问题标签 [noscript]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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indexing - 将要

This should be an easy one for someone:

Will the <noscript> element cause the HTML page to serve only the content within the <noscript> tag itself to google crawlers and hide all the rest of my static content causing it so not to be indexed?


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noscript - 如何包装

Let's say, I have HTML code like this:


And I want to add a <noscript> tag there. Which means, if the JavaScript disabled, it will show as a blank page.

And only when JavaScript is disabled, it will show "This is content text".

Please give me some examples to achieve. Thanks.

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integration - 另一个 Firefox 扩展如何在 NoScript 中将站点标记为“受信任”?

我正在寻找将与Web of Trust API集成的扩展程序,以将具有良好声誉的站点自动标记为受信任。

但是,据我了解,没有简单的方法可以与 NoScript 集成。我需要做的是检查一个站点是否在受信任或不受信任的列表中,如果它还没有在受信任列表中,则将其添加到受信任列表中。


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noscript -

There is some important information related to the user that is stored inside TabContainer control of ajaxcontroltoolkit. However, if javascript is not enabled, the tabcontainer just disappears (instead of degrading gracefully). So I decided to have list contents of the tabs myself all in one place one after another but inside the noscript tag. Any problems you see with this?

Any alternate suggestions?

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javascript - 禁用 JavaScript 时如何隐藏部分 HTML?

我试图容纳没有 JavaScript 的用户。(顺便问一下,现在值得付出努力吗?)

在一个 HTML 文件中,我希望它的一部分在脚本打开时执行,另一部分在脚本关闭时执行。

标签让我做前者,<noscript>但如何实现后者?如果脚本关闭,如何标记 HTML 的一部分,以便浏览器不解析它?

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http-redirect - 发出重定向 (HTTP 302) 以在不使用 Java 脚本的情况下作用于 _top 框架

我需要重定向表单帖子上的顶部框架,它应该可以在不考虑 javascript 和所有主要浏览器的情况下工作。

我可以重定向到带有链接及其目标属性集 & 的页面,并要求用户单击该链接。

但想知道我是否可以在 302 响应中做到这一点。

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xml -

Is there any difference in <noscript> block processing for pages served with MIME-type text/html versus those served with MIME-type application/xhtml+xml?

As far as I noticed <noscript> block for text/html pages is not processed at all if JavaScript is disabled in browser. And what happens for application/xhtml+xml pages? I suspect that for such pages the block is still analysed when JavaScript is disabled. But I failed to find any clarification of this issue.

Could someone point me to appropriate W3C standard or provide any other clarification?

PS. Situation of interest is visit counting services wich use <noscript> block to track visitors with disabled JS. If elements (for example, zero-sized images) of <noscript> blocks are downloaded in any case then such services should broke :(

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javascript - 如果禁用 javascript,如何在任何 X/HTML 元素上赋予 css 样式?

我想从外部 css 文件中做到这一点。我在主 css 中有一个 div#abc 但我想仅在禁用 javascript 时为此 div 设置不显示

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javascript - 我们不应该使用

I found some good cons here:

  • The noscript element only detects whether the browser has JavaScript enabled or not. If JavaScript is disabled in the Firewall rather than in the browser then the JavaScript will not run and the content of the noscript element will not be displayed.

  • Many scripts are dependent on a specific feature or features of the language being supported in order for them to be able to run (for example document.getElementById). Where the required features are not supported the JavaScript is unable to run but since JavaScript itself is supported the noscript content will not be displayed.

  • The most useful place to use the noscript element is in the head of the page where it would be able to selectively determine what stylesheet and meta elements get applied to the page as the page is loading rather than having to wait until the page is loaded. Unfortunately the noscript element is only valid within the body of the page and so cannot be used in the head.

  • The noscript element is a block level element and therefore can only be used to display entire blocks of content when JavaScript is disabled. It cannot be used inline.

  • Ideally, web pages should use HTML for the content, CSS for the appearance, and JavaScript for the behavior. Using the noscript element is applying a behavior from within the HTML rather than applying it from JavaScript.

Source: http://javascript.about.com/od/reference/a/noscriptnomore.htm

I very much agree on last point. Is there a way to make and add an external <noscript> file? Should we place <noscript> in the <head>?

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javascript - 在头部添加 noscript 以包装重定向的有效方法

所以我在想一种简单的方法来处理被浏览器禁用的 javascript 如下:



这不是我的首选方法,但它既好又简单,直到可以为没有 javascript 的用户解决更优雅的问题。

