问题标签 [openlink-virtuoso]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
virtuoso - 删除大图后如何缩小 virtuoso.db 文件大小?
我在 Virtuoso SPARQL 7.20.3217 端点的导体中删除了一个大图,但virtuoso.db
即使在重新启动服务器之后,它的大小仍然是 3.6 GB。是否有清理数据库和删除缓存和索引等剩余部分的命令?
sparql - Wikidata Virtuoso SPARQL 端点 - 如何获得超过 100,000 个结果
我需要为项目获取 Wikidata 工件(实例类型、重定向和消歧)。
由于原始的 Wikidata 端点在查询方面有时间限制,所以我遇到了Virtuoso Wikidata 端点。
我遇到的问题是,如果我尝试使用此查询获取例如重定向,它最多只返回 100,000 个结果:
我写信是想问您是否知道获得超过 100,000 个结果的任何方法。我希望能够实现最大数量的可能结果。
获得结果后,我必须有 3 个 Ntriples 格式的文件(或尽可能少的文件)wikidata_intance_types.nt
owl - VOS 支持哪些类型的推理?
VOS DL、EL、QL、RL 支持哪些类型的 OWL 配置文件?是否可以使用或集成标准推理器?(隐士、丸等)
sparql - How to build an N-hop SPARQL (virtuoso) query which returns all paths (1-N hops) starting from a provided topic entity?
I am trying to build a subgraph of freebase based on a given topic entity, as the time taken to query the full freebase is too time consuming.
My first attempt at building a 3-hop subgraph was as follows:
This does not work, as it ignores all paths which are max 1- and 2- Hops away from the topic entity.
The Next attempt I made was as follows:
This did not work either, although I admittedly don't know why or if I am even using the OPTIONAL tag correctly.
Following my failure to build a single SPARQL query, I tried to iteratively query freebase, and build the graph as such. I have tried two things:
I had assumed that doing this would provide me with all paths (1-, 2-, and 3-Hops) stemming from the topic entity.
(2) :
where e0 was initially set to the topic entity. Following which the above query was run for each e1 returned by the initial query. This process was repeated 3 times (3-Hops).
I am still no closer to finding the correct way to build the subgraph and any help would be greatly appreciated.
virtuoso - 可以通过代理到 https 地址的海绵吗?
我正在使用从 github 克隆并在上周五编译的 virtuoso-opensource。该软件将在课程中使用。
大学代理可以解决任何(HTTP 或 HTTPS)要求。
任何包括对 dbpedia 的引用(例如)的查询,总是返回
Virtuoso 22023 错误 RDFXX:不支持通过代理进行 HTTPS 检索
感谢 FDO。
database - OpenLink Virtuoso 与 Virtuoso 通用服务器
我目前倾向于 OpenLink Virtuoso,因为它是开源的。
但是,与 OpenLink Virtuoso(开源)相比,Virtuoso Universal Server(商业)是否具有更多功能,或者它们[非常]相似吗?如果我使用 OpenLink Virtuoso 并且不升级到商业“Virtuoso 通用服务器”,我是否会遗漏一些东西?