问题标签 [office-communicator]

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c# - 是否可以限制 OCS 中的对话持续时间?

我正在尝试开发一个应用程序,它可以在公司内的 2 个随机用户之间开始对话。我们正在使用 OCS 2007 R2。

我正在使用以下代码通过 UCMA 2.0 创建此对话,但我不确定是否有办法将创建的对话持续时间限制为 3 分钟。所以

  1. 有没有办法通过 UCMA 2.0 完成这项任务?
  2. 除了通过在 3 分钟内创建此对话的同一机器人取消对话之外,还有什么其他选择?
  3. 有没有办法在 Office Communicator 中自定义对话屏幕?所以我可以显示一个计数器来显示对话中的剩余持续时间?(如:还剩 20 秒)


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ocs - 如何通过 UCMA 2.0 以编程方式建立视频通话?

我正在尝试使用 UCMA 2.0 建立视频通话。但是,我总是以建立音频通话而告终。

我发现 AudioVideoCall 的 DefaultMediaType 属性的默认值为 MediaType.Audio。


你们知道在使用 UCMA 2.0 和 OCS 2007 R2 的用户之间建立视频通话的正确方法吗?

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hudson - 配置 Hudson 以向 Mircrosoft messenger 发送构建通知

是否可以将 Hudson 配置为使用其即时消息插件向 Microsoft Communicator(或 Microsoft Lync)发送构建通知?如果可能,请告诉我该怎么做?谢谢你。

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asp.net - 从 asp.net 启动 Office Communicator

在我正在构建的 Intranet 上,需要有即时消息传递。客户端已经使用了 Office Communicator 应用程序,所以我想尽可能使用它。

Intranet 将有一个员工目录,我希望每个员工旁边都有一个“呼叫”按钮,它将启动 Communicator 应用程序。我不知道客户端是否有 Communicator Web Access 组件,我们可能根本无法安装它。我应该如何进行这种整合?

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c# - Unable to cast COM object of type 'CommunicatorAPI.MessengerClass' to interface type 'CommunicatorAPI.IMessengerAdvanced'

After following multiple communicatorAPI guides I seem to be stuck. In general it boils down to the inability to cast an messenger object as an interface. Whether it's the messenger obj or the messengerclass obj classes.

Upon attempting to cast the object, I recieve the following exception.

Unable to cast COM object of type 'CommunicatorAPI.MessengerClass' to interface type 'CommunicatorAPI.IMessengerAdvanced'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{DA0635E8-09AF-480C-88B2-AA9FA1D9DB27}' failed due to the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)).

This is an example of the code I am trying to run, stripped down to just what throws the exception.

I have also tried the above code using "Messenger msgr = new Messenger();" With no luck.

Unable to cast COM object of type 'CommunicatorAPI.MessengerClass' to interface type 'CommunicatorAPI.IMessengerAdvanced'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{DA0635E8-09AF-480C-88B2-AA9FA1D9DB27}' failed due to the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)).

I am horribly new to c#, and I have come to a stand still with working with the communicatorAPI. Btw, the references are added. The Embed option is false, and I am stumped. Wonder if anyone has figured out a solution.

Also, I have instantiated the interface with something to effect of: "msgAdv = msgr as IMessengerWndAdvanced;" with no luck. The variable msgAdv is null every time. I have tried the different examples from M$ and to no avail. Moreover, I have read through the "OCSDK.chm" help file that came with the SDK. There isn't a mention of the "Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)" error.


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lync - UCMA 2.0: Resume a Terminated InstantMessagingCall

Say I have a user on OCS who represents my application endpoint, and I try to message them from a web application locally (I built on top of the BasicIMCall sample application), and at some point they close the chat window, how do I resume the InstantMessagingCall? I have looked all over the web for the answer but I can't figure it out. Once the user closes the window, the call state becomes Terminated. How do I recover the call along with its call history and continue or restart the terminated conversation?

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c# - 集成 Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 - 示例?

基本上,我似乎找不到任何好的资源作为示例。我试图从 microsoft.com 下载几个 msi,其中一个包括安装解决方案文件 (.sln),但是当我打开解决方案时,我实际上无法编译应用程序。


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c# - Microsoft Office Communicator SDK 与 Lync SDK

由于 Lync 是 Microsoft Office Communicator 的替代品,这是否意味着如果我编写一个集成 Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 的应用程序,然后我升级到 Lync 2010,我是否必须重写我的应用程序的集成部分?

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c# - 从 C# 打开 Office Communicator 会话

我正在开发一个 WPF 应用程序,我希望打开 sip:Username@company.com 链接。我可以使用以下代码打开 mailto 链接:

虽然,我无法以类似的方式打开 sip: 链接。我想要实现的是与用户打开一个新的聊天会话,就像我在关注 sip: 来自 Outlook 的链接时所做的那样。


编辑:我最终使用了 CommunicatorAPI。Messenger.InstantMessage() 似乎对我有用。更多信息在这里:http: //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb787232.aspx

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java - java的office通信器API

我需要从 java 应用程序(没有 javascript)联系 microsoft office 通信器。我需要获取联系人 ID 并通过通信器 ping 它们。是否有任何罐子可以这样做。提前致谢 。