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android - 为什么`SmsMessage.createFromPdu`返回一个数组?
在 Android 中,如果我想读取传入的 SMS,我会使用SmsMessage.createFromPdu
s 数组。这是为什么?为什么不单单SmsMessage
s 具有相同的原始地址?
sms - Is there any good and stable online SMS to PDU converter?
I'm looking for a nice online converter which could work with several modems. The problem i'm dealing with - i can't send sms in pdu mode (with Cinterion BGS-2T). Tried with my own library (still working on it) and several online converters such as:
- http://www.smartposition.nl/resources/sms_pdu.html
- http://m2msupport.net/m2msupport/module-tester/
- http://hardisoft.ru/soft/otpravka-sms-soobshhenij-v-formate-pdu-teoriya-s-primerami-na-c-chast-1/
User data seems to be encoded well (same result everywhere), but the first part of TPDU (with PDU-Type, TP-MR, ...) may be a little bit variable (but never works, damn).
Few moments:
- The modem definitely supports pdu mode.
- There is cash on balance.
- Modem responses on "AT+CMGS" with ">" and it responses on PDU string with "\r\nOK\r\n", but didn't responds with "+CMGS" (and of course i'm not receiving my sms).
If it necessary here is part of my own code:
Example of my routine work:
To: 380933522620
Message: Hello! Test SMS in GSM-7
Encoded PDU string:
00 01 00 0C 81 83 90 33 25 62 02 00 00 18 C8 32 9B FD 0E 81 A8 E5 39 1D 34 6D 4E 41 69 37 E8 38 6D B6 6E 1A
Details about PDU string:
1. 00 - skipped SMSC
2. 01 - PDU-Type
3. 00 - TP-MR
4. 0C - length of To number.
5. 81 - type of number (unknown, also tried 0x91 which is international)
6. 83 90 33 25 62 02 - To number
7. 00 - TP-PID
8. 00 - TP-DCS (GSM 7bit, default SMS class)
9. 18 - TP-UD (24 letters)
10. C8 32 ... B6 6E - packed message
11. 1A - ctrl+z
sms - SMS spoofing (PDU)?
I was trying to replace the sender address with an alphanumeric text by adding a UDH to the PDU string? Unfortunately this didn't work. Maybe because the spoofed address is being replaced by the SMSC?
android - 在android上测试发送sms pdu
我想测试从我的应用程序接收和发送短信 pdus 在 Kitkat 4.4 中有没有办法做到这一点?
以前有一种“伪造”接收和短信的方法:Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp)
有解决方法吗?由于直接发送实际的短信进行测试不是一种选择,因为它的成本很高,尤其是在开发阶段。据我所知,模拟器不适用于 pdu 发送,我需要自己测试 pdu
sms - explain sms UDH header 08 07 01 03 00 03 08 02 02?
i have read udh details from concatenated-sms
but those example are like
but i have received sms with this header
i know first octet 08 is header length
2nd octet information elemint identefier is (07) that is udh source indicater ?
can anyone explain what is meaning of udh source indicater and all others octets ?
sms - 连接的短信是否总是按照 GSM 手机发送的顺序发送?
据我所知,连接的短信在 GSM 手机中拆分并传送到网络。GSM标准是否谈论这些数据包的顺序?它会一直按顺序发送吗?那是第一个序列数据包先然后再下一个?
我对此的疑问。1. SMPP 是否讲长短信段的顺序?就像 SP 是否有可能收到乱序消息?2. GSM 手机是否总是按顺序发送长消息?
sms - 如何创建 PDU 级联短信?
嗨,我正在写一个 pdu,我对生成用户数据感到很困惑。我找到了一个例子
0041000C913619873721670000A0050003000301 986F79B90D4AC3E7F53688FC66BFE5A0799A0E0AB7CB741668FC76CFCB637A995E9783C2E4343C3D4F8FD3EE33A8CC4ED359A079990C22BF41E5747DDE7E9341F4721BFE9683D2EE719A9C26D7DD74509D0E6287C56F791954A683C86FF65B5E06B5C36777181466A7E3F5B0AB4A0795DDE936284C06B5D3EE741B642FBBD3E1360B14AFA7E7
这将发送字符串“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.Ut enim ad minim veniam, qui” pdu 上的粗体字母。
我在 .net 中创建了一个 pdu 编码,它与其他在线编码器和 engnick.blogspot.com/2011/09/gsm-7bit-part-of-pdu-packencoding.html 匹配
when I try to do this 0041000C913619873721670000A0050003000301 CCB7BCDC06A5E1F37A1B447EB3DF72D03C4D0785DB653A0B347EBBE7E531BD4CAFCB4161721A9E9EA7C769F7195466A7E92CD0BC4C0691DFA072BA3E6FBFC9207AB90D7FCB4169F7384D4E93EB6E3AA84E07B1C3E2B7BC0C2AD341E437FB2D2F83DAE1B33B0C0AB3D3F17AD855A583CAEE741B142683DA6977BA0DB297DDE9709B058AD7D3
它发送一个错误的字符串。谁可以生成与示例相同的 pdu 数据?
sms - 级联 PDU 闪存消息
我正在尝试使用 sim900 gsm 模块发送连接的闪存消息。两条消息都发送成功,但我的手机上只能看到一条。
这些是我正在使用的 PDU:
AT+CMGS=140 pdu part 1 = 0051000B916998775706F80010A78F050003790201622C908C059AB1403416A8C602D958A01B0B84638172A0B09B0C8AC158A0188C058AC558A0988C058ACD58A0188D058AD558A0988D058ADD58A0188E058AE55820198C0592C55820998C0592CD5820198D0592D55820998D0592DD5820198E0592E558A0198C059AC558A0998C059ACD58A0198D059AD500
AT+CMGS=43 pdu 第 2 部分 = 0051000B916998775706F80010A72105000379020258A0998D1593CD6839582E3683E564331C2C17C3C96630
UDH有什么问题吗?我可以发送串联的 SMS,但不能发送 Flash 消息。我怎样才能解决这个问题?
c# - 使用 AT 命令发送多部分短信失败
我通过 AT 命令发送一部分 pdu 短信,但是当我的信息超过 70 个字符时,我的短信没有发送。
نامونام خانوادگی : احسان صادقی
آخرین اعتبار موجود در کارت : 1597739 ریال
تاریخ : 1393/11/07
ساعت : 12:7
我创建的 pdu 是:
这个新的 pdu 没有发送,当我将消息拆分为 70 个字符部分并单独发送它们时,它们发送但在电话中作为单独的消息接收。
android - 精彩的字符串内容检查
等于 4(没有隐藏字符),但下面的命令返回 false!