问题标签 [pantheios]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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c++ - Pantheios:太大时创建一个新的日志文件

我想这样做,当 Pantheios 将 1GB 的数据写入文件时,它将停止填充该文件并创建一个新文件并使用它。我相信这被称为日志滚动,我不知道该怎么做。

需要明确的是,我并没有要求任何人为我编写此代码,但我只是不知道在哪里可以找到此信息,或者它是否甚至称为 Log rolling。

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windows - 带有 NDK 的 Android 版 Pantheios

如何使用 Android NDK 构建 Pantheios 以在 Windows 上与我的 JNI 代码一起使用?我编写了一个使用Android Logging API

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macos - 在当前 OSX 中应该使用哪些编译器设置来编译 Pantheios?

Pantheios INSTALL.TXT 说:


我的编译器是 Clang:

Pantheios 1.0.1-beta214 中的哪个编译器设置文件最合适?

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c++ - Unable to compile pantheios 1.0.0-beta216 with stlsoft-1.9.124 on windows 7 64bit

I'm having trouble compiling pantheios 1.0.0-beta2016 with stlsoft-1.9.124 on windows 7 64bit. The first error I had was

I got rid of the error by changing line 625 of the makefile to :

Which generated this new error :

I then changed lines 657 and 670 to remove the -WX compiler option.

I still get these warnings but now it continues compiling (generating these warnings over and over again...) until :

I am lost as to what to do...

To sum up my configuration :

  • Windows 7 64bit, compiling with the makefile in \pantheios-1.0.1-beta216\build\vc12.x64\makefile
  • Visual Studio 12 (2013)
  • pantheios 1.0.0-beta216
  • stlsoft-1.9.124 (with STLSOFT correctly defined)
  • nmake to compile with prior execution of vcvarsall.bat

Thanks in advance for your help!