问题标签 [nodemon]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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node.js - Use nodemon or supervisor to reload only the files without restart all the server - WebStorm

I just took a look to this tutorial: How can I run nodemon from within WebStorm?

I'm wondering how reload only the files updated and don't restart the entire server instance. I'm wondering also if it's possible to don't break a debug breakpoint, because for the moment the entire server is restarted and if I'm following instruction step by step using the debogguer, I lost the track.

By the way, there are my ways to use them with webstorm, it's particularly tricky with supervisor. Because it needs to get the app.js and everything as parameters.

Supervisor: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0ByzbHcAxmCyvTGdHOWJSTTYzNWs/edit

Nodemon: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0ByzbHcAxmCyvdVQ3azFhSlV0dEU/edit

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node.js - 使用 Grunt 同时运行 `watch` 和 `nodemon`

我刚刚开始使用 Grunt,并且想在每次修改文件(使用[GitHub page])时运行grunt-contrib-watch [GitHub page]来检查我的 JavaScript ,并同时使用[GitHub page] 运行 [GitHub page ]grunt-contrib-jshint grunt-nodemon grunt-concurrent

据我了解(我显然不了解)我的 Gruntfile 应该:

  1. concurrent默认运行
  2. concurrent运行watch
  3. watchjshint每次修改文件时运行



它看起来concurrent正在运行watch,但是当我修改文件时,它似乎jshint没有运行。我当然没有在终端中得到任何输出(我认为logConcurrentOutput: true这样做)。





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node.js - 同时文件更改后运行一次 grunt-nodemon

这是我的 Gruntfile。我同时运行 nodemon 来运行我的应用程序并观察我的咖啡脚本的变化。

Coffeescript 获取 src 文件并将它们转换为 JS 文件(目前有 3 个,main.coffee、Person.coffee 和 Car.coffee)

我希望我的 Nodemon 在每次这些文件更改时重新启动,以使用最新保存的更改运行它。

问题来了:当只修改了1个 coffee文件时,运行coffee会重新编译所有coffee文件,依次生成3个js文件,依次使nodemon重启3次。这是不可取的,因为我在使用网络请求的应用程序中工作,我不希望它失控。

是否可以让 nodemon 只重启 1 次?

我想连接所有的 JS 文件,但这会弄乱我的 JS 文件的模块化。

我也想过一个接一个地“观看”文件,但如果我达到 50 个文件,那会变得很麻烦。


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nodemon - Nodemon:如何在我的脚本中发送/获取最后更改的文件名


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node.js - 自动重新加载 Koa 服务器


我的理解是nodemon是 Node 世界中的首选解决方案,但由于--harmony标志(Koa 要求)而出现错误:

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node.js - Nodeclipse debugger ignoring breakpoints

I'm using Nodeclipse 0.10 with nodemon, but when I try to debug my script it doesn't stop at any of my breakpoints. I've already seen this and this answer but it hasn't helped.

Occasionally, it will stop on the first line of nodemon, other times it gives me a timeout error from the V8 VM, and sometimes it doesn't do anything at all.

Here's what I've tried so far:

  1. I tried both the "Node application" and the "Node with monitor", neither one works.
  2. Removed nodemon from the preferences page, but then Eclipse just complains it's missing the nodemon path and won't start my script (even if I select "Node application")
  3. Ran node --debug-brk=5858 from the command line and then tried to attach the Eclipse debugger to it
  4. Tried launching the debug from the toolbar button (my personal default) as well as from context menu after right clicking the script file - that just makes it stop on the module.exports line of the script
  5. Ran eclipse --clean

None of it works. As a side note, I did not install Nodeclipse into a new Eclipse environment when I installed it, because it took me a long time to configure my existing one to where I liked it, and I'd rather be able to keep that.

Anyone dealt with this issue before?

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2011 浏览

regex - Nodemon使用正则表达式忽略文件夹

在 Nodemon 忽略文件中,我想有选择地忽略主文件夹中的文件夹。





但是当 client\angularfiles 中的文件更改时,nodemon 会重新启动。

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node.js - 指定 optimist / minimist 命令行选项,无论是通过 Node、Nodemon 还是 Istanbul/Mocha 执行,Node 应用程序都可以使用这些选项


用于 WebDriver 测试的生产和运行:



我想使用 Optimist / Minimist 模块来处理命令行选项,但是,有没有办法以我的应用程序一致处理的方式为所有上述命令提供这些参数?

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node.js - nodemon - 观看原始脚本,而不是当前目录




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javascript - 进程崩溃时,Nodemon 正在丢失控制台输出

我不确定这是否纯粹是 Windows 问题。我没有选择在其他任何地方进行测试。鉴于这个非常简单的代码(Coffeescript):

直接用coffee app.coffee它运行它就可以了,我明白了:

然而跑步nodemon app.coffee给了我这个:

不仅根本没有异常信息,而且后来的日志消息也因为某种原因被吞掉了。在更复杂的情况下,我没有办法真正找到崩溃的原因。我尝试调试,但一切似乎都很好,调用了 console.log/error,但由于某种原因它没有显示。异常被 Coffeescript 捕获并直接发送到 stderr。

我想使用调试实用程序在控制台中的开发过程中获得很好的详细输出,并更容易找到问题。但有了这个麻烦制造者,这是不可能的。一旦发生未捕获的异常,我必须停止 nodemon 并手动运行整个程序以查找错误。解决方案的所有优雅都消失了:(


Windows 7 64 位节点 0.10.26 Nodemon 1.0.15 Coffeescript 1.7.1