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passwords - hybris 如何存储密码哈希
TLDR:在将密码哈希存储到数据库之前,Hybris 如何处理它们?因为数据库字段中的值不是标准密码哈希。
我正在使用 Hybris 1905。当我在后台设置用户密码时,我可以选择散列算法的类型,包括 MD5、SHA-256 和其他一些算法。然而,存储在数据库中的密码值显然不是算法的简单哈希。例如,这里是密码的散列test1234
- 盐渍MD5:
- SHA-256:
- SHA-512:
- BCrypt:
显然,这是 Hybris 在所选散列算法之上的某种编码——但它是什么?它是编码(即可以解码)还是散列?
我需要将一个大型用户数据库从另一个平台迁移到这个 Hybris 安装。我有想要导入的现有用户名和相应的散列密码。这些是标准的 bcrypt 哈希,所以相同的test1234
字符串会有 hash $2y$16$mK9cm.pwOp8ve9oH0VqkT.123HGy/RHYLcd1GB.N5zEqBylV.22wm
。然而,我很难理解如何将此哈希导入 Hybris 用户表。
cryptography - 保存使用用户密码加密的私钥是否比在数据库中存储哈希更安全?
javascript - 应用 PasswordStrengthBar 后,我应该如何检查密码是弱密码还是好密码?
我正在使用PasswordStrengthBar import PasswordStrengthBar from 'react-password-strength-bar';
我想在单击确认按钮并且密码很弱时显示一条消息.. 我应该如何检查密码是弱密码还是好密码?
python - Python Doesn't Derive Same Hashkey For a given password and salt as Keycloak or Online Password Hashers
My use-case is that I need to migrate some passwords from Keycloak to Django. My sample password on Keycloak is 'qwerty123'. The Corresponding Hash Generated In Keycloak DB is this:
However, if I paste this directly into the DB in the format specified by Django's Password Hashers, i.e,
I get a password mismatch error. I tried to retrace the password hasher in Python, and found that it is generating a different hash from the one that I am inserting. I did:
And The Output I got here was:
I also tried recreating the django password hasher code:
Output for which is:
Which is nowhere even close to the hash that Keycloak generated, can someone tell me what mistake am I making exactly? Any help will be appreciated.
I tried to check if Keycloak was doing some post processing before storing into the DB, so I checked this hash on 8gwifi.org . And it generates a hash identical to the one stored on Keycloak. So Python should also be able to arrive at the same hash. Screenshot From 8gwifi