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oracle-cloud-infrastructure - Bare Metal Cloud - 如何为计算实例设置授权的 ssh 密钥?

我已经使用以下代码成功配置了 Bare Metal Cloud 计算实例:

但是,我无法通过 SSH 连接到通过上面的代码创建的任何实例,因为没有参数launchInstance可以传递我的 SSH 密钥对的公钥。

如何告诉实例允许使用什么 SSH 公钥?我知道这一定是可能的,因为控制台 UI 允许我提供 SSH 公钥作为实例创建的一部分。

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oracle-cloud-infrastructure - x509: 未知权威签署的证书错误

我正在尝试创建简单的 vcn,但出现此错误:

我过去能够创建一个 vcn,但在最近的版本中却没有,我收到了这个错误。我当前的 $HOME/.oci/config 应该没问题,因为我可以使用 oci cli 和 terraform。这是我试图执行的代码。

请注意,我使用 dep 来维护 oci-go-sdk 包的 2.1.0 版本

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oracle-cloud-infrastructure - 带有 InstanceSourceDetails 接口的 LaunchInstance 示例

当请求接口时,我正在寻找具有 SourceDetails 字段的 LaunchInstanceRequest 的实现示例。



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oracle-call-interface - How can I delete a pod via a Oracle Function?

I have a cluster with some deployments / services / etc... inside an OKE, which I usually connect to via kubectl from my pc.

The question is: is it possible to delete a pod inside that cluster from a Oracle Function? What I want to do is build a CI/CD chain, triggering my function via a Gateway to execute my "ci-function", and this part works well.

I'm writing my functions in Go using oci-go-sdk , but here is the problem:

I can obtain the Kubeconfig file of my cluster with:

But this Kubeconfig file contains:

which need oci installed inside the function env, which I am not able to install.

Also, oci-cli used there is opensource, here is the interesting part that generate the token used here: https://github.com/oracle/oci-cli/blob/cf04fa4f08238cb1ee4287f0354603ba92e60647/services/container_engine/src/oci_cli_co… But I wasn't able to recreate this part and use it inside kubeconfig directly.

Someone know any way to do this?

Thanks in advance

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oracle-cloud-infrastructure - 如何在 oci goland sdk 中访问秘密捆绑内容

我正在使用 oci go sdk 来访问 oci 中的秘密。我得到了 SecretBundleResponse 对象,但我想提取 resp.SecretBundleContent 中存在的“内容”字段。该对象上没有可用的 api 来提取它。有什么帮助吗?我正在使用https://docs.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/api/#/en/secretretrieval/20190301/SecretBundle/GetSecretBundle