问题标签 [outsystems]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
sql - SQL-Server Unpivot/Pivot 示例
sql - 高级SQL查询,需要添加另外一张表和员工ID
我是高级 SQL 的新手。我有一个需要添加变量的查询。它需要连接到一个员工表,并且只显示该特定员工 ID 的记录。这是 Outsystems 和高级 SQL 查询。有任何想法吗?
这是我需要添加的: Employee.EmployeeId = EmployeeId 或 EmployeeId = NullIdentifier()
mysql - Outsystems 中的高级 SQL 查询
mysql - Select the fields from different tables
I need to select different fields from different databases. One of the field is selecting the maximum of the LastUpdateOn datetime field from different tables.
{Project},{Document},{Instruction},{Document}, {User}, {ProjectParticipant} are the different tables
But getting an error saying {A} is an unknown entity. I am not sure what is wrong here. Tried using the
Getting an error like The multi-part identifier "A.max_LastUpdatedOn" could not be bound.
outsystems - 从不同的表中选择最大的字段
我尝试在不选择 LastUpdatedOn 部分的最大值的情况下运行查询。有用。但我不确定如何从特定项目 ID 的文档、指令、问题中选择 LastUpdatedOn 的最大值。
我收到以下错误列 'PORTAL.OSUSR_E2R_QUESTIONS_T9.LASTUPDATEDON' 在选择列表中无效,因为它不包含在聚合函数或 GROUP BY 子句中。
outsystems - 打开模块的问题
我正在开发 OutSystems 开发环境。多个开发人员正在开发同一个模块。问题是当我尝试发布我的作品时,它会询问我是否想将我的作品与其他人的更改合并并发布。如果单击合并并发布,我会说
System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no matching element
at ServiceStudio.ViewImplementation.Framework.ProgressDialog.RunWorkerThread(PresenterContext presenterContext, Action optionalPreOperationThatCanBeSafelyAborted, Action1 operation, Action customPreOperationAborter)
at ServiceStudio.ViewImplementation.WPFViewImplementationProvider.<>c__DisplayClass4b.<DoVerySlowOperation>b__49()
at ServiceStudio.ViewImplementation.WPFViewImplementationProvider.DoSlowOperation[ReturnType](IAggregatorView aggregatorView, Func1 operation)
at ServiceStudio.ViewImplementation.WPFViewImplementationProvider.<>c__DisplayClass4b.<DoVerySlowOperation>b__48()
at ServiceStudio.WPFExtensions.WpfExtensions.ExecuteInUIThread[ReturnType](Application app, Func1 action)
at ServiceStudio.ViewImplementation.WPFViewImplementationProvider.ExecuteInUIThread[ReturnType](Func1 action)
at ServiceStudio.ViewImplementation.WPFViewImplementationProvider.DoVerySlowOperation(IAggregatorView aggregatorView, String title, Action1 optionalPreOperationThatCanBeSafelyAborted, Action 1 operation, Action customPreOperationAborter)
at ServiceStudio.Presenter.RuntimeImplementation.#jq13.#pao()
at ServiceStudio.Presenter.AggregatorPresenter.DisableCommandProcessingIn(Action action)
at ServiceStudio.Presenter.RuntimeImplementation.DoVerySlowOperation(IAggregatorPresenter aggregator, String title, Action1 optionalPreOperationThatCanBeSafelyAborted, Action1 operation, Action customPreOperationAborter)
at ServiceStudio.Presenter.AggregatorPresenter.#hok.#wNn()
outsystems - Active directory user log in
I am working on a module which is using the Active Directory Integration. If the user logs in with the active directory credentials, the username field in table of the webpage is populeted with Domain\username (eg: ABC\username , where ABC is the domain name). I am new to outsystems and the module I am working on.
I have a new requirement where the I need to select the fields where the username doesnot start with "ABC\". I tried to create the below query but it is not working.It is pulling all the records from the User, but I need the records only if the username that doesnot starts "ABC\". I am not sure how the ABC\ gets added to the username.
I tried to filter with respect to the email address as below it is working fine
Please help me with this.
outsystems - 实体属性的默认值
我在我的应用程序中引用的另一个应用程序中有一个实体属性,其默认值为 CurrDate()。因此,当我在我的应用程序中使用这个对象时,它会自动显示 currDate.. 但我想将日期设置为我的应用程序中的输入字段,该字段将实体引用到 CurrDate()+3... 我该怎么做那
list - 将组合框特殊列表值设置为其他变量
如何将组合框特殊列表值设置为其他变量。例如,对于组合框,我有 Value1 0 和 Option1 Select。因此,在刷新时,我必须再次将值 1 设置为组合框,有时它具有旧的选定值。因此,在刷新时,我想将与组合框关联的变量设置为 Value1 0 和 Option1 Select。