问题标签 [nspasteboard]

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objective-c - 如何将图像从浏览器拖放到 Cocoa 应用程序

我需要将图像从浏览器拖到 mac 应用程序。从 img 标签拖动图像时,它可以正常工作,但是当 img 之间有链接时,它就不起作用了。NSPasteboard 从链接接收 NSURL,而不是从 img 源。拖动反馈显示图像,所以我认为它正在发送图像数据。我从 NSPasteboard 检查了 propertyListForType,它只包含链接 href。

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objective-c - 如何检测粘贴板项目类型


  1. 如果是文件的 URL
  2. 如果是目录的 URL
  3. 如果它是一个简单的字符串


现在我尝试获取数组copyedItems 的第一个对象并尝试调用“types”属性,但我遇到了崩溃!

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objective-c - 偷看 NSPasteboard?


浏览 Xcode 目录(/DeveloperXcode 4 之前的文件夹的内容)并没有找到任何看起来有用的东西。


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objective-c - 如何从所有类的通用粘贴板上读取数据?

目前我正在使用 readObjectsForClasses: 从可可中的通用粘贴板中检索对象列表,只要我只想检索某个类的对象,例如 NSString 或 NSImage 等,它就可以工作。



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objective-c - Is this possible to check back which application paste the NSPasteboardItem on the Pasteboard?

I would like to know how can I get this information? I can keep polling, and checking which application is running, and see the pasteboard count at the same time. But I am afraid this way is not 100% accurate. For example, if the user go to app A, and copy things, in the pasteboard, the pasteboard count increase. But the second poll request did not started yet, and the user switch to to app B, then, the poll start, it may mess up the logic. So, any way suggested to find out the NSPasteboard is from which app? Thanks.

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macos - 无法写入一般粘贴板

我有一个自定义 NSView 可以拖动自定义核心数据对象。我通过调用此方法开始拖动过程​​:







我从 mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)event; 调用这个方法 我的应用程序是沙盒的。有任何想法吗 ?

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objective-c - NSPasteboard unable to read text when RTF data is copied to the pasteboard

I am using the NSPasteboard to read data off it and perform actions with the received data.

Specifically, I am interested in information of the types listed below in order of priority.

  1. File path
  2. Text data
  3. Image data (this is not copying the image file, but actual parts of the image, for e.g. when you open an image in an editor, make a selection and press command+v)

This is what I have in code

Right now, I am simply testing if I am able to get the required data or not. So When I select some files on the Destkop then files contains the selected file URLs. So that works.

Similarly when I select some parts of an image and copy it to the clipboard then imageData contains some data, which I then write to another file and can see that only the selected potion was copied, so that is OK too. Also, I understand that when I copy an image "file" to the clipboard then too imageData will not be nil, but that is ok because topmost priority goes to file URL and that is the case that will do what needs to be done.

The problem that I have run into is with the lines related to reading text from the pasteboard.

The Problem Descriptio:

  1. I copied the URL of this page and both "text" and "text2" contain the string from the pasteboard. So it good here :)

  2. I copy some lines from a .cs code file opened in TextEdit, the clipboard shows that I have "public.utf8-plain-text" and "NSStringPboardType" but "text" and "text2" are both nil;

  3. From the same C#.NET .cs file, I select a single word, without any breaks for eg. "System.Threading", the clipboard shows that I have "public.utf8-plain-text" and "NSStringPboardType" and both "text" and "text2" have the copied text but any thing copied with spaces or lines will not. "myProject.Core.Helpers" will work but "namespace myProject.Core.Helpers" wont.

  4. Similarly, I copy some text from a RTF file, the clipboard shows that I have a lot of RTF related information along with the same old "public.utf8-plain-text" and "NSStringPboardType" types too, but again "text", "text2" and, this time, "rtfText" are all nil.

So, how do I get the text that I need in all cases from the clipboard? I know that RTF data can contain a lot more then text but I am just concerned with getting the text out in a string file.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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objective-c - 使用 NSPasteboard 避免使用大图像

我正在开发一个使用 NSPasteboard 作为媒介的应用程序,以允许用户从其他应用程序中获取图像文件。

有时用户会想要复制一个非常大的图像,这可能会导致主线程非常糟糕,因为粘贴板会阻塞 30MB 文件。



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drag-and-drop - 将 NSDraggingSource 与 NSMatrix 耦合的问题

想象一下这个人口稀少的NSMatrix五个彩色列 (0-4),最近添加的列是橙色的。这些填充有带有 (x,y) 坐标的替代对象(随机数)。“空白”单元格具有替代的 NULL 对象。这有点工作。


我在顶部有四个数据“源”(AD),我想将它们拖到矩阵上。它们标有代表目标行 (0-3) 的数字。 即使我认为我做得对,我也无法让这些拖动NSDragSource


如果我将单元格 B(带有 0,2)拖到列(4,y)的“中心”区域,它的内容将与两个空单元格(第 0 行和第 2 行)合并。如果我拖到列的左侧或右侧区域,我将得到一个前置或附加列——在这种情况下,是一个稀疏列。

如果我将单元格 A(带有 0,1,2,3)拖到任何单元格上,它将创建一个新列。

如果我将单元格 D 拖到 (0,y) 或 (4,y) 列上,它将合并;将其拖动到其他任何地方将创建新的稀疏列。在任何地方使用 C 执行此操作将创建一个新的稀疏列。


我没有太多识别左/中/右区域或合并数据或创建新列的问题——我需要帮助创建正确的NSPasteboard交互和/或NSDragging设置:( 我最终想NSManagedObject在将识别填充哪些行的核心数据,但我从这里开始)。

  1. 我正在尝试制作一个NSStringPboardType附加到四个NSTextFields可拖动的原型。没有骰子。
  2. 我可以从粘贴板上NSMatrix接收字符串(或)。NSFilenamesPboardType那里没问题。



1) 子类化 NSTextField...




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macos - 为什么 -[NSPasteboard readObjectsForClasses:options:] 从拖动中只返回 1 个项目?

我正在向 NSPasteboard 写入一些对象以进行拖动操作beginDraggingSessionWithItems:event:source:

在拖动目的地(在同一个应用程序中),我尝试使用 接收这些项目readObjectsForClasses:options:,但我只收到其中一个。

(请注意,如果您通过@[[NSPasteboardItem class]]了课程,您将获得所有未修改的项目。)

知道为什么会发生这种情况吗?此处提供示例项目(包含大量 NSLogs 以查看项目实际上正在写入粘贴板)。