问题标签 [object-tag]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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html - 支持 SVG 的浏览器是否会忽略替代图像(当包含在对象标签中时)?

我想在网站中包含的插图在 SVG 格式中比保存为 PNG 的相同插图小 28.1 倍。

不幸的是,我必须迎合不支持 SVG 的浏览器。所以我仍然将PNG作为替代方案,如下所示:

在这种情况下,启用 SVG 的浏览器会忽略 PNG,还是会以某种方式在后台加载?(即我是否节省了整体加载时间?)

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html - 对象标签的数据属性是否应该进行百分比编码?

假设我的 Web 应用程序呈现以下标签:



实际上,我对浏览器插件消费data属性的规范很感兴趣。例如,Adobe Acrobat 插件采用转义和非转义 uri。但是,QWebPluginFactorydata属性视为人类可读的 URI(未转义),这会导致双百分比编码。我想知道这是否是一个错误QWebPluginFactory

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html - 如何在我的网站上播放视频?

我尝试使用 HTML 中的 object 标签从浏览器流式传输视频,但是当我构建项目时,视频没有被播放。这是一段代码:

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flash - 兼容的html标签在html上显示flash?

例如,有多种方法可以在 htmlobjectembed标签上显示 flash(swf 文件)。

我想支持 IE6-9、FireFox3-、Chrome、Safari 和尽可能多的其他浏览器。
(尤其是 IE6-9)



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javascript - 动态注入 tag causes white flash

I'm trying to dynamically insert some HTML/JS/CSS on command. (holding off this code for page loading speed). I found a neat way of doing this, inserting a HTML5 tag pointing at the html- file whic

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asp.net - HTML页面中带有PDF流的目标对象标签

我在 .NET 2.0 asp.net 网站中使用水晶报表从报表创建 PDF。然后我想将报告流式传输到浏览器,我已经知道该怎么做。我不知道该怎么做是针对将保存 PDF 的对象标签。有人知道如何使用 javascript 或任何其他方式在 HTML 中执行此操作吗?


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javascript - Detect or prevent page load from object tag?

I need to detect if a page is loaded from an <object> tag. On most browsers, several javascript iframe detection techniques flag this as an iframe (e.g. window.top === window.self), which is just fine.

The page is loaded via an object tag as such:

Some versions of Internet Explorer 6 are the exception (big surprise). The browser version is not controllable. IE 6.0.2800 does not identify as an iframe, and will pass any expected width & height values along.

EDIT: If there is a way to have the target page break any loads from object tags (at least IE6, but any others would be okay), that would be fine with me.

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html - 如何显示带有对象和嵌入标签的本地视频文件?

所以我的视频文件在 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Videos\Test\intro.wmv 中。我只想在我的网页上本地运行视频。

它必须在 IE8/WinXP 上运行。所以没有HTML5。


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object-tag - DNA提取蟒蛇

现在,我需要找到一种方法,让 Python 可以找到上述代码的密码子位置 5 并提取该序列直到位置 12 ( ATGG* CTTTACCTCGTC *TCACAGGAG)。所以输出应该是这样的:

我如何告诉python在第一个“_”之后获取开始值,在“..”之后获取结束值,以便它可以自动完成?? 谢谢!!!

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javascript - 使用访问本地 VB Dll

Can I access a Local registered Dll like this

 <object classid="clsid:8fa8600b-dd9d-4ec2-a533-2986cb0df433" id="dllId">

from javascript like this:

Can I access a Local registered Dll like this

from javascript like this:

Am trying to do this from a normal HTML page. Is it possible in the above manner?

Kindly suggest.


axis2 - Error parsing WSDL

I'm new in using axis2 and I'trying to generate java classes from a wsdl. Unfotunately I get the following exception : org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.CodeGenerationException: Error parsing WSDL I cannot figure out how to find the problem. I work with axis2-1.6.2 on jdk1.7 and win7. Any hint would be appreciated. Flavio here is my wsdl :