问题标签 [page-library]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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sharepoint - No-code solution for calendar view of SharePoint news items

MOSS provides you an excellent option to create a "news" site in your portal. It adds some "Archive" functionality, but it is very limited - a list of all articles published in that particular site.

My users would like to see something better, a real archive of published articles, browsable by publishing date.

What I've tried so far, is creating a "Calendar" view in the http://portal/publishingsite/pages/ library. It works, but when you click a link in this calendar, it opens the "dispform.aspx?ID=123", not "mytestpage.aspx".

Is it possible to create a custom page using SharePoint designer where I can put a calendar (best if it can be browsed as easy as a typical calendar view in a list) and that links to pages in "page display mode" not in "SharePoint list item display mode"?

Maybe you have seen an easy-to-install and easy-to-maintain page archive feature for MOSS?

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sharepoint - 在 SharePoint 中为匿名用户重置页面库权限

在网站集级别有一个页面库,它是与整个网站一起创建的。我很久没有接触它,直到最近我添加了新的内容类型,修改了一些页面布局和使用解决方案文件的母版页。使用为匿名用户配置的站点访问主页时,网页上出现“401 UNAUTHORIZED”错误失败。我注意到 URL 是 /_layouts/AccessDenied.aspx?Source=...&Type=list&name={...} 然后我将此字符串复制到经过身份验证的用户的站点,它显示为“错误:访问被拒绝”。我还检查了 name={...} 的 guid。它是页库列表 ID。



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sharepoint - 我可以在 MOSS 2007 中创建新的页面库吗



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android - 从 DataSource 更新 List 后,在 PagedListAdapter 中保留先前更新的 Item

我有一个RecyclerView使用PagedListAdapterROOM网络 API 获取数据的。它使用一个BoundaryCallback向API发出请求,返回的数据被插入到数据库(ROOM)中

我有一个具有递增和递减按钮的列表项... 在此处输入图像描述



如果我使用增量按钮将产品项目quantity增加到例如 12,然后我尝试通过添加更多类别来过滤列表,则当前列表不会刷新,这很好,因为 DiffUtil.ItemCallback 确认项目是相同的,但是一旦我尝试在按更多类别过滤后增加同一产品的数量,它就会再次从零开始......

