(同一服务器)中使用。



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caching - 自定义缓存骡子的用途

Mule 有内置对象存储来缓存数据,但是在缓存策略下使用自定义对象存储的目的是什么?如果可能,请提及一个用例。

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javascript - IndexedDB: Modifying pre-existing objects in an object store

I am trying to wrap my head around IndexedDB.

I created an object store that uses a key-generator with no key-path.

In order to access my records, I created an index that references my object store. The index's key path is the domain property of my records.

Here is an example of what one record in my object store might look like:

Each entry appearing in the domain property is guaranteed to be unique among the set consisting of the union of every domain key's value out of every record of my object store. I.E. You won't find any of these domains anywhere else in my object store.

I need to let user's edit the objects in the object store. Provided with a single domain, I can retrieve the associated object like this:

Now, here is the part where I am confused. Once the user has changed the properties that they want to edit/added new properties as they please, I need to save their changes by replacing the object retrieved above with the new object that the user created. (or modify the original object and save the changes).

I think I need to use IDBObjectStore.put() to do this.

The put() method takes two parameters, one required and one optional:

The second parameter is presumably optional for the instances in which you are using inline keys. I am using out-of-line keys that were generated with a key generator.

How can I get the (auto-generated, out-of-line) key of the object that I retrieved through my index, so I can communicate to the object store that I want to modify that pre-existing object and not create a new one?

Is there another way I should be going about this?

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javascript - IndexedDB:检索与对象存储中的特定对象关联的外键


IDBDatabase.createObjectStore(Name, {autoIncrement: true });

现在,假设我使用 an 从该对象存储中检索一个对象index来查找它。

有没有一种方法可以检索与对象关联的外键,以便我可以使用IDBObjectstore.put()/修改/删除它IDBObjectstore.delete(),或者我是否坚持使用游标迭代对象存储(基于某些任意属性进行比较)和使用cursor.update()/ cursor.delete()


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python - python中允许元组作为键的对象存储

我正在 python 中搜索一个对象存储,它允许我存储一个以tuples 作为键的字典。我已经尝试过shelveshove,一旦我通过我的字典,它们都会退出并出现错误。有没有提供这个的解决方案?


它给了我AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'rstrip'。但仅当元组不在数据中时。



给我TypeError: dbm mappings have string indices only

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mule - 3.6.2 运行时中的对象存储抛出错误

我正在将我的代码从 3.5.1 迁移到 3.6.2,并且我还使用对象存储来存储其他场景的所有失败记录。我已经从“安装新软件”下载了新的对象存储(我看到只有社区版本可用,如果企业版也发布了 3.6.2 运行时的对象存储,请告诉我)。


Error creating bean with name 'ObjectStore': Injection of autowired dependencies failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Could not autowire field: private org.mule.api.registry.Registry org.mule.modules.objectstore.ObjectStoreConnector.registry; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type [org.mule.api.registry.Registry] found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations: {@javax.inject.Inject()} 当我尝试在对象存储上创建一个单独的小实用程序进行测试时,它工作正常,但在我现有的代码中,当我添加对象存储时,它显示上述错误。




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mule - Mule - SimpleMemoryObjectStore 能持续多久?



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javascript - 使用 YDN-DB 从对象存储中获取键及其值
