问题标签 [node-memwatch]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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javascript - Find Memory Leak on Node.js / Express.js Application

I have an Express.js web app which is constantly breaking because of memory problems:

When I start the service, the memory usage is about 170Mb (reported by htop as RES memory). Then I start throwing request at it, and the memory start rising. I'm using memwatch to try to track the problem in what looks like a memory leak, but a memwatch.HeapDiff() reports something like:

... where I understand that the app is using 221.34mb for the heap; but with htop the memory usage is about 2GB when it breaks.

The question is, if my assumptions are right, what could be using non-heap memory that is still reported by htop as RES memory?

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node.js - memwatch-next 可以在 Production App 中使用吗?


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node.js - 在 Node v14、Windows 10 上安装 memwatch

我正在尝试memwatch使用: Node v14.15.0、 npm6.14.9和 Windows 10 进行安装,但没有运气。


我已按照node-gyp 的说明安装了 Visual Studio 2019 和“Visual C++ 构建工具”



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angular - Track memory SSR Angular memwwatch node-gyp问题

您好我正在尝试使用memwatch来跟踪 Angular SSR 的内存。在 Angular 的新ng new命令上,13.0.0我正在运行我认为在文件node-gyp中使用时会出现的问题。import * as memwatch from '@airbnb/node-memwatch';server.ts

npm run dev:ssr命令(从ng add @nguniversal/express-engine( link ) 生成)使用 memwatch 创建以下错误:

有人知道用@airbnb/node-memwatch包解决 Angular SSR 的方法吗?可能是版本问题node-gyp(此处建议:错误:找不到绑定文件。尝试:#56