问题标签 [objective-c-literals]

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objective-c - 类级对象ForKeyedSubscript:




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objective-c - 在 NSDictionary 中存储各种数据类型的新对象

Realm 文档站点上的 Realm 迁移示例显示了一个带有新NSString对象的示例。这个例子很简单,解释得很好。

但是除了 之外的对象NSString呢?为了创建这些其他数据类型的对象,需要如何调整代码片段?

  • NSDate
  • NSData
  • RLMArray
  • NSInteger,int
  • double, float,CGFloat
  • long
  • bool,BOOL
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objective-c - Why are instances created using a 'literal syntax' known as 'literals'?

Something that is bothering me is why the term 'literal' is used to refer to instances of classes like NSString and NSArray. I had only seen the term used in reference to NSString and being naive I thought it had something to do with it 'literally' being a string, that is between quotation markers. Sorry if that sounds pathetic, but that was how I had been thinking about it.

Then today I learned that certain instances of NSArray can also be referred to as literal instances, i.e. an instance of the class created using a 'literal syntax'.

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objective-c - array[index] 和 [array objectAtIndex:index] 有什么区别?

我注意到两者都array[index]可以[array objectAtIndex:index]使用可变数组。有人可以解释它们之间的区别吗?在性能方面,哪一个是最佳实践?

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objective-c - @YES/@NO 和 YES/NO 有什么区别?

@YES在 Objective-c 中/@NOYES/有什么区别NO?每种使用什么类型?

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objective-c - NSMutableDictionary 中的编辑条目失败并出现错误:“无法识别的选择器已发送到实例”


现在我想修改@"Enter Description"我一直在尝试这样做的内容:


*** 由于未捕获的异常“NSInvalidArgumentException”而终止应用程序,原因:“-[__NSDictionaryI setObject:forKey:]: 无法识别的选择器发送到实例


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objective-c - PFObject 如何允许像 NSMutableDictionary 这样的下标?

我正在阅读 Parse 的 iOS 开发人员指南。我很困惑它在哪里显示PFObject使用下标语法分配给键。



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objective-c - Rewrite literal NSArray to compile on gcc for OS X 10.6

I got a suggestion here on SO to write this line:

However my Xcode/gcc is outdated as I'm still using OSX 10.6.

How do I rewrite this line so that it will compile?

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objective-c - 使用枚举时无法使用简写@n 类型语法实例化 NSNumber?


我希望能够像这样实例化一个NSArrayof NSNumbers:

这不是编译。有什么见解吗?我是否必须为[NSNumber numberWithInt:]这些中的每一个选择笨重的人,或者有没有办法解决这个问题?#define(出于多种原因,我考虑并拒绝了陈述)。

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objective-c - 从带有括号的 NSDictionary 中提取值与 objectForKey: 或 valueForKey:



什么是更好的性能明智?像这样写整个消息更好[theDictionary objectForKey:@"key"]还是方便方法就足够了?