问题标签 [nsusernotificationcenter]

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applescript - AppleScripting an app to change background of Notification Center in OSX 10.8

here's my code:

What do I need to change to make it work? It should let you choose a folder, if in that folder there's a file called linen.tiff then copy that file to a set path:

replacing the one that already exist...

In troubles setting the path and making it work

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cocoa - removeDeliveredNotification:没有

我的 Mac 应用程序中有一些代码执行长时间运行的导出操作。在导出结束时,它会创建一个用户通知,让用户知道它已完成:



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objective-c - Cocoa / NSUserNotificationCenter 获取所有 NSUserNotification 通知


  • 我也无法确定通过 发送的任何内容NSDistributedNotificationCenter
  • 我也找不到像NSUserNotificationDeliveredMask[dummy name] 这样可以注册全局的掩码[NSEvent addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask]
  • 默认用户通知中心对象似乎也没有合适的观察者。

The[NSUserNotificationCenter defaultCenter]及其委托仅在我自己的应用程序发送通知时通知我。

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nsusernotification - NSUserNotificationCenter not showing notifications

I'm not sure if I got something wrong but from the examples I could find. I wrote that little helloworld.

I compile it with:

It compiles and I can execute it but it won't show anything. For some reasons, nothing gets presented. I read that Notifications may not get displayed if the application is the main actor. How can I make it show Notification?

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python - NSUserNotificationCenter.defaultUserNotificationCenter() 在 python 中返回 None

我正在尝试通过 python 连接到 Mountain Lion 通知中心。我已经安装了 pyobjc 并按照此处此处的说明进行操作。另请参阅:使用 PyObjC 处理 Mountain Lion 的通知中心



AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'scheduleNotification_'

我不明白为什么NSUserNotificationCenter.defaultUserNotificationCenter()要返回 NoneType 对象。我无法在互联网或 SO 上查询有关此事的任何内容。

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mono - NSUserNotificationCenterDelegate 方法不只在一台机器上调用

我正在尝试使用NSUserNotificationCenter. 我能够成功发送通知。我正在使用ShouldPresentNotification回调NSUserNotificationCenterDelegate来显示通知,即使应用程序在前台运行也是如此。


我已将代码精简为最基本的示例。我所有的机器都运行 10.8.3 和 Mono 2.10.12。在我的 2008 Macbook Pro 和同事的 2012 rMBP 上,一切正常。但是,在我相同的 2012 rMBP 上,如果应用程序在前台,则不会显示通知。事实上,在这台机器上,并且仅在这台机器上,没有NSUserNotificationCenterDelegate调用任何方法。

请注意,通知仍然在这台机器上传递 - 通知有效 - 当应用程序处于前台时它不会呈现(因为从不调用委托方法)。



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objective-c - 有没有办法知道 NSUserNotificationCenter 中有多少个 NSUserNotification?

NSUserNotificationCenter是否有任何非私人方式可以知道Mountain Lion的通知中心 ( ) 中有多少通知?不仅仅是来自我的应用程序的通知,而是来自所有应用程序的通知。

所以,总而言之,我想做的是检索此处显示的通知数量: 在此处输入图像描述


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objective-c - 创建自定义 NSUserNotificationCenter 实例

如何创建新的自定义NSUserNotificationCenter实例?我不是说[NSUserNotificationCenter defaultUserNotificationCenter],我的意思是[NSUserNotificationCenter new](对我来说不起作用)。

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objective-c - How to remove NSUserNotification

I am using NSUserNotificationCenter to display scheduled Notifications. I have notifications of my app in the right side notification panel so whenever I click on the notification it'll launch the app but it won't remove notification from the panel.

  1. When app is not running and I clicked on the notification, applicationDidFinishLaunching is called and it won't remove notification because didActivateNotification delegate is not called.
  2. When application is already running and I clicked on the notification, appShouldHandleReopen is called. And won't call the delegate.

-(void)userNotificationCenter:(id)center didActivateNotification:(id)notification

I checked behavior in all the standard app they will remove notification when user click on the notifications.

I have implemented it as follows:

However this is not working in my case. Please let me know some pointer on it...

Other thing I observed:

  • When I implement NSUserNotificationDelegate into AppDelegate it'll work for 2nd case i.e. (When application is already running and I clicked on the notification) - in this case notification is removed.
  • And for deleting notification for 1st case i.e. (When app is not running and I clicked on the notification, appDidFinishLaunching is called) I wrote following code in appDidFinishLaunching.

    NSUserNotification *userNoti = [[notification userInfo] valueForKey:@"NSApplicationLaunchUserNotificationKey"]; [[NSUserNotificationCenter defaultUserNotificationCenter] removeDeliveredNotification:userNoti];

    • Can anybody let me know whats the reason, why this works in the AppDelegate but not in my above implementation or Am I doing something wrong in first one?
    • Is my AppDelegate implementation fine to handle my both scenarios?

Thanks in Advance.

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python - 如何在 py2app 中包含 NSUserNotificationCenter

我在 mac osx 10.8.5 上的 python 2.7 中制作应用程序我想显示通知次数,因此使用NSUserNotificationCenter. 在 Eclipse 上运行代码时会收到通知。但是,问题是when I made app using py2app, Notifications are not coming。此外,打开控制台和终止的默认错误页面即将到来。请提出一些建议,如何在 py2app 生成的 dist 中包含通知,以便它可以在任何其他机器上工作。我的 setup.py 是


在 eclipse 上,通知按预期发出,但是,导入错误会产生在行中:
