问题标签 [objc-bridging-header]
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ios - 尝试将 Linkedin SDK 集成到我的 Swift 项目中时出错
我正在尝试将 Linkedin SDK 集成到我的 Swift 项目中。我正在使用这个 cocoapod,这是我得到的错误。
目标 'JobRewards' 做 pod 'LinkedinSwift', '~> 1.6.5'
我的 info.plist 源代码:
在构建设置/Objective-C 桥接头上,这是当前路径:
在此先感谢您的帮助,我已经为此苦苦挣扎了 2 天。
ios - 在 Swift 3 的值类型中访问 Objective-C 类别的属性(关联参考)
在我的 Objective-C 类的 .h 文件中,我为 NSIndexPath 创建了一个类别,如下所示:
在那个类的 .m 文件中,我已经实现了:
现在,当我在 Swift 3 中使用 IndexPath 访问 NSIndexPath 的 subRow 属性时,它给了我错误:
它总是将“0”作为“subRow”值返回给我。可能是因为 IndexPath 是值类型而 NSIndexPath 是引用类型。
我已经使用 Objective-C 将 UITableViewDelegate 实现到我的自定义委托并将其实现到 Swift 类,但是在我实现自定义委托方法的 Swift 中,我遇到了这个问题。
我还尝试在我的自定义委托实现(Swift 代码)中使用 NSIndexPath 而不是 IndexPath,但它给了我错误“Type YVViewController 不符合协议,Candidate has non matching-type”。
它在 Swift 2.x 上运行得非常好,但是在迁移到 Swift 3 之后,我遇到了这个问题。
swift - 找不到 CocoaPods 桥接头文件
这里是新开发人员,我目前正在快速构建一个应用程序。我们正在使用 cocoapods,但是在运行 pod install 之后,我们在 Objective-c 桥接头中收到一个错误,指出该文件无法找到,但对于我们桥接头中的所有文件都找不到。例如,我们使用 DateTools。我们 pod 安装它,在我们放置的桥接头中:
#import <DateTools/DateTools.h>
但是,在运行时,它会出错,说'Datetools/Datetools.h' file not found
. 我已经浏览了许多其他类似的帖子(例如this、this或this),但没有一个解决了这个问题。任何帮助将不胜感激!
objective-c - Obj-C 非空函数返回给 Swift 什么?
我有一个目标 c 库,可以使用桥接头在 Swift 中使用。
,但实际上在某些情况下它可以返回 nil。
我原以为调用此方法的 Swift 代码会崩溃,因为“解包 nil 可选值”,但实际上并没有。
swift - Swift 构建太长,可能是因为构建时在每个文件中都包含头文件
. 该文件导入了大约 130 个其他头文件。在Bridging-Header.h
在构建应用程序时,我发现构建一个 swift 文件需要花费太多时间,大约 5-7 秒。假设我的项目包含 500 个 swift 文件,重建大约需要 50 分钟。
tvos - tvOS 部署目标不存在
我正在开发我的第一个 tvo。需要经验丰富的开发人员的建议,因为我在网上看不到很多可用的解决方案。我担心的是我的项目设置,信息选项卡,它说没有找到 macos 或 ios 目标。如何将其更改为 tvos?除此之外,我已经按照http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32489992/how-to-extend-ios-app-to-tvos/40481251?noredirect=1#comment68206928_40481251给出的步骤移植了我的 iOS 应用程序。但是我遇到了一个错误,即找不到“Contentful/Contentful.h”文件
ios - iOS Swift 项目,有 Objective-C 文件,我想将一个 swift 类导入到 Objective-C 文件中
我有一个 Swift 项目,我成功地将一些 Objective C 类文件添加到这个 Swift 项目中,并且能够在项目中使用它,使用桥接头。
现在在这些 Objective C 类中,我想导入一个 Swift 类。我怎样才能做到这一点?
我已经搜索了很多,但还没有找到任何答案。大多数回答的问题是关于如何将 Objective-C 类导入到 Swift 项目中,或者将 Swift 类导入到 Objective-C 项目中。但我的情况不同
ios - iOS Swift 项目,已经导入了 Objective-C 文件,我想在这个 Objective-C 中导入一个 swift 类
我有一个 Swift 项目,我成功地将一些 Objective C 类文件(比如说 ObjectiveClass.h)添加到这个 Swift 项目中,并且能够在项目中使用它,使用桥接头。现在在 ObjectiveClass.h 类中,我想导入 Swift 项目的 Swift 类。我怎样才能做到这一点?
我已经搜索了很多,但还没有找到任何答案。大多数回答的问题是关于如何将 Objective-C 类导入到 Swift 项目中,或者将 Swift 类导入到 Objective-C 项目中。但我的情况不同
ios - iTunes Store app validation error when using pod Google/CloudMessaging
I added GCM as google does in their example swift project: https://github.com/googlesamples/google-services/tree/master/ios/gcm
- Library installed via pod 'Google/CloudMessaging'
- Added
#import <Google/CloudMessaging.h>
in Bridge-Header.h
After uploading build to iTunes I received this email from Apple:
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Private/GGLInstanceID/GGLInstanceID.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Private/GGLInstanceID/../../../GGLInstanceID/Headers/Public/GGLInstanceID.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Private/GGLInstanceID/GGLInstanceIDConfig.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Private/GGLInstanceID/../../../GGLInstanceID/Headers/Public/GGLInstanceIDConfig.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Private/GGLInstanceID/GGLInstanceIDDelegate.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Private/GGLInstanceID/../../../GGLInstanceID/Headers/Public/GGLInstanceIDDelegate.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Private/GGLInstanceID/GGLInstanceIDHeaders.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Private/GGLInstanceID/../../../GGLInstanceID/Headers/Public/GGLInstanceIDHeaders.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/AdMob-Module.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/ModuleHeaders/AdMob-Module.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/Analytics-Module.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/ModuleHeaders/Analytics-Module.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/AppInvite-Module.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/ModuleHeaders/AppInvite-Module.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/CloudMessaging-Module.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/ModuleHeaders/CloudMessaging-Module.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/CloudMessaging.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/GGLCloudMessaging/Public/CloudMessaging.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/Core-Module.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/ModuleHeaders/Core-Module.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/Core.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/GGLCore/Public/Core.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/GGLConfiguration.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/GGLCore/Public/GGLConfiguration.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/GGLContext+CloudMessaging.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/GGLCloudMessaging/Public/GGLContext+CloudMessaging.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/GGLContext.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/GGLCore/Public/GGLContext.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/GGLErrorCode.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/GGLCore/Public/GGLErrorCode.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/GMRConfiguration.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/GGLCore/Public/GMRConfiguration.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/SignIn-Module.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Private/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/ModuleHeaders/SignIn-Module.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Private/GoogleCloudMessaging/GCMConfig.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Private/GoogleCloudMessaging/../../../GoogleCloudMessaging/Headers/Public/GCMConfig.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Private/GoogleCloudMessaging/GCMPubSub.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Private/GoogleCloudMessaging/../../../GoogleCloudMessaging/Headers/Public/GCMPubSub.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Private/GoogleCloudMessaging/GCMReceiverDelegate.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Private/GoogleCloudMessaging/../../../GoogleCloudMessaging/Headers/Public/GCMReceiverDelegate.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Private/GoogleCloudMessaging/GCMService.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Private/GoogleCloudMessaging/../../../GoogleCloudMessaging/Headers/Public/GCMService.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Private/GoogleCloudMessaging/GoogleCloudMessaging.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Private/GoogleCloudMessaging/../../../GoogleCloudMessaging/Headers/Public/GoogleCloudMessaging.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Public/GGLInstanceID/GGLInstanceID.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Public/GGLInstanceID/../../../GGLInstanceID/Headers/Public/GGLInstanceID.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Public/GGLInstanceID/GGLInstanceIDConfig.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Public/GGLInstanceID/../../../GGLInstanceID/Headers/Public/GGLInstanceIDConfig.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Public/GGLInstanceID/GGLInstanceIDDelegate.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Public/GGLInstanceID/../../../GGLInstanceID/Headers/Public/GGLInstanceIDDelegate.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Public/GGLInstanceID/GGLInstanceIDHeaders.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Public/GGLInstanceID/../../../GGLInstanceID/Headers/Public/GGLInstanceIDHeaders.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/AdMob-Module.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/ModuleHeaders/AdMob-Module.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/Analytics-Module.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/ModuleHeaders/Analytics-Module.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/AppInvite-Module.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/ModuleHeaders/AppInvite-Module.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/CloudMessaging-Module.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/ModuleHeaders/CloudMessaging-Module.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/CloudMessaging.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/GGLCloudMessaging/Public/CloudMessaging.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/Core-Module.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/ModuleHeaders/Core-Module.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/Core.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/GGLCore/Public/Core.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/GGLConfiguration.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/GGLCore/Public/GGLConfiguration.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/GGLContext+CloudMessaging.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/GGLCloudMessaging/Public/GGLContext+CloudMessaging.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/GGLContext.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/GGLCore/Public/GGLContext.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/GGLErrorCode.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/GGLCore/Public/GGLErrorCode.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/GMRConfiguration.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/GGLCore/Public/GMRConfiguration.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/SignIn-Module.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Public/Google/Google/../../../../Google/Headers/ModuleHeaders/SignIn-Module.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Public/GoogleCloudMessaging/GCMConfig.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Public/GoogleCloudMessaging/../../../GoogleCloudMessaging/Headers/Public/GCMConfig.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Public/GoogleCloudMessaging/GCMPubSub.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Public/GoogleCloudMessaging/../../../GoogleCloudMessaging/Headers/Public/GCMPubSub.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Public/GoogleCloudMessaging/GCMReceiverDelegate.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Public/GoogleCloudMessaging/../../../GoogleCloudMessaging/Headers/Public/GCMReceiverDelegate.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Public/GoogleCloudMessaging/GCMService.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Public/GoogleCloudMessaging/../../../GoogleCloudMessaging/Headers/Public/GCMService.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link 'Headers/Public/GoogleCloudMessaging/GoogleCloudMessaging.h' which resolves to a location 'Headers/Public/GoogleCloudMessaging/../../../GoogleCloudMessaging/Headers/Public/GoogleCloudMessaging.h' that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks.