问题标签 [ora-01403]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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sql - 为什么我在这个匿名块中得到 NO_DATA_FOUND?


表中的idstageBB_BASKETSTATUS表示一个发货项目,值为 5,该DTSTAGE列是发货日期。表格的dtorderedBB_BASKET是订单日期。


为什么我不断收到错误ORA-01403: no data found at line 10 in ord_ship_se

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sql - Is ORA-01403 being received by the procedure or the package being called within the procedure?

Sorry to paste the long code. I have a procedure that inserts data in a table and calls several packages. On running the below procedure, I get following error -


Now I know that the error is coming at stage 3 where package PKG_CM_ACTIONS.P_NEW_CASE_NOTIFY is being called. My questions are -

  1. Is the ORA 01403 being thrown because there is no data to call PKG_CM_ACTIONS.P_NEW_CASE_NOTIFY?

  2. The ORA 01403 is being thrown because PKG_CM_ACTIONS.P_NEW_CASE_NOTIFY is getting called but not returning anything.

Code :

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sql - 如何在plsql中将字符串数据类型传递给数字数据类型


从返回的值select value into v_psg from settings_am where key = 'PSG';将是


当我运行这个程序时,我返回了 ora 错误 - ORA-01403。

请告知我应该如何将 v_psg 值传递给产品表的 psg 列?

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