问题标签 [openwebstart]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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rmi - 如何通过 Java 11 + Openwebstart 在 RMI 中使用 java.sql.Timestamp

设置:Windows 10 openjdk-11.0.5+10 Openwebstart 1.0.0

我们有一个通过 RMI 连接到后端服务器的 Java Swing 客户端。客户端通过 JNLP 分发。

当我们启动客户端时一切正常,直到客户端通过 RMI 获得 java.sql.Timestamp 并希望它反序列化。然后我们得到以下异常:

我们的 JNLP 看起来像这样:



当我们从终端(使用-classpath ./lib/*)启动客户端时,一切正常。因此该代码适用于 Java 11,但 OpenWebstart 不在 Classpathmode 下运行它。


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javascript - OpenWebStart + IcedTea-Web:JavaScript 启动按钮

使用OpenWebStart (Java SE 11),我们应该使用什么 JavaScript 脚本来创建启动按钮

在 Java SE 8 中,我使用了:

这仍然是 Java SE 11/OpenWebStart 的推荐脚本吗?或者有替代品吗?

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java - OpenWebStart + IcedTea-Web:JNLP DOCTYPE 或 XSD

OpenWebStart (Java SE 11)的当前 JNLP 规范(版本)是什么?

这里有一个非官方的 JNLP 版本列表,但仅限于 Java SE 8。

是否仍应使用 Oracle/Sun 的 DTD?

或者有更新的版本吗?甚至是官方的 XSD?

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java - OpenWebStart + IcedTea-Web:j2se 元素

对于OpenWebStart (Java SE 11),我们应该在 j2se 元素中使用什么 URL?



OpenWebStart 支持哪些 URL?

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kerberos - 使用 Kerberos 登录的 OpenWebStart 应用程序 - 校验和失败

我尝试运行显示 Login-Dialog 并在 Kerberos 上登录的 OpenWebStart 应用程序。我得到“校验和失败”异常(见下文)。我在 VM (Centos7) 和 Kerberos 日志中运行 KDC,我看到 TGT 已成功创建:

Kerberos 配置如下(kdc.conf):


通过调试,我可以看到 TGT 很受欢迎,但随后执行校验和并失败。我曾尝试使用无限强度策略,但这并没有帮助。知道为什么校验和失败了吗?

任何帮助深表感谢。以下是 OpenWebStart 日志:

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java - 如何在使用 OpenWebStart 的 webstart 应用程序中使用 Openjfx

我们正在使用 Openjfx ( https://openjfx.io ) 和 OpenWebStart ( https://openwebstart.com ) 将 Java 1.8 JavaFX/Webstart 应用程序迁移到 Java 11。

我们成功地将应用程序迁移并运行到 JavaFx-14 (OpenJfx)。现在要在 IDE 上运行它,需要包含以下 jvm 参数:

我们使用 Maven 构建应用程序。它在 Java 1.8 上运行良好。它对所有 jar 进行签名,创建包和 jnlp 文件。Maven 还创建了一个包含所有依赖项的“uber jar”。我们迁移了 POM,包括新的 deps。我们通过命令行使用 uber jar 文件(使用 --module-path 参数)手动运行应用程序对其进行了测试。

我们在 .jnlp 文件中包含了 --module-path 参数:



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java - 如何确保 Java Web Start 应用程序的单个实例正在客户端计算机上运行?

我正在尝试使用 java web start 以及 open web start 在客户端计算机上执行 .jnlp 文件。如何确保只有 jnlp 应用程序或 java web start 应用程序的单个实例在客户端机器上运行?我发现需要使用 SingleInstanceService 和 SingleInstanceListner 接口,但不知道如何使用。有人可以举个例子吗?提前致谢

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javascript - net.adoptopenjdk.icedteaweb.shaded.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError:ReferenceError:“java”未定义。(内部#105)

当尝试使用 Open Web start 调用 JNLP 应用程序时,我得到了这个错误堆栈跟踪。

net.adoptopenjdk.icedteaweb.shaded.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError:ReferenceError:“java”未定义。(internal#105) 在 net.adoptopenjdk.icedteaweb.shaded.mozilla.javascript.ScriptRuntime.constructError(ScriptRuntime.java:3557) 在 net.adoptopenjdk.icedteaweb.shaded.mozilla.javascript.ScriptRuntime.constructError(ScriptRuntime.java:3535) ) 在 net.adoptopenjdk.icedteaweb.shaded.mozilla.javascript.ScriptRuntime.name(ScriptRuntime.java:1652) 在 net.adoptopenjdk.icedteaweb.shaded.mozilla.javascript.ScriptRuntime.name(ScriptRuntime.java:1652) 在 net.adoptopenjdk.icedteaweb.shaded.mozilla.javascript.ScriptRuntime.notFoundError(ScriptRuntime.java:3620)。采用openjdk.icedteaweb.shaded.mozilla.javascript.Interpreter.interpretLoop(Interpreter.java:3413) at script.dnsResolve(internal:105) at script.getResolvedIp( http://uhic.ca.edu/toodeepregression3.pac:569 )在 script.FindProxyForURL(http://uhic.ca.edu/toodeepregression3.pac:62

第 569 行的脚本是.. internalResolvedIp = dnsResolve(host)

我不确定这个错误是什么。我也查看了 Open web start 日志。我在 itnernet 世界中进行了广泛的搜索,但我几乎没有因为这个错误而得到任何点击。

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java - RCP Client using ECF JaxRS (Jersey) starts on OpenWebstart but not original/Oracle Webstart (Java 8)

We are using e4 and Java (to run) and AdoptOpenJDK 11 for builds with Eclipse IDE for RCP and RAP Developers Version: 2020-12 (4.18.0).

We intend to use this library https://github.com/ECF/JaxRSProviders/ in our newly to be developed RichClientPlatform Client and were able to integrate it as described at https://www.modumind.com/2020/07/23/eclipse-rcp-and-rest-jax-rs-extensions/ and the later blogposts in the series. We are also able to build the client using tycho, start it, services get discovered and we can consume out backend.

Troubles start when we try to do the same via webstart. So far we have not been able to get our client running via webstart at all. So we took a step back and implemented a minimal client. This also works fine when started on its own but does not work when started as a webstart application (via org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.WebStartMain.main(args);)

To debug the issue we created a workspace that allows to start this from eclipse using the class WebStartWrapper. What we see is that the client starts but the service injection breaks with a ClassCastException. This happens most of the time but not all the time on all machines. We have not been able to debug why it sometimes work but we have been able to debug that WHEN the error happens it is because of different classloader being used.



Wenn it works we see org.glassfish.jersey.internal.OsgiRegistry$OsgiServiceFinder$1@7e440207 being called when it doesn't we see org.glassfish.jersey.internal.ServiceFinder$LazyObjectIterator@6929efb4

We have tried various variation of start-levels and autostarted bundles but no dice.

But what we found out is that org.glassfish.jersey.internal.ServiceFinder has this static block:

We saw that everything works when the classloader loaded the class after the OSGI registry was available, but not when the class was loaded before (I could verify this via the logs, every time I got the "Running in an OSGi environment" message it would work). I could solve this by setting a lower startLevel (3) for the org.glassfish.jersey.core.jersey-common bundle.

Unfortunately this only solved our issues when starting the application directly via our WebStartWrapper (from Eclipse), when we try to start the app with JNLP (and the WebStartWrapper) we still get errors

Out of despair we tried to run the application using OpenWebStart and managed to do so with the following osgi.bundles:

There is still one error in the logs but the application starts just fine and does the request correctly. The log showing the error (for good measures but, as I wrote, it does not affect the services getting discovered and requests working)

I used moongoose webserver sharing the webstart_minimal directory as root and setting in minimal.jnlp.

This Minimal client working on OpenWebstart tells me there is nothing inherentely wrong with my jnlp or build process but in the way Oracle Webstart handles things in comparison to how OpenWebstart handles things (classloading perhaps?).

Our Minimal Client can be downloaded at https://drive.evolit.com/seahub/f/7a525e80a98f4318a791/

We also opened an issue at https://github.com/ECF/JaxRSProviders/issues/39 but so far nobody could solve the issue.

If you have any questions, hints or insights getting this Minimal Application to run using Oracle Webstart with JDK 8 let me know.

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java - 如何配置 Jenkins 节点以使用 OpenWebStart 而不是 Java Web Start

我有 Jenkins + Java 11 我知道:JNLP 和 Java Web Start 包括 javaws 工具在 JDK 9 中都已弃用 替代方案是:https ://openwebstart.com 。我安装了它,但是如何配置 Jenkins 节点以使用 openwebstart?